L10N/Integration_TSL/1.0/Books/ibgInterviewsElendil の変更点


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<DIV align="center"><FONT face="2">ELENDIL OF WHITE HAVEN</DIV>

<FONT face="1">Elendil Sunlight came right from White Haven and happens to be quite a cold and mysterious Altmer when you first meet him. Be assured though: he warms up when he's amongst friends, even if he's still not the kind of Mer to slap your back and laugh at vulgar jokes. Quite an educated man, he looks rather young but surprised us with his wisdom and experience.<p>

Elendil didn't seem to be willing to tell us much about his homeland and his youth. He appears to have left White Haven a long time ago, but went back there until a few years ago: he still has bonds, maybe family or a love story, but we couldn't get much from him as our questions seemed to embarass him. He has family in Morrowind, though, and was more than happy to tell us about his sister and her store, and to teach us some interesting stories about the exotic countries of Dunmer. Most of the spells he brought to the Mages Guild in Cyrodiil come from White Haven, but others are right from Morrowind, and these are some pretty interesting ones !<p>

When we came in Leyawiin to interview this calm and private man, we were first directed to look for him in the Guild's laboratory. He wasn't there, but we saw in that room a few clues leading us to believe he was a specialist of some kind of Conjuration... Admittedly, we were even a bit scared that he could bring Necromancy in Cyrodiil again from his various travels. But when we finally met him and asked him directly, we were quickly reassured. His clothes only would have sufficed to convince us: he looks quite the opposite of a practicer of the Dark Arts. Actually, Conjuration isn't even one of his primary focuses amongst all the schools of Magic: Elendil is apparently a lot more interested in the Arts of Destruction, and could teach anybody else how sophisticated and complex these can be. <p>

Here are a few of the spells he accepted to tell us about. <p>

<FONT face="2">Arcane Chest: <FONT face="1">Grants access to a magical storage through the diffractions of a diamond. The mage is also able to get everything back from the arcane chest by sacrifying a pearl instead of a flawless diamond.<p>

<FONT face="2">Void Explosion: <FONT face="1">Ideal to dispatch enemies when outnumbered in close-combat. Send them all flying in the air - and shock them a good punch to try and get them learn the lesson. Or finish them while they're trying to stand up again.<p>

<FONT face="2">Heaven's Fury: <FONT face="1">For a short duration enemies near the spellcaster will be devastated by frost out of nowhere.<p>

<FONT face="2">Novae Spells: <FONT face="1">A rather short duration, but inflict brutal elemental damages across a large area centered on the spellcaster. The master-level 'Superior Shock Nova' spell, for example, can potentially ravage anything but the strongest creatures in a whole room. <p>

<FONT face="2">Summon Bear: <FONT face="1">The secrets of nature summoning reveal some powerful creatures that can hear the call of the mage: the bear is amongst the most powerful of these. <p>

<FONT face="2">Failing Clothing: <FONT face="1">A rather surprising spell brought into our warmer countries for apprentices in the art of Destruction, it does limited damage to its target but cripples its armor. Even leather and fur armor can't stand against the true cold, and daedric isn't much more useful: enemies would be better protected wearing real clothes sometimes...<p>

<FONT face="2">Food for Thought: <FONT face="1">Transmutes 200 gold into food. You can't tell exactly what kind of food you'll end up with, but at least there should be plenty enough to satisfy your stomach for that day. <p>

<FONT face="2">Translocation Madness Wave: <FONT face="1">For the duration of the spell, the affected people or creatures in its area of effect will start switching places all over, unable to control their own movements.<p>

<FONT face="2">Ice Age: <FONT face="1">The master of the elemental powers of Destruction magic can freeze his enemies at a distance. The victim of this frost spell may very well die in one or two seconds; but if it doesn't, he'll have a hard time standing up again and gathering his forces, completely drained by the cold.<p>

<FONT face="2">Fortune Intervention: <FONT face="1">That spell allows the Master conjurer to call a Hunger, a Gnarl, and... something else, to his help. Who knows what other creature will hear his call? Anyway, it can't really go wrong at this stage... all these summons will stick to his side for quite a long time. As a counterpart for such a powerful summon, the spellcaster will see his magicka regeneration stunted for a short period. <p>

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