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Introduction For New Members</div>

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<FONT face="2">Two worlds working together - an explanation!</font> </DIV>

<DIV align="left"><font face=2>For mortal members:</font> One question our new mortal members always like to ask is what are Daedra doing in the Stranded Light. Do they pose a threat? What are their intentions? And their goals? These are, to put it bluntly, the wrong questions. While it is justified to ask them, the perspective is wrong. The Daedra in the Stranded Light aren't servants of any Prince, be it Azura, Nocturnal or Vaermina. They are, for whatever reasons, stranded in Mundus.<br>
Imagine how it is to be lost in an alien world! A world which is, by and large, hostile to you. No safe haven to return to, only a long stay in the Void, a mental hell of which mortal death is only an echo. Most Daedra in this situation will do anything to survive, to not be banished into the Void. The main question is "What can they do?"<br>
That's why the Stranded Light offers them shelter. They're given a purpose, a reason to be. And in exchange they gain a safe place. Their power and skills are channelled into constructive activities. By working as Guild Guides, diplomats, as trader and healers, they're securing a place for themselves - and in return help the citizen of Mundus, and don't pose a threat anymore.<br>

<font face=2>For Daedric members:</font> There is only a single rule, "don't do evil". It's easy to say that you just are, and that you're neither good nor evil. It isn't about what you are, but about what you do. Your actions are judged by mortal standards, and they have a very clear idea about what's acceptable and what's not. Mortals may be on a lower subgradient, therefore having a different worldview. However this is their world; Daedra are guests and should behave as such.<br>
This even extends to how you must react to threats. Your spirit can be rescued from the Void, but when a mortal dies, the soul is lost to the Dreamsleeve. Therefore mortal lives are of the highest value and must not be taken. This rule, however, does not include those mortals that have left the boundaries of mortal society and morals, like Mythic Dawn Assassins or Marauders.<br>

<font face=2>How the Stranded Light came to be:</font> Today it's a thinly veiled secret that the impetus to form the Stranded Light came from three Daedra: Karashivuel, a Xivilai. Zerreshju, a Mazken. And Tesserayiel, a Golden Saint. The rumors, which Tesserayiel met with friendliness and therefore seemed to have proven wrong, were actually correct - she is a Golden Saint, yet she didn't come to the Imperial City to bring ruin and destruction. Far from it.<br>
Around a month prior the three Daedra gathered in the Wrothgarian Mountains. One of them, Karashivuel, had lerned about the Mythic Dawn's attempt to assassinate the Septim lineage. They'd sent warnings, but were ignored. So they made two plans. The first was that each of them would try to stop the Mythic Dawn, but they failed for their own reasons. Karashivuel wasn't able to get near Enman and Ebel Septim, was driven away - however the assassins got close enough. Zerreshju was able to rescue Geldall Septim from the first wave, brought him to a secure place - where he made the mistake and went near a window. A single arrow struck him down. Tesserayiel hadn't expected that Uriel Septim VII would flee through the prison sewers, and as she followed him and had taken out a few assassins, a cave-in blocked her path. Only the fourth founding member, later known as the Hero of Kvatch, was able to save Martin Septim.<br>
Why did they try to do this? This world is precious, and none except Mehrunes Dagon and Alduin World-Eater would want to see it destroyed. And their servants, maybe. Not anyone of the Stranded Light, that is certain.<br>
While the Hero of Kvatch continued the direct campaign against Mehrunes Dagon, the second plan came to be. Building a shelter for wayward Daedra, and at the same time strengthening this world in a time of crisis. Each of them realized that the way to secure a place in this world shouldn't be done by violence, but by charity. That is why the Stranded Light was successful, why they achieved their goals while others failed. Simply because their goal was to make this world a better place, and not winning boons for themselves.<br>
The question why they have chosen this path is asked very often, so let's take a closer look: Destiny can be altered, but not avoided. Take a look at Baar-Dan, the moon over Vivec - it hurled itself towards Vvardenfell, to lay waste upon the land. However it was frozen in mid air by the false god Vivec. Since then it serves as the ministry of truth. However the Baar-Dan was not removed; it still has its original impulse. If it is ever freed, Vivec City will be annihilated, and large parts of Vvardenfell will cease to exist.<br>
Tesserayiel, Zerreshju and Karashivuel knew that they faced a fate similar to Vivec - their eventual banishment, after a short stay full of violence and pain. Those behaviors you would expect, namely causing mayhem, would have only accelerated this fate. Hiding would had given them more time, prolonged this fate, but nothing more. Changing the patterns was the option they saw. Even bending the rules, similar as to how Baar-Dan was frozen in midair.<br>
The result can speak for itself. A new fate was forged, and while doing so this world even became a better place. And all this thanks to a Xivilai who just wants to live in peace, a Dark Seducer who isn't going to seduce anyone, and a Golden Saint that tries to live up to the name.</div>
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