L10N/Integration_TSL/1.0/Dialogue/bgAQ7Paintings-05 の変更点


FormID: 03077E66	bgAQ7Paintings	bgAQ7PSpecZerrDrama	1	Maybe we invite you, too. I'm still undecided.	
FormID: 03077E67	bgAQ7Paintings	bgAQ7PSpecZerrDrama	0	It was an interesting idea, me together with another Mazken. Came out quite nicely, don't you think?	
FormID: 03077E69	bgAQ7Paintings	bgAQ7PSpecZerrDrama	0	I wish someone would paint a picture with me like this.	
FormID: 03077E69	bgAQ7Paintings	bgAQ7PSpecZerrDrama	1	Back in my former home, I was quite... accepted, although everyone thought I was a Dunmer. In a few years I could have achieved even more than just a painting, a shallow memory.	
FormID: 03077E69	bgAQ7Paintings	bgAQ7PSpecZerrDrama	2	Didn't work out.	
FormID: 0306E82A	bgAQ7Paintings	bgAQ7PSpecZerrRobe	0	Pff. Puny woman in robe. Useless!	
FormID: 0306E82B	bgAQ7Paintings	bgAQ7PSpecZerrRobe	0	A Mazken? What's that?	
FormID: 0306E82B	bgAQ7Paintings	bgAQ7PSpecZerrRobe	1	She looks like a Dark Elf to me!	
__私にはただのDark Elfにしか見えません!
FormID: 030C3AC8	bgAQ7Paintings	bgAQ7PSpecZerrRobe	0	It's been half an eternity since I last saw her. Didn't have a house for me back then, so I looked around for myself.	
FormID: 030C3AC8	bgAQ7Paintings	bgAQ7PSpecZerrRobe	1	Still, it was nice to feel accepted in this realm. She helped me to get adjusted to it, and to the mortals around.	
FormID: 0306E811	bgAQ7Paintings	bgAQ7PSpecLesh	0	That's the picture I'm working on. It's me!	
FormID: 0306E812	bgAQ7Paintings	bgAQ7PSpecLesh	0	My wife paints herself, the most beautiful Xivilai there is in this world.	
FormID: 0306E812	bgAQ7Paintings	bgAQ7PSpecLesh	1	If only she could show Cyrodiil how she really is.	
FormID: 0306E874	bgAQ7Paintings	bgZQPaintings1TessArmor	0	I must confess I didn't paint them. They're far older than the Stranded Light, made after Tesserayiel fought against Mehrunes Dagons army a couple of centuries ago.	
__正直に言うと、この絵を描いたのは私じゃない。Stranded Lightが結成されるずっと前、数世紀前にTesserayielがMehrunes Dagonの軍勢と交戦した後に描かれたものだよ。
FormID: 0306E874	bgAQ7Paintings	bgZQPaintings1TessArmor	1	After my experiences in painting her I fear this is the only picture she really likes.	
FormID: 031101C0	bgAQ7Paintings	bgZQPaintings1TessArmor	0	You don't see Tesserayiel without armor that often. At least on this painting she's not wearing her standard Golden Saint one. I'm sure I've seen it in the Fringe centuries ago. It's an old painting, that is for sure.	
__Tesserayielはほとんどいつも鎧を着ていますが、この絵の彼女が来ている鎧はいつもの標準的なGolden Saint用鎧とは違っていますね。あの鎧は何世紀も前にFringeで見かけた事があります。
FormID: 031101C0	bgAQ7Paintings	bgZQPaintings1TessArmor	1	I don't know it's history, why it was made, or why Tesserayiel didn't wear her usual apparel. What I'm sure of is that I don't want to know all this, either way.	
FormID: 0306E87A	bgAQ7Paintings	bgZQPaintings1TessArmor	0	It's been painted a long time ago, not by Kanaane.	
FormID: 0306E87A	bgAQ7Paintings	bgZQPaintings1TessArmor	1	I had to wear that armor back then, simply because I was pretending to be an Altmer warrior. Donning my usual Golden Saint armor would have been too risky.	
__当時、私は身元がばれるリスクを回避するためAltmerに見えるよういつものGolden Saint armorとは違う鎧を着込む必要があったのね。
FormID: 0306E87A	bgAQ7Paintings	bgZQPaintings1TessArmor	2	As I always like to say: Mortals see what they wish to see. We Aureal and Mazken can slip undetected through mortal society, if we must. And it was for a just cause back then.	
FormID: 0306E864	bgAQ7Paintings	bgZQPaintings1KenerielLie	0	I've met her once in Morrowind. She's quite active in bringing people down the golden road.	
__彼女とは一度Morrowindで会った事があるよ。当時から凄く精力的に人々をgolden roadに連れて行ってた。
FormID: 0306E864	bgAQ7Paintings	bgZQPaintings1KenerielLie	1	Unlike most Aureal and Mazken she's no friend of fighting, but like all others of us she can defend herself if challenged.	
FormID: 0306E864	bgAQ7Paintings	bgZQPaintings1KenerielLie	2	I once looked up to her. I was getting tired of warfare a long time ago, and she's one of the first servants of Sheogorath who found a way outside of our usual ways.	
FormID: 0306E864	bgAQ7Paintings	bgZQPaintings1KenerielLie	3	But I was unable, and unfit, to follow in her footsteps. So I had to find my own way.	
FormID: 031101AE	bgAQ7Paintings	bgZQPaintings1KenerielLie	0	Unlike the Stranded Light's Aureals and Mazken she's true to what she is, not trying to play something different. I never met her, and probably never will, I only heard Kanaane and Tesserayiel speak about her.	
__KanaaneとTesserayielが彼女について話しているのを聞いた限り、彼女は本来の生き方をそのまま変えずに生きているDaedraのようですね。Stranded LightのAurealやMazkenとはその点で違っていると思います。私自身は彼女と会った事はありませんしこれから先も会う事はないと思いますが。
FormID: 031101AE	bgAQ7Paintings	bgZQPaintings1KenerielLie	1	I'm not sure what to think of her. Maybe, just maybe, she really thinks what she does is for the better of her mortal targets. That's something she has in common with the Stranded Light, though.	
__彼女の事をどう思うかと聞かれると、ちょっと返答に困ってしまいますね。思うに彼女は良かれと思って人間を獲物にしているんだろうと思います。そういった点においてはStranded Lightと共通したものを感じます。
FormID: 0306E865	bgAQ7Paintings	bgZQPaintings1KenerielStand	0	Another image of her. She plays with her looks. I've heard her say once that mortal men are much easier to seduce this way. As if the normal Mazken armor is not revealing enough!	
FormID: 0306E865	bgAQ7Paintings	bgZQPaintings1KenerielStand	1	I've got nothing to do with her images, though. She's not part of the Stranded Light, and probably never will be. She serves Lord Sheogorath faithfully, that is the one constant in her life.	
__彼女の絵について言えば、私はノータッチだよ。彼女はStranded Lightの一員じゃないし、これからも決して加入する事はないと思う。彼女が唯一忠誠を誓うのはLord Sheogorathだけ。そこは決して変わらないの。
FormID: 031101AF	bgAQ7Paintings	bgZQPaintings1KenerielStand	0	This painting is fantastic! She looks like being made of chocolate, enjoying a shower under a waterfall. She stirs certain physical reactions that other Mazken like Zerreshju just don't achieve.	
FormID: 031101AF	bgAQ7Paintings	bgZQPaintings1KenerielStand	1	Simply because she is beautiful, and knowing it, not merely wearing scantily clad [QUOTE]armor[QUOTE] like the rest of her kin.	
FormID: 0306E860	bgAQ7Paintings	bgZQPaintings1Fangs	0	You must love to ask me about pictures I didn't paint.	
FormID: 0306E860	bgAQ7Paintings	bgZQPaintings1Fangs	1	An unnatural depiction of vampire fangs. They're too close together, too visible. I am not sure what purpose this picture serves.	
FormID: 031101A8	bgAQ7Paintings	bgZQPaintings1Fangs	0	I prefer my own.	
FormID: 031101A8	bgAQ7Paintings	bgZQPaintings1Fangs	1	And I hope you do, too.	
FormID: 0306E869	bgAQ7Paintings	bgZQPaintings1Sanguine	0	Not one of my pictures. Well. Anyway. If you happen to run across another again, you may want to take a closer look at it. 	
FormID: 0306E869	bgAQ7Paintings	bgZQPaintings1Sanguine	1	See what's around Sanguine. Should tell you something.	
FormID: 031101BA	bgAQ7Paintings	bgZQPaintings1Sanguine	0	Sanguine's realm consists of innumerable [QUOTE]pleasure pockets[QUOTE], of which each one is unique, just devoted to some kind of debauchery.	
__Sanguineの領域には数えきれないほどの[QUOTE]pleasure pockets(娯楽の殿堂)[QUOTE]があります。それらはどれ一つとして同じものはなく、どれもが共通して娯楽のためだけに作られています。
FormID: 031101BA	bgAQ7Paintings	bgZQPaintings1Sanguine	1	Let's just say a lot of Daedra Seducer are happy to be in command of one of those pockets. I was never one of them, and I don't regret to have chosen Nocturnal instead.	
__多くのDaedra Seducerはそういった場所の管理を任されて幸せに感じるのでしょうね。私はそういう類のDaedraではないし、Nocturnal様にお仕え出来た事について何一つ後悔はしていませんが。
FormID: 0306E85E	bgAQ7Paintings	bgZQPaintings1BloodyMary	0	This is no picture of mine, but I've seen it once or twice already. 	
FormID: 0306E85E	bgAQ7Paintings	bgZQPaintings1BloodyMary	1	It is dangerous. A Daedra Seducer, giving into her most primal urges. Painted in a way to draw more careless men to her. Do not let yourself be fooled by it.	
__これは危険なDaedra Seducerだね。衝動に駆られて彼女に屈してしまうのは本当に危険。こういう絵はだらしない男を彼女に引き寄せてしまうよ。あなたはくれぐれも惑わされないようにね。
FormID: 031101A5	bgAQ7Paintings	bgZQPaintings1BloodyMary	0	That is Turumerin. A Daedra Seducer you don't want to get intimate with. Trust me.	
__あの絵のモデルはTrumerinです。関わり合いになるべきでないDaedra Seducerですよ。本当です。
FormID: 031101A5	bgAQ7Paintings	bgZQPaintings1BloodyMary	1	Do not be fooled by her [QUOTE]tavern[QUOTE], it's more lika a Venus Fly Trap for humanoids. Stay there, and be eaten.	
FormID: 0306E85F	bgAQ7Paintings	bgZQPaintings1DaedricFace	0	Again none of my pictures. It's a drawing of Sanguine, Prince of debauchery, passion, hedonistic revelry. Cheerful and bloody.	
FormID: 0306E85F	bgAQ7Paintings	bgZQPaintings1DaedricFace	1	Be careful. Servants of Sanguine can give you the ride of your life, but there's a good chance that it will be your last ride, too.	
FormID: 031101A6	bgAQ7Paintings	bgZQPaintings1DaedricFace	0	That's Sanguine, Prince of debauchery, passion, hedonistic revelry. His name means both cheerful and bloody. One of the favorite princes of my kind, as I have to confess. Though I have chosen Nocturnal instead.	
FormID: 031101A6	bgAQ7Paintings	bgZQPaintings1DaedricFace	1	Surprised that it's Sanguine, and not Mephala? Mephala may be associated with death and sex, though in a cold, passionless way. Like it is for spiders, for which it is a logical thing to eat their mates. Helps to produce eggs.	
FormID: 031101A6	bgAQ7Paintings	bgZQPaintings1DaedricFace	2	For most of my kind, while a lot of us like to divulge in darker activities, it's about the passion, not the manipulation and intrigues. That's why Sanguine, and not Mephala. I don't like either.	
FormID: 0306E875	bgAQ7Paintings	bgZQPaintings1TessEmbarassed	0	I don't know what drove me to suggest it. And I certainly don't know why I argued for two days with her just to get her into the clothes.	

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