L10N/Integration_TSL/1.0/Books/ibgInterviewsChandra の変更点


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<DIV align="center"><FONT face=1>
<IMG src="Book/BroadsheetHeader01.dds" width=512 height=128></div>
<DIV align="center">NEW FACES IN THE MAGES GUILD</div>
<IMG src="Icons/magic/bgMages_Chandra.dds" width=512 height=512>
<DIV align="center"><FONT face="2">CHANDRA THE BLOODTHIRSTY</DIV>

<FONT face="1">We had the chance to have a very interesting interview with Chandra, in Chorrol. She kindly received us all at the local pub, and we happily spent a good part of the night talking about her, where she came from, how she joined the Guild, what she liked to do in Chorrol... She's a magnificent woman, absolutely full of energy and life, with a very busy day-to-day schedule.<p>

She hasn't formed very close bonds with her coworkers in Chorrol's Mages Guild hall yet. She protested that she liked them and respected them, but we suspect that Chandra isn't the kind of woman to respect their strict schedules or to spend hours talking about the pros and cons of necromancy and other academic (let's say it: boring) subjects. But we're sure they will all come to succumb to her charm like we did! She already has several friends in Chorrol, on the other hand. The Countess herself informed us officially that she appreciates her, and intends to invite her for a breakfast occasionally.<p> 

She could talk to us about several interesting spells she intends to teach to whoever asks her. And pays for it - she definitely needs some income to sustain her evening sessions and her thirst for life, after all.<p>

<FONT face="2">Social Scry: <FONT face="1">Know everything you want to know about a person: his sense of responsibility, mood, wealthiness and other social attributes...<p>

<FONT face="2">Oblivion Intervention: <FONT face="1">A Storm Atronach, a Spider Daedra and a Clannfear will obey the call from a master of Conjuration and serve him for a moderate duration. The huge power required by this spell will stunt his magicka resources for a short time, though.<p>

<FONT face="2">Destruction Novae Spells: <FONT face="1">Amongst her personal favorites, they have a rather short duration but inflict brutal elemental damage across a large area centered on the spellcaster. The master-level 'Superior Shock Nova' spell, for example, can potentially ravage anything but the strongest creatures in a whole room. <p>

<FONT face="2">Spiderling's Blessing: <FONT face="1">Journeymen daedric conjurers can summon a small daedric Spider to help them with its paralyzing powers, and at the same time its vital energy procures him a constant health regeneration. <p>

<FONT face="2">Amok: <FONT face="1">Do you want to observe chaos in the whole neighbourhood? Nobody could resist the bloodthirst that this spell will create, not even the most timid and peaceful beings. And they certainly won't be able to miss each other. Sit back and enjoy the show...<p>

<FONT face="2">Teleport Home: <FONT face="1">The spell allows even an apprentice mage to instantly get back to one of the houses he owns in any of the main cities in Cyrodiil. <p>

<FONT face="2">Mark and Recall: <FONT face="1">Every journeyman mystics should learn that famous spell, which has long been known in some foreign provinces, but for some reason ignored by most mages in Cyrodiil. It allows them to place up to four marks anywhere in Cyrodiil, and to teleport back there later. You may activate a tracker to spot the various marks you already created on your personnal map. <p>

<FONT face="1">She wished to give us a word of warning about the very handy Teleportation spells: they have to be used with wisdom. "Don't use them to get out of places that you're not supposed to be able to leave, or you might mess up some quest scripts", she said. We have no idea what that's supposed to mean, but then, we're no mystics. <p>

<FONT face="2">Vakuum Succion: <FONT face="1">An annoying archer believes he's smart, shooting at you from some unreachable spot, out of your reach? Suck him down right to you! He'll probably stop laughing, face to face. <p>

<FONT face="2">Dream Leash: <FONT face="1">Enslaves every sentient beings in the vicinity for a moderate  period of time. Not a spell to leave into anyone's hands - but we can trust the Mages Guild to teach it only to responsible members. <p>

<FONT face="2">Vampiric Novae: <FONT face="1">Master-level Area-of-effect spell, brutally absorbing the life-force of creatures around the caster, but paralyzing him for an instant. <p>

<FONT face="2">Aetherial protection: <FONT face="1">This defensive spell lasts for more than a minute, efficiently shielding the Mage while providing him resistance to magic and constant health regeneration as well. <p>

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