L10N/Integration_TSL/1.0/Books/ibgAQ9MirCorrup の変更点


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<IMG src="Book/BroadsheetHeader01.dds" width=512 height=128>
NEW OLD CITY FOUND(ED)!</div> <br>
<DIV align="left"> <font face=1>Again the so-called "Stranded Light" guild strives for attention - and this time with success. After a member of the guild stumbled upon the ruins of old Mir Corrup, they used a few more Telvanni Mushroom spores to create a new 'city'. It stands to reason if this is a true city, or just a mushroom garden grown out of control. Especially since there's no legitimacy left; the old city was abandoned decades ago, and the new one has nothing in common except its location on the map.<p>

<div align="center"><IMG src="Icons/bgIntegration/MapMarkerMirCorrup.dds" width=512 height=512> </p> </div> <br>

<div align="left">As it was to be expected, the Stranded Light argues that Mir Corrup continued to exist and was just uninhabitated for a short while in its history. 'Total destruction' is a more fitting description: From the old Mir Corrup, nothing remains except its walls, a crumbled statue, and a decayed chantry. Mir Corrup's famous spas? Eradicated. Its well, one of the few functional Ayleid structures in modern cities? Ran dry. The Lord's Manor and castle above the city? Not even walls remain.<p>

What the Stranded Light did was to use the skeleton of a city, putting mushrooms inside and then saying that the body lives again. It doesn't. Only the mushrooms do. Old Mir Corrup is gone, and won't come back. Especially now that the Stranded Light has ravaged its carcass, just for being able to say that it has now recreated a city. What was left of old Mir Corrup is now finally history, dead and gone.<br>

<div align="center"><IMG src="Icons/bgIntegration/MirCorrupBHC512x256.dds" width=512 height=256> </p> </div> <br>

<DIV align="left">Does the new 'city' hold any value, then? Two reporters were there, and painted a desolate picture:<br>

- Reaching the city is (if you refuse the Daedra-ridden Guild Guide) very difficult. No roads lead straight to it anymore. And while you don't have to climb up mountains, your only other option is using an underground tunnel filled with aetherial spirits. Which, incidently, are the only sources of light. Bring a torch with you.<br>
- Being high in the Valus Mountains, the climate is very cold. Snow and rain greet each other on a nearly daily basis. Chilly winds are always prominent. Bruma may have the atmosphere of a cozy winter evening, but the new Mir Corrup could best be described as an autumn thunderstorm: freezing and uncomfortable.<br>
- The architecture is dangerous. Steep stairs, small and short steps, made out of 'mushroom wood' and always slick due to the wet weather, are necessary to enter most buildings. And on the inside it doesn't get better. There's an 'inn', whose owner is some kind of Daedric monstrosity likely hungering for the very life of its visitors. The Fighters Guild is so tightly packed with structures that it's hard to make more than two steps without colliding with anything. And the central marketplace is barely safe: it's a platform high above the ground, and a sudden gust of wind can blow you off of its slippery surface to your death. And to reach the only halfway secure location, the "Dune Walkers" inn, you have to walk along a slope with the high risk of falling into the icy water of the city's lake.<br>
- There are even Daedra running around in the city. Our reporters spotted a Golden Saint, a Dremora, and a (strangely blue) Xivilai. Unlike the Guild Guide servants, they are not kept in check by the Mages Guild. We are happy that our reporters returned alive and well, and are very surprised that no bloodbath has happened yet.<p>

Taking all this into account, the only conclusion is to not go anywhere near Mir Corrup. It's a place as dangerous as it is desolate, no place anyone who values his or her life should go. And, if there's something the Stranded Light succeeded in, it was to remove any kinds of landmarks or places of interest either way.

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