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<div align="center"><font face="5" COLOR="000000">My friend,<br>
<IMG src="Icons/bgIntegration/SeducingTeshA360x512.dds" width=360 height=512></div>

<font face="5" COLOR="000000">Darkness can have many qualities. There's this world's night, giving respite and rest for mortal man, awakening wolves and other predators of late hours.<br>
There is the infinite darkness and twilight of Shade Perilous, which brings solace and peace, nudging you to explore mysteries and yourself.<br>
There is the void, the true absense of any sensory information, the torment and death immortals know.<br>
There is the darkness in many of us, a beast always hungering for more, bringing both lust and pain.<br>
And then there is the darkness of souls, the loss of any hope, the true despair.<br>
For too long I dwelled in the last kind of darkness. Then you came. First releasing me from my prison, then giving me comfort in the place I ought to stay. And through this, you've rescued me from this darkness.<br>
I confess, and I'm sure you know and understand, that there's still a darkness in me. Thanks to you its beginning to be more of the darkness I so long enjoyed. The one making you content, and not suffer. You're a true friend. Words I don't utter or write carelessly.<br>
Thank you, thank you for everything you have done. May our paths cross again soon - and often. Know that each evening I'll be thinking about you. And imagine what the future may hold for us.

<div align="right"> <font face="2" COLOR="ff6600"> Teshekru</div> </font>

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