L10N/Integration_TSL/1.0/Books/ibgSLKarashivuel の変更点


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<FONT face=2><div align="center">
<IMG src="Icons/bgIntegration/TSLHeader512x256.dds" width=512 height=256> 
Stranded Light Courier</div>

<DIV align="left"><FONT face="1">Preface: The Stranded Light, as a new guild in Cyrodiil, is not well known. Who are the people behind the guild? Names like Traven, Vilena Donton, or even the Gray Fox, are familiar to everyone. Raminus Polus or Modryn Oreyn are also names most simply know.</p>

Those folks behind the Stranded Light? Not so much. Therefore they've been given the chance to be introduced to the public!</font> 

<DIV align="center">
<IMG src="Icons/bgIntegration/TSLKara.DDS" width=256 height=256> 
<FONT face="2">Karashivuel</DIV>

<DIV align="left"><FONT face=1>Certainly one of the more exotic sights possible in Tamriel, Karashivuel is clearly of Daedric origins. Nevertheless, despite being a bit grumpy, I was reassured that she's quite harmless. After some consideration I won out over my fears and asked her a few questions.<br>

<font face=2>Question: <font face=1>You are a Daedra, right? Our readers surely want to know what you're doing here!<br>
<font face=2>Answer: <font face=1>For the record, I'm a daedroth. Daedra is plural. One alone can never be a "daedra". That's the difference between "man" and "men". You can be a "man", but you alone can't be a "men". A linguistic detail often overlooked.<p>

<font face=2>Question: <font face=1>This was not really what my question was about. Don't you want to explain your presence here?<br>
<font face=2>Answer: <font face=1>Explain your presence here. You were born somewhere on Tamriel, correct? So that's your reason to be here. As for myself, I got stranded in Mundus. While some people would expect a daedroth to run rampage and cause mayhem, really, it's got no future. This can only get you banished. And unlike those idiots serving Lord Dagon, I've got no place to return to from the Void. As far as I am concerned Mundus, is my new home. You don't destroy your own house, unless you're ax crazy.<p>

<font face=2>Question: <font face=1>Isn't your presence a burden for a new guild? Even if what you tell is true, in our current crisis people are likely to react with fear.<br>
<font face=2>Answer: <font face=1>So what? What's the point? People in Morrowind were resentful, if not full of hate, for outsiders. Guess who got rid of Dagoth Ur? Exactly. I'm no threat to anyone. Except the occassional bandit passing by. Gotta defend my garden.<p>

<font face=2>Question: <font face=1>Tesserayiel mentioned some threats you're dealing with. What's their nature?<br>
<font face=2>Answer: <font face=1>Metaphysical. There are changes in daedric realms that affect Mundus, too. Mehrunes Dagon is not the only problem around. There are simulacra. Jyggalag is rising. Their influence on Mundus is small, and I'll make sure that it doesn't grow.<p>

<font face=2>Question: <font face=1>Could you elaborate those threats?<br>
<font face=2>Answer: <font face=1>No, I can't. Go to the Imperial Library if you're interested in metaphysical knowledge. I've got better things to do than retell what others have already written.<p>

<font face=2>Question: <font face=1>Err. Alright. Any last words for our audience?<br>
<font face=2>Answer: <font face=1>If you come to Merendin and like to talk with me, bring a few strawberries along.<p></font>

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