L10N/Integration_TSL/1.0/Books/ibgSLTeshekru の変更点

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<FONT face=2><div align="center">
<IMG src="Icons/bgIntegration/TSLHeader512x256.dds" width=512 height=256> 
Stranded Light Courier</div>

<DIV align="left"><FONT face="1">Preface: The Stranded Light, as a new guild in Cyrodiil, is not well known. Who are the people behind the guild? Names like Traven, Vilena Donton, or even the Gray Fox, are familiar to everyone. Raminus Polus or Modryn Oreyn are also names most simply know.</p>

Those folks behind the Stranded Light? Not so much. Therefore they've been given the chance to be introduced to the public!</font> 

<DIV align="center">
<IMG src="Icons/bgIntegration/TSLTeheskru.DDS" width=256 height=256> 
<FONT face="2">Teshekru</DIV>

<DIV align="left"><FONT face=1>Lately when visiting Merendin you can meet one of the most unique innkeepers on Tamriel. Simply because she surely is not from Tamriel. Or Nirn. Like Karashivuel she's one of the Daedra in the Stranded Light: Teshekru, a red-skinned winged humanoid, identified by scholars from High Rock as a "Daedra Seducer". Time to let her say something about the rumors surrounding her person!<br>
<font face=2>Question: <font face=1>As a daedra, how did you end up in Cyrodiil?<br>
<font face=2>Answer: <font face=1>What mortals usually don't know about the Battlespire incident is that Mehrunes Dagon did not only occupy the Imperial Battlemage's testing grounds, but also a lot of realms standing between his lands and Mundus. My home was part of the land that was invaded by him, and I was cast out. As Mehrunes Dagon was defeated, and Shade Perilous was back under my sisters' control, the realm was already lost to me. I was stranded in Mundus. Then got trapped, spend a few eternities in a soul cage, then was finally freed by the Stranded Light.<p>

<font face=2>Question: <font face=1>And now you're helping them making Merendin an even more desireable place to visit. Was it your idea to become a barkeep?<br>
<font face=2>Answer: <font face=1>Helping them is the wrong way to put it. It's the best alternative there was. And, let's be honest, Merendin needed a place to eat and drink for visitors. Not my idea, though. Karashivuel thought it would be fitting, but while her idea certainly has its advantages, her reasons I can't agree with.<p>

<font face=2>Question: <font face=1>And why's that?<br>
<font face=2>Answer: <font face=1>She tries to draw a connection between me and Sanguine, which isn't the case. Nevertheless that's something which has bugged me for a long time now: While I've got and never had anything to do with Sanguine, I guess he gets a bad reputation by some of his servants. They overblow their desires and make him look more like Mephala than he really is. Sanguine's sphere is debauchery, hedonistic revelry and passion; not outright death and sex like the Webspinner Mephala often uses.<p>

<font face=2>Question: <font face=1>Err, to be honest that's not really what I wanted to know. Nevertheless I'd like to thank you for your time! Any last words?<br>
<font face=2>Answer: <font face=1>Do not judge a book by its cover.<p></font>

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