L10N/Integration_TSL/1.0/Dialogue/bgAQ7Paintings-08 の変更点


FormID: 030AB467	bgAQ7Paintings	bgZQPaintings1Ulasza	2	I'm not sure when this picture was painted, but it sure is no good sign.	
FormID: 0306E866	bgAQ7Paintings	bgZQPaintings1Mameria	0	One of Rythe Lysander's more popular works. I can understand why.	
__Rythe Lysanderの有名な絵の一つだよね。有名なのもうなづけるよ。
FormID: 0306E866	bgAQ7Paintings	bgZQPaintings1Mameria	1	And I was tempted to make similar pictures of our local guild members. Karashivuel probably would have ripped me to shreds for suggesting it.	
FormID: 031101B2	bgAQ7Paintings	bgZQPaintings1Mameria	0	Adorable. Arousing. I could imagine spending a night or two with her.	
FormID: 031101B2	bgAQ7Paintings	bgZQPaintings1Mameria	1	Together with you, of course.	
FormID: 0306E868	bgAQ7Paintings	bgZQPaintings1MonaXivilisa	0	I'm sorry, but I haven't seen a finished version of this picture. Neither an unfinished. Isn't she some Xivilai living near Kvatch?	
FormID: 0306E868	bgAQ7Paintings	bgZQPaintings1MonaXivilisa	1	Not my cup of tea.	
FormID: 0306E868	bgAQ7Paintings	bgZQPaintings1MonaXivilisa	2	Although it's good to know that she spends her time painting. Better than spending her time bringing death and destruction over Cyrodiil. Painting is good. It calms your nerves.	
FormID: 031101B4	bgAQ7Paintings	bgZQPaintings1MonaXivilisa	0	I don't recall seeing her in Shade Perilous. Don't know if she was there or not. Now though she's living out her passionate side, not her destructive one. A better idea. At least she doesn't cause any harm anymore.	
__Shade Perilousで彼女の姿を見かけた事はありませんね。ですから、彼女が当時あの場にいたかどうかは私には分かりません。今の彼女は暴力に訴えかけるようなこともなく、良い意味で生来の情熱を生かした暮らしをしていますね。今後、彼女が災いをもたらす事はないでしょう。
FormID: 0306E867	bgAQ7Paintings	bgZQPaintings1Merendin	0	Home sweet home.	
FormID: 0306E867	bgAQ7Paintings	bgZQPaintings1Merendin	1	People don't know what to expect when they travel to Merendin, and are not using our Guild Guide, or send letters.	
__Merendinがどういう場所なのかという事は、あまり世間に知られていないよね。Guild Guideを使う人もあまりいないし、手紙を送ってくれる人もいない。
FormID: 0306E867	bgAQ7Paintings	bgZQPaintings1Merendin	2	That's why I painted our guild hall. Therefore they know how it looks like, before they have to see it in reality. And are unlikely to enter a wrong ruin.	
FormID: 0306E867	bgAQ7Paintings	bgZQPaintings1Merendin	3	One of my best ideas, don't you think?	
FormID: 031101B3	bgAQ7Paintings	bgZQPaintings1Merendin	0	Don't remind me. I'm glad that I'm not there.	
FormID: 031101B3	bgAQ7Paintings	bgZQPaintings1Merendin	1	A cheap trick to get people to know Merendin, making it easier to find the right ruin. Once a mob is after them, the existence of this painting will come around and bite them, though.	
FormID: 0306E86A	bgAQ7Paintings	bgZQPaintings1Shivering	0	Our former home. [QUOTE]Our[QUOTE] is Tesserayiel, Zerreshju and myself. Karashivuel never had much to do with it.	
FormID: 0306E86A	bgAQ7Paintings	bgZQPaintings1Shivering	1	When people hear of an Oblivion realm they think of hell, of Mehrunes Dagon's Deadlands. Not all are like this.	
__Oblivionと聞いて人々が真っ先に想像するのはMehrunes DagonのDeadlandsみたいな地獄絵図の光景ばかりだけど、実際はそうじゃないんだよ。
FormID: 0306E86A	bgAQ7Paintings	bgZQPaintings1Shivering	2	Some are much more friendly and familiar to mortals. This is what my picture tries to show.	
FormID: 031101BB	bgAQ7Paintings	bgZQPaintings1Shivering	0	I was there, once, a long, long time ago. I can hardly remember why. Some kind of diplomatic mission for Nocturnal. Or was it a bet? I don't know anymore. Not a place I wish to visit again.	
FormID: 031101BB	bgAQ7Paintings	bgZQPaintings1Shivering	1	It's a realm in which everything is just slightly odd. Not really how it should be. Enough to tick you off, without exactly knowing why. I remember it made me feel uneasy.	
FormID: 0306E870	bgAQ7Paintings	bgZQPaintings1VeleryaICSeducer	0	Not my picture.	
FormID: 0306E870	bgAQ7Paintings	bgZQPaintings1VeleryaICSeducer	1	All editions I saw were too small to make out details. Her robe is beautiful, that  is certain.	
FormID: 0306E870	bgAQ7Paintings	bgZQPaintings1VeleryaICSeducer	2	Something of her is familiar. If only I could pin it down.	
FormID: 031101C6	bgAQ7Paintings	bgZQPaintings1VeleryaICSeducer	0	I don't get it. I seriously don't get it.	
FormID: 031101C6	bgAQ7Paintings	bgZQPaintings1VeleryaICSeducer	1	Why was she able to run around mortal cities just by virtue of banging their rulers, while I was driven away after I helped to stop a freaking invasion of Mehrunes Dagon!	
__私はMehrunes Dagonの激しい侵略を食い止める手助けをしたのにも関わらず、後に人々から追い立てられるようになりました。一方、彼女は単に支配者層のお気に入りであるという理由だけで人間達の住む街の中を大手を振って歩くことが出来ました。本当に納得出来ません!
FormID: 031101C6	bgAQ7Paintings	bgZQPaintings1VeleryaICSeducer	2	Today tables have turned. Finally.	
FormID: 0306E85D	bgAQ7Paintings	bgZQPaintings0None	0	Alright.	
FormID: 0306E879	bgAQ7Paintings	bgZQPaintings0None	0	As you wish.	
FormID: 030AB464	bgAQ7Paintings	bgZQPaintings0None	0	Good.	
FormID: 031101A2	bgAQ7Paintings	bgZQPaintings0None	0	Alright. I'm always glad when we talk a bit.	
FormID: 0306E858	bgAQ7Paintings	bgZQPaintings0More	0	Very likely true. Say what: If you like, I'll paint some for here, to make the place more homey. What do you say?	
FormID: 0306E85B	bgAQ7Paintings	bgZQPaintings0More1	0	Alright, I'll do my best. Could take a while, though.	
FormID: 0306E85C	bgAQ7Paintings	bgZQPaintings0More2	0	More time to work on other projects, then.	
FormID: 030AB463	bgAQ7Paintings	bgZQPaintings1TeshPinUp	0	I merely colored this painting. Kind of. I've found a draft of it in a forgotten cellar in the Imperial City. It's from one of her former visits to Mundus.	
__この絵について言えば、私は着色をしただけだね。この絵の下描きはImperial Cityの地下で見つけたんだ。以前彼女がMundusにやって来た時の様子が描かれていたんだよね。
FormID: 030AB463	bgAQ7Paintings	bgZQPaintings1TeshPinUp	1	I don't know what she did in this world back then. Nor who painted it. Mortal lifes are so short, and easily forgotten. Especially if they cross paths with a Daedra Seducer.	
__当時の彼女がこの世界にやって来て何をしていたのかは知らないし、この絵の元々の作者が誰なのかも知らないよ。定命さん達の一生はあまりにも短いから、すぐに忘却の彼方さ。Daedra Seducerに遭遇した人間の末路なんて特にさ…ね?
FormID: 030AB463	bgAQ7Paintings	bgZQPaintings1TeshPinUp	2	Not that I suggestion Teshekru had anything to do with the original painter's disappearance. I'm just thinking out loud.	
FormID: 031101BD	bgAQ7Paintings	bgZQPaintings1TeshPinUp	0	After the Battlespire incident for a short time I thought I could live in Mundus, all by myself. Prejudices soon resurfaced, and soon the masses that once welcomed me as a hero, drove me away.	
__Battlespire incidentの後、短い期間ではありましたがMundusで一人きりの生活をしていた頃がありました。先入観なんてすぐに覆るものですね。かつては私を英雄視した人々が、今度は私を追い立てるようになったのです。
FormID: 031101BD	bgAQ7Paintings	bgZQPaintings1TeshPinUp	1	This painting was created in the short time I was able to walk freely around the Imperial City. That's the only reason which can justify the Stranded Light. One Daedroth alone can't end those superstitions!	
__あの絵はまだ私が大手を振ってImperial Cityを歩けた頃に描かれたものです。ほんの短い期間だけ許された自由でしたけれどね。たったひとりのDaedrothの力では人々の迷信を払う事など不可能です。私がStranded Lightを支持するのはそういった迷信をなくす為であり、それが唯一の理由だと言っても良いくらいです。
FormID: 030AB461	bgAQ7Paintings	bgZQPaintings1KaraBra	0	It's an image of her like she appeared in her wild days. I only took some artistic freedom and covered up her naughty bits. Unlike Dremora most Xivilai prefer to only wear their kilts and collars.	
FormID: 030AB461	bgAQ7Paintings	bgZQPaintings1KaraBra	1	Of course I couldn't paint her like this. Would have ended badly. So I covered up anything that could cause upstirs. I don't know what you think, but in my humble opinion I succeeded quite nicely.	
FormID: 030AB461	bgAQ7Paintings	bgZQPaintings1KaraBra	2	Now the picture can show people how a Xivilai look in it's natural habitat, so to speak. Although Kara has left it ages ago. More a work of memory.	
FormID: 031101AC	bgAQ7Paintings	bgZQPaintings1KaraBra	0	Oh. Great idea. Scaring people with pictures of a half naked Xivilai running around with flaming swords, ready to shred people to pieces.	
FormID: 031101AC	bgAQ7Paintings	bgZQPaintings1KaraBra	1	A fitting depiction. Especially with the Oblivion crisis and all that.	
__Oblivion Crisisの情勢下には似つかわしい絵だと思いますけれどね。
FormID: 030AB465	bgAQ7Paintings	bgZQPaintings1KaraBra	0	[QUOTE]Wild[QUOTE]? I was never really wild and feral like some of my kin. It was always possible to talk with me. Well, kind of. At least it was possible to shout to me while I sliced something or someone into pieces.	
FormID: 030AB465	bgAQ7Paintings	bgZQPaintings1KaraBra	1	Oh well. The painting reminds me of my old home, which I've left so long ago. Before I've donned this robe. I wish I could only wear my kilt around here, but that would scare customers away.	
FormID: 030AB465	bgAQ7Paintings	bgZQPaintings1KaraBra	2	Or attract the wrong kind of customers.	
FormID: 030AB460	bgAQ7Paintings	bgZQPaintings1Dwemer	0	I am not exactly sure where this comes from. I didn't paint it. Looks to me like someone combined elements of dwemer technology with a face. Reason? Artistic freedom, I guess.	
FormID: 031101A7	bgAQ7Paintings	bgZQPaintings1Dwemer	0	Look closer. It shows a Golden Saint, that was trapped by Dwemer. Their race has long since faded into history. For the better, I think. They always tried to achieve godhood, while being atheistic themselves, and then annihilated themselves.	
__よく近づいて見てみて下さい。あの絵はDwemerに捕らえられたGolden Saintを描いたものなんですよ。Dwemer達は歴史から消えて久しいですが、消えてくれて良かったと私は思います。彼らはいつも恐れ多くも神の真似事ばかり試みていて、結果自滅したのです。

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