L10N/Integration_TSL/1.0/Books/ibgOQ1SuthayDecree の変更点


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<DIV align="left">Since time immemorial, Khajiit have roamed Tamriel. Long before the first Empire was founded, even. Yet in recent decades, shortly after the Five Year War between Valenwood and Elsweyr, the so-called "Suthay Decree" was issued - which does nothing other than disallowing most Khajiit to leave Elsweyr. What most people born after the miracle of peace don't know is that the citizen commonly labeled as "Khajiit" are only a few of seventeen variants. Which is to say "Suthay" and "Suthay-raht".<p>

Other variants include Pahmer, which are similar to tigers. Cathay-raht, jaguar men, or the elf like Ohmes. Rumors persist that Valenwood and Summerset insisted on the law mostly because of them, for fear of Khajiit spies looking like Bosmer. Another common variant, still allowed to live in High Rock and Hammerfall, are the Ohmes-raht; they're often described as looking like a mix of human and Khajiiti features. They're also not allowed to live in Cyrodiil or most other provinces.
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<DIV align="left">But the Suthay Decree has become under attack lately. An Ohmes-raht who doesn't wish to be named said: "It's apeish. An honest Ohmes can't come to Cyrodiil under legal terms, yet any scoundrel can pass as Bosmer and do whatever he wants. It's only hurting law-abiding citizens. As if a spy would identify himself!"<br>

When asked about the other forbidden forms she replied: "Pff! An Ohmes-raht can be shaved, even if it's going to be a major annoyance. A Degi will pass as an usual wild cat. And a Senche-raht? I'd like to see the guard standing in one's way!"<br>

A logic which cannot be questioned. Just a few weeks ago several citizens of the Imperial City reported seeing an Ohmes-raht living on the outskirts, yet an investigation by the Imperial Watch turned up nothing. A merchant who doesn't want to be named told us that she sold a lot of shaving equipment just days before.

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