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<DIV align="center"><FONT face="2">GUGLASH GRA-MUZGOB</DIV>

<FONT face="1">Our first visit to the new Orc in the Mages Guild has been rather confusing: our reporters looked for her helplessly in the Mages Guild in Anvil - her co-workers advising us to look for her up to the third floor where she often meditates - but we ended up finding her in the Fighter's Guild hall, where she was just getting up from a nap. At least that way, she was easy to spot amongst others, with her robes and hood...<p>

The enthusiastic and energetic Orc woman then invited us to the finest local tavern, and we had a long and very refreshing talk. Well, she ate terrifying amounts of food at the same time, but that didn't prevent her from answering our questions for a single minute, so that was fine. Excepted for our portraitist, who is still a bit sticky and can't see any beef anymore, but that's beside the point. <p>

It appears the reasons bringing Guglash gra-Muzgob in Anvil are quite complex and interesting. The reputation of the local Mages Guild, and in particular Carahil's personality, are a good part in her decision. We understood there was some family affairs behind this, too, as she seemed to be more than happy to live the farthest as she can from a sister, or half-sister, of hers... But that seemed to be quite a touchy subject. <p>

She enthusiastically accepted to demonstrate us some of the spells she now teaches as a member of the Guild. She's very proud of her Destruction knowledge, but when she started getting a bit more "physical", we insisted to learn more about other schools of Magic. It quickly appeared that Conjuration was another of her strong points... But we soon discovered that this was another very difficult subject to talk about. The interview ended quite abruptly when one of us said the word "necromancy"...<p>

<FONT face="2">Summon Skeleton Archer: <FONT face="1">This spell allows journeyman Necromancers (or guild members willing to know more about the arts they intend to fight) to call a strong skeleton by their side, equipped, as the spell's name suggests, with a bow. As long as it can keep at range from its enemies, this is a very helpful guardian - and a reliable one, as it'll keep its form for almost three minutes.<p>

<FONT face="2">Body and Mind: <FONT face="1">This spell calls a ghost at one side of its caster, and a zombie at the other, both following his orders for a minute and a half. This difficult summoning wears off the energy of the caster more than most others, and he suffers stunted Magicka for a short moment. <p>

<FONT face="2">Brzzz: <FONT face="1">Who said mages didn't have humour? Lately, this spell has been widely used by apprentices and even novices in the Arcane University. It doesn't hurt that bad, but it still burns a little and electrocutes when you're pinched. Most people wouldn't find it amusing, though, so don't use it that easily yourself...<p>

<FONT face="2">Small Ball of Doom: <FONT face="1">A weakened, but already powerful, version of a spell reserved to masters, this one is accessible to journeymen in the school of Destruction. Any creature near to the spellcaster will be afflicted by weakness to fire for some time, and burned alive by magical flames for three painful seconds. <p>

<FONT face="2">Ageing: <FONT face="1">The touch of a journeyman in Destruction can be dangerous in multiple ways - this spell cripples his enemy's weapon, and at the same time his very ability to use any weapon efficiently, should he have a spare one. <p>

<FONT face="2">Time Warp: <FONT face="1">A useful trick for apprentices - eight hours will pass in thirty seconds.<p>

<FONT face="2">Valium: <FONT face="1">Don't use that medication on yourself - keep it for your most depressing enemies. They'll feel very, very tired, and will suffer elemental damages in their whole unbalanced metabolism. <p>

<FONT face="2">Summon Spectral Warrior: <FONT face="1">Only the most powerful conjurers are able to call such powerful undead spirits by their side. That being has few weaknesses and should crush most living things in less than a minute - and it'll stay longer than that by your side, anyway.<p>

<FONT face="2">Wizard's Rust: <FONT face="1">A powerful destructive combination that most professional battlemages should learn to use well. This spell burns its target and everything next to it in its blast radius; this magical fire attacks the structure of weapons its victims wear, and renders them all even more vulnerable for the following magical attacks. <p>

<FONT face="2">Gust of Wind: <FONT face="1">A telekinetic short-ranged but powerful spell for journeymen in the school of Mysticism. Its victim is immediately sent flying through the air, weightless. It also means that the helpless creature shouldn't get hurt when it lands, and will usually be able to get up again not far from the spellcaster; but the point is to get some fresh air, and that spell accomplishes this goal very efficiently. <p>

<FONT face="2">BBQ: <FONT face="1">Quite a cryptic name for a rather straightforward spell - only experts in Destruction seem to understand its mysterious meaning. Anyway, it puts on fire the entire area where its fireball blasts, and creates an inferno that lasts several seconds before the flames weaken. <p>

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