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<div align="center"><font face="5" COLOR="000000">My companion,<br>
<IMG src="Icons/bgIntegration/SeducingTeshB360x512.dds" width=360 height=512> </div> <br>

<font face="5" COLOR="000000">Home is a more complicated word than it first seems to be. Mortals can expect that they can live their whole lives in the city of their birth, but immortality means to never know a definite home. The world changes, this world and the realms of Oblivion alike. Remember Shade Perilous.<br>
I don't recall much of the years before I found a place in Shade Perilous. They were chaotic, full of change. I was a homeless wanderer, roaming through the realms. In Shade Perilous, I found the feeling and the understanding of what mortals name "home". My time there came to an end, and again I was without home.<br>
I'm not weeping about this anymore. I am certain that at your side Mir Corrup will become a new home. Already I can feel it in my wings. They positively itch when I think about living together under one roof with you.<br>
Home. What makes a place home? For mortals the place of their birth. For us it's a matter of choice. And the place where friends are. For me it's the place where you live. Mir Corrup. I'm anxious to get used to the place. I will be there to stay.<br>
Don't be afraid. I don't have (m)any necessities. However you decide to use your tower, it's fine with me. A place to sleep, a place to eat, a place to walk and to read. That's all. And you'll have that, there.<br>
Let me tell you about the place I lived during my time in Shade Perilous: It was a small room, barely big enough for me to stretch my wings. A loft with some storage under it, a table to read and write, and nothing else. Even the loft wasn't really used for sleeping; our bodies were sustained through Nocturnal's sweet Magicka. It was more for intimate meetings of acquaintances, friends and lovers. There is bonding between Daedra, albeit not for procreating.<br>
I've served Nocturnal faithfully for eternities, yet in the society of Shade Perilous I always was the third in pairs. My room didn't have the chance to witness any of these meetings.<br>
What I wished to say is that my room wasn't the reason I felt at home there. It was the people I lived with, even if there always was a distance between us. And it was the feeling of solace, of being accepted and valued. Those that you've shown to me.<br>
Whatever the future holds, I am sure that at your side I will experience the same kinds of emotions as I did back then. And so I will find a home again. This means a lot to me. Thank you.

<div align="right"> <font face="2" COLOR="ff6600"> Teshekru</div> </font>

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