L10N/Integration_TSL/1.0/Books/zbgSKLxAlchemy5 の変更点


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<font face=1>A Treatise on Proper Calcinator Use<br>
<IMG src="Book/fancy_font/a_70x61.dds" width=70 height=61>rgonian alchemists of the Black Marsh have long held that the phases of the moon dictate the precise positioning of the Calcinator. During the full moon, the Calcinator should face due South, aligned with the Southron pole star. It is well known that the Southron pole star is slightly offset from true south. The diligent Alchemist will refer to star charts for the specific day and time to more precisely align the Calcinator.<br>
For each night of the phases of the moon after full, the Calcinator should be rotated clockwise one twenty-eighth of a circle. If the Alchemist is closer to the Southron pole star than the Northern Sisters, he should rotate it counter-clockwise instead. Set the device where the moonlight is shining on half of it. Of course, if it is a new moon, the Calcinator should be fully exposed instead.<br>
Proper alignment of the Calcinator will create one part in forty-seven more purity of the distillate. Obviously this is a highly desired attribute, even though the effect may not be that noticable.


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<font face=1>A_Treatise_on_Proper_Calcinator_Use<br>
<IMG src="Book/fancy_font/a_70x61.dds" width=70 height=61>rgonianのBlack_Marshに居るalchemist(錬金術師)は長い間、月齢によってCalcinator(焼炉)を置く位置を厳格に決めていた。満月の時は、Southron_pole_starを基準として真南に面するように配置した。よく知られている事だが、Southron_pole_starは真の南から少しずれている。勤勉なAlchemistはその日と時間の星図を参考にし、更に正確にCalcinatorを配置するであろう。<br>

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