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<DIV align="center">J'SHIVRIZZA</DIV>

This interview has been one of the most... interesting I have ever done as a reporter for the Black Horse Courier. One of the most difficult, too, and I should inform our readers that our team is still unsure of our notes and memories. <p>

We had arranged to meet the well-known Khajiit woman in Skingrad, on one of the bridges in the center of the town. When we got there, we only found a note from her: from what we could tell, she apologized for not being there because she saw a mouse (or a Bosmer, that part is still unclear). The message proposed to meet us at another place later, but as we couldn't decipher the description of that place, we decided to wait for her at the local Guildhall. <p>

We didn't wait as long as we expected - but long enough to speak with a few of her teammates. To our surprise, they didn't seem to find her cryptic or antisocial at all: they often speak together about the weather, politics or the various local rumors, and she behaves quite normally... why couldn't she spare us the mumbo-jumbo, then!? Admittedly, we were all completely lost; but as an afterthought, maybe there was some hidden sense in her riddles she intended to teach us some cryptic degree of understanding... <p>

For what we could understand, she travelled a lot until she decided to establish herself in Skingrad. She's been through all Cyrodiil and beyond - and lost various things on her way. As she told us that, I couldn't help but think "her mind"; but she managed to hear my thought somehow, and very seriously protested. "No, I've found it again!", said she, and all of a sudden two J'Shivrizza appeared right in front of us to demonstrate that she had her mind with her...<p>

The number of spells and techniques, from all schools of magic, that J'Shivrizza is able to teach other mages is the most impressive we've seen in the Mages Guild to this date. She proposed to show us a few of them - and we actually had to stop her after some time because we were about to go crazy with all these odd things happening together...<p>

<FONT face="2">Mark Corpses: <FONT face="1">Sometimes it's difficult to find fallen enemies, because their remains are hidden in high grass, under stairs, or somewhere other. Not with this spell anymore!<p>

<FONT face="2">Leap Other: <FONT face="1">Where's up? Where's down? Gravity doesn't apply to your enemy... Until he starts falling back to the ground, that is. <p>

<FONT face="2">Wabbajack:<FONT face="1"> A master in Alteration can transmute a creature into... something else. He can't really tell what'll come out of this crazy process, though... <p>

<FONT face="2">Create Oblivion Gate: <FONT face="1">The Elder Council wouldn't be too happy to know about that one. You cast a spell, and before you an Oblivion gate opens. A very real one, with Daedra coming out of it and roaming inside it, with lava, spiky towers, a Sigillum Sanctum and all - only difference is that you can close the gate by simply hitting it with a Dispel spell. NOTE: You can't enter a gate opened in a city. You can't open gates outside of Tamriel or in the Shivering Isles. There's only one summonable gate: if you cast the spell again, any previously opened gate will disappear.<p>

<FONT face="2">Wabba Summon: <FONT face="1">Allows the expert mage to conjure something. Yeah, "something". Just shout through the planes, you'll see what will answer your call. Maybe a mudcrab, maybe a Xivilai...<p>

<FONT face="2">Runt Bomb: <FONT face="1">Summons a clannfear Runt which runs towards the target before exploding. You'd better not be too close to it when it blows up...<p>

<FONT face="2">Call Nightmare: <FONT face="1">This spell should very seriously... destabilize every intelligent being in the area.<p>

<FONT face="2">Ecstasy of Gold: <FONT face="1">Sometimes, merchants just don't want to deal with you. Thanks to this spell, they'll never be able to resist the urge for affairs anymore. <p>

<FONT face="2">Life and Death: <FONT face="1">An expert conjurer may summon two mighty creatures at a time from the unsane realms of Sheogorath with this spell: a frightening Shambles on one side, and an insectoid and well-alive Elytra on the other. Both will serve him for a moderate period of time, but for a much shorter duration, the spellcaster's magicka regeneration will be siphoned to fuel the spell's power. <p>

<FONT face="2">Teddy Bear: <FONT face="1">Summons a cute and pacific creature which wanders around, making every person or creature around particularly self-confident. Friends or foes, no one will be tempted to flee, should there be a fight. <p>

<FONT face="2">Voice of Dread: <FONT face="1">Journeymen illusionnists knew this spell before, but didn't really bother using it. Now, its effects still don't last for very long, but it affects every creature or person near the spellcaster, and very few of them would be resilient enough to resist the pure terror it unleashes!<p>

<FONT face="2">Divine Intervention: <FONT face="1">Teleports to a Chapel. Only 'teleport' spell castable even during combat. <p>

<FONT face="2">Concurrent Current: <FONT face="1">A convenient combination of force spells - send your target flying away if she's annoyingly close to you, or force her to come closer if she was trying to stay at a distance. <p>

<FONT face="2">Random Enemy Translocation: <FONT face="1">Places nearby enemies and allies to somewhere... else nearby. <p>

<FONT face="2">Spirit Exodus: <FONT face="1">The mage's very soul takes shape to fight on his side for a time. Oh, and do not try to loot it, dammit.<p>

We received from Leyawin a word of warning about the very handy Teleportation spells: they have to be used with wisdom, Agata informed us, wishing us to include a public advisement here. "Don't use them to get out of places that you're not supposed to be able to leave, or you might mess up some quest scripts," she said. "there's no such thing as a bug in Mysticism, but the use of simple common sense is required." We have no idea what that's supposed to mean, but then, we're no mystics. 

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