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<DIV align="center">FELISA LLENDU</DIV>

There's a new Dunmer in Cheydinhal. And that's a strong and beautiful woman who won't leave anyone indifferent. We first met her at the local chapel: to tell the truth to our readers she scared the hell out of us when she suddenly came out of the shadows behind the pillars right behind us. She apologized for the surprise with a broad smile, and explained us that she likes to pray and meditate in this quiet place, but usually prefers to do it with discretion. The battles between different cultures are always rather harsh in Cheydinhal, and she'd prefer not to get involved in these pointless fights between races, religions and traditions... <p>

She has already had her fair share about racism and fanatism, it seems. She left Morrowind a long time ago, but she still has some rather bad memories about the ways of Great House Telvanni. Anyway, she doesn't want to live through such internal fights again. She joined the Imperial Cult after the Temple collapsed and migrated into Cyrodiil. When she settled  in Cheydinhal, she initially joined the Fighter's Guild. But as she suggested, the racist debates entered even the guild's Hall: she assured us that she holds no grudge against most of her guildmates, but only felt rather unhealthy about some attitudes about beastfolks that tend to arise lately. Anyway, even if she's not the typical Dunmer sorcerer, she still had the skills and culture of a Mage: luckily, no law forbids anyone to join both the Fighters Guild and the Mages Guild. And she happens to be as charming in a robe than she's impressive in a battle armor... <p>

She was a very experienced witchblade already, and was happy to bring some of her esoteric knowledges to the other Mages in Cheydinhal. She knows all kinds of spells, but for this interview she particularly wanted to share with us the strange arts of summonning daedric equipment. How to force such powerful souls from outer planes into seemingly inert objects is still beyond the understanding of simple reporters like us, but a quite impressive art it is.<p>

<FONT face="2">Weather Illusion: <FONT face="1">Spells to make it rain, snow, to get the sun to shine or to gather clouds in the sky... be it progressively, or without delay. Journeyman spells can affect Shivering Isles specific weathers. Use the 'release weather' command to let the weather get back to its natural pattern.<p>

<FONT face="2">Espace: <FONT face="1">Need some free space? Want your enemy to give you a break, to leave you a pause before you can take care of him? That spell allows the experts in the school of Alteration to crush the touched creature under an impossible weight, and make the spellcaster simply disappear at once. <p>

<FONT face="2">Bound Chainblade: <FONT face="1">Let's put it simply and clearly - this huge weapon is a pure slaughtering device. <p>

<FONT face="2">Bound Complete Light Armor: <FONT face="1">Some battlemages like it heavy, others like it light; most of them like to have the choice when they summon daedric equipment, anyway. This spell protects the expert in the arts of Conjuration with a full set of light daedric armor, including a shield and a helmet, for a full minute. To fuel such a massive summonning, the spellcaster's energy has to be siphoned more heavily than for the usual spell: his magicka regeneration will be hindered for a large part of the spell's duration. But if he summoned such an equipment, he usually intended to get into the melee anyway... <p>

<FONT face="2">Greater Fortify Endurance: <FONT face="1">This kind of spells used to be rather useless, as the journeyman needed to cast it again and again. Now it's still quite moderate in power, but it lasts six minutes: now that's fortification! <p>

<FONT face="2">Summon Xivilai: <FONT face="1">All Conjurers know how much it's better to have a Xivilai on your side than on the opposite's. And with that spell, the powerful daedric being will obey you for two full minutes!<p>

<FONT face="2">Bound Torch: <FONT face="1">Handy spell for novices, when they're short on candles and need to study late in the University. <p>

<FONT face="2">Summon Golden Saint Armor: <FONT face="1">A new spell, which can be used in Spellmaking Altars. Only usable by Mages potentially able to step into the Shivering Isles<p>

<FONT face="2">Atronach Army: <FONT face="1">Summons a Storm Atronach, a Fire Atronach and a Frost Atronach for a minute and a half. The caster has stunted magicka for a short time as a backlash-effect. <p>

<FONT face="2">Teleport Home: <FONT face="1">The spell allows the mage to instantly get back to one of the houses he owns in any of the main cities in Cyrodiils. Handy, and accessible to every young apprentices !<p>

<FONT face="2">Defense Failure: <FONT face="1">A typical spell for Battlemages, this one is accessible even to apprentices in the school of Destruction. Its touch crushes the enemy's armor and hinders his ability to protect himself efficiently with whatever remains of his cuirass, giving some time to the spellcaster to benefit his weakness with his weapons. Caution though if you rely on light armors for your own defense: for the same moderate period, the spell inflicts yourself a secondary backlash weakening your own efficiency with this kind of equipment. <p>

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