L10N/Integration_TSL/1.0/Books/ibgSLDoleandra の変更点


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<FONT face=2><div align="center">
<IMG src="Icons/bgIntegration/TSLHeader512x256.dds" width=512 height=256> 
Stranded Light Courier</div>

<DIV align="left"><FONT face="1">Preface: The Stranded Light, as a new guild in Cyrodiil, is not well known. Who are the people behind the guild? Names like Traven, Vilena Donton, or even the Gray Fox, are familiar to everyone. Raminus Polus or Modryn Oreyn are also names most simply know.</p>

Those folks behind the Stranded Light? Not so much. Therefore they've been given the chance to be introduced to the public!</font> </div>

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<IMG src="Icons/bgIntegration/TSLDoleandra.DDS" width=256 height=256> 
<FONT face="2">Do'leandra</DIV>

<DIV align="left"><FONT face=1>Some time after the Suthay Decree was lifted, another face appeared in Merendin. An Ohmes-raht, not widely known in Cyrodiil, but famous in Elsweyr. She once was described as "arm of the law" - or foolish concepts, as more traditional Khajiit speaking only Ta'agra put it. I was glad to meet her in Merendin, and used the opportunity to ask her some questions.<br>

<font face=2>Question: <font face=1>Why did you come to Cyrodiil?<br>
<font face=2>Answer: <font face=1>There are two main reasons. On the one hand, the future of the Empire will be decided here, and it's good to have a closer look at what's going on. The death of Uriel Septim VII was a shock for all of Elsweyr, and Daedra spilling into our worlds another. It's good to be nearby, to know what's happening here.<p>

<font face=2>Question: <font face=1>Yet you went into a guild which is known to be a shelter for some Daedra?<br>
<font face=2>Answer: <font face=1>Yes, seeing Karashivuel for the first time was quite a shock, I confess. Yet they're trying to direct their energy into beneficial goals, which is something to be admired. And, if we choose to listen, we can learn more about Daedra from them. A valuable knowledge, especially in times like these.<p>

<font face=2>Question: <font face=1>What's your other reason to be in Cyrodiil?<br>
<font face=2>Answer: <font face=1>The Renrijra Krin. These so-called "freedom fighters" are nothing else than a bunch of criminal thugs, destabilizing an already shaken Cyrodiil even more. They have to be stopped.<p>

<font face=2>Question: <font face=1>Thank you for your time! Do you want to say something else to our audience?<br>
<font face=2>Answer: <font face=1>Be careful about who you're going to support. It may end up like shooting yourself an arrow in your paw if you choose the Renrijra Krin.<p></font>

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