L10N/Integration_TSL/1.0/Books/ibgSLZerreshju の変更点


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<FONT face=2><div align="center">
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Stranded Light Courier</div>

<DIV align="left"><FONT face="1">Preface: The Stranded Light, as a new guild in Cyrodiil, is not well known. Who are the people behind the guild? Names like Traven, Vilena Donton, or even the Gray Fox, are familiar to everyone. Raminus Polus or Modryn Oreyn are also names most simply know.</p>

Those folks behind the Stranded Light? Not so much. Therefore they've been given the chance to be introduced to the public!</font> 

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<IMG src="Icons/bgIntegration/TSLZerreshju.DDS" width=256 height=256> 
<FONT face="2">Zerreshju</DIV>

<DIV align="left"><FONT face=1>One of the four "founding members" of the Stranded Light, Zerreshju, is often overlooked. She's neither as popular as Tesserayiel or the Hero of Kvatch, nor as exotic as Karashivuel. A shame. That's why I took the chance to speak with her, let her talk a bit about herself and her work.<br>

<font face=2>Question: <font face=1>Where were you before you moved to Merendin? I've heard from those that already visited Merendin that they think you came from Morrowind. Is this true?<br>
<font face=2>Answer: <font face=1>Not really, but my history is quite complicated. I've visited Morrowind a few times, but I wasn't born there. Directly before I came to Merendin I served as an ambassador in a country far away. Unfortunately a ship I was travelling with sank, and, well. I was rescued from sea, but landed on Tamriel then. For a long time I didn't know what to do, until I met Tesserayiel.<p>

<font face=2>Question: <font face=1>Well, that explains your exotic armor you mostly wear. What do you do in the guild?<br>
<font face=2>Answer: <font face=1>Micromanaging, so to speak. I'll coordinate tasks, organize supply lines, help with public relations, read letters, these kind of things. If you write to the Stranded Light without specifying someone, it's usually me who reads your letter. If you're asking for help, it's often me who sees how we can help you. Additionally I help Kanaane with her painting endeavours.<p>

<font face=2>Question: <font face=1>What's your daily bread, so to speak? What's most often requested from the Stranded Light?<br>
<font face=2>Answer: <font face=1>Healing. While citizen living in, as the name suggests, cities, can usually go to the nearest chapel when ill, people in the country don't have this luxury. And the Imperial Cult hides in their chapels and city walls. We're the ones bringing cures for diseases, poisons, or simply healing for broken bones and various wounds. Of course we don't have to send the Hero of Kvatch to cure a flu, but we've got a few freelancing healers taking care of the ill and poor. Another difference between us and the Imperial Cult: We don't have fixed prices. If someone needs help, we'll make sure help is given and available.<p>

<font face=2>Question: <font face=1>Then how do you keep the show running? Doesn't this bring you closer to ruin each day?<br>
<font face=2>Answer: <font face=1>We're not working to get rich. Currently everything pays for itself. That's all we need. An advantage of living in a once forsaken Ayleid ruin is that you don't have to pay rental fees.<p>

<font face=2>Question: <font face=1>Thanks for your time! Any last words for our readers?<br>
<font face=2>Answer: <font face=1>Merendin is a sight to behold. After all these millennia rotting in a swamp, it nevertheless became a beautiful place with a fantastic potential. Come to a visit if you like!<p></font>

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