L10N/Integration_TSL/0.993/QuestStages/bgOQ2Painting の変更点

FormID: 030045DF	bgOQ2Painting	10	0	I've agreed to help Ma'meria to deal with the slandering of Rythe. She mentions a [QUOTE]Potion of Muzgob[QUOTE], but doesn't know anything about it. Maybe S'drassa can help - a Khajiit alchemist.
__Ma'meriaからの頼みでRytheの悪口への対処を請け負った。しかし「Potion of Muzgob」については何も知らされていない。たぶんKhajiitのalchemistであるS'drassaなら助けになってくれるだろう。
FormID: 030045DF	bgOQ2Painting	100	0	Ma'meria thanked me and gave me a powerful magic staff. I don't know what to think of her, though. Sometimes looks don't tell what's in the inside, do they?
FormID: 030045DF	bgOQ2Painting	11	0	I've heard that [QUOTE]Muzgob[QUOTE] was probably the father of an Orc in Anvil. Maybe she knows more about this fabulous potion.
FormID: 030045DF	bgOQ2Painting	15	0	I've been told to get a Varla Stone, three Alocasia fruits, five Blood Grasses and [QUOTE]Mnemoli Dust[QUOTE]. Guglash doesn't know where to get that, she just said I should ask [QUOTE]some Daedra[QUOTE]. As if there isn't anything easier!
__Varla Stoneを1つとAlocasia fruitsを3つ、Blood Grassを5本と「Mnemoli Dust」を入手するよう指示された。Guglashは「Mnemoli Dust」の入手場所を知らないようで「どこかのDaedraに頼んでみれば?」と事もなげに言われてしまった。簡単な仕事ではないはずなのだが。
FormID: 030045DF	bgOQ2Painting	20	0	The great library of Jyggalag, so it's Knifepoint Hollow again. Somewhere in there has to be some Mnemoli Dust, I hope.
__Jiggalagのgreat libraryということは、Knifepoint Hollowにまた行くのか。そこでMnemoli Dustがみつけられるといいのだが。
FormID: 030045DF	bgOQ2Painting	20	1	I've already heard of Jyggalag in my journeys in Sheogorath's realm. Considering that he is some kind of bringer of the apocalypse, I doubt anymore would tell me where his library was, though.
FormID: 030045DF	bgOQ2Painting	20	2	I've been told that [QUOTE]Jyggalag[QUOTE] (whatever that is) had some Mnemoli Dust in his [QUOTE]Great Library[QUOTE], wherever that is. Considering that this info came from Denizens of the Shivering Isles, maybe I should look there.
__「Jyggalag」なら「Great Library」にMnemoli Dustを所蔵しているだろうとの事だ。それが誰でLibraryがどこなのかは知らないが。情報提供者がShivering Isles出身のDenizensであることから考えてIslesに行ってみるべきだろう。
FormID: 030045DF	bgOQ2Painting	25	0	I've got some Mnemoli dust! Now as soon as I have the other ingredients back to Guglash gra-Muzgob!
__Mnemoli dustを入手した!他の材料が入手出来しだい、すぐにGuglash gra-Muzgobの元へと戻ろう。
FormID: 030045DF	bgOQ2Painting	30	0	I've got a [QUOTE]Potion of Mythic Time[QUOTE], also known as the Potion of Muzgob. Now what does this potion do? Hm. Smells like it could kill on skin contact!
__「Potion of Mythic Time」を入手した。Potion of Muzgobとも呼ばれる魔法薬だ。しかしこの薬で何が可能になるのだろう?死にそうなほどの臭気を放っているが…。
FormID: 030045DF	bgOQ2Painting	31	0	Mythic Time, back then aedric descendants weren't stable and changing their form. If that potion is what the name suggests, it will destabilize the form of whoever is going to drink it.
__Mythic Time(神話の時代)、aedraの末裔たちは不安定な存在であり姿を変化させていった。もしもこの魔法薬の効果がその名前の示すとおりのものであるとするならば、服用した者に形態変化の効果を与えるのだろう。
FormID: 030045DF	bgOQ2Painting	40	0	I've spoken with Ma'meria and decided to pour the potion over Norbert the Graywolf. She suggest to apply the potion when he doesn't wear his armor. He should be somewhere in Cheydinhal.
__Ma'meriaと話した末、CheydhinhalのNorbert the Graywolfに魔法薬をふりかけることとなった。彼が鎧を脱いでいる隙に仕掛けるべきだと彼女は言っている。
FormID: 030045DF	bgOQ2Painting	45	0	I've decided to just give her the potion. We shouldn't play with the stability of beings. Ma'meria didn't take it well, though.
FormID: 030045DF	bgOQ2Painting	50	0	I've spoken with Norbert the Graywolf and declined his suggestion to kill Ma'meria.
__Norbert the Graywolfと話したが、Ma'meriaを殺そうという彼の提案は断った。
FormID: 030045DF	bgOQ2Painting	55	0	I've decided to help Norbert and, as he likes to put it, [QUOTE]kill that furry abomination[QUOTE]. 
FormID: 030045DF	bgOQ2Painting	60	0	Ma'meria is dead. Norbert was happy and rewarded me with, uh. Some nice words.
FormID: 030045DF	bgOQ2Painting	65	0	I've poured the potion over Norbert the Graywolf. He seems to have died. I better go and tell Ma'meria about this!
__Norbert the Graywolfに魔法薬をふりかけたが、彼は死んでしまったようだ。ここから立ち去りMa'meriaを問い詰めるべきだろう!
FormID: 030045DF	bgOQ2Painting	70	0	According to Ma'meria he shouldn't be dead. I should investigate while she tries to find [QUOTE]a present[QUOTE].
FormID: 030045DF	bgOQ2Painting	75	0	Indeed Norbert is not dead, merely... changed. Ma'meria will be glad to hear that. I think. Anyway. Poor Norbert the Graywolf will need to adjust to a new life now.
__たしかにNorbertは死んでいなかった。彼はただ姿を変えただけだ。何にせよ、この事を知らせればMa'meriaも喜ぶだろう。哀れなNorbert the Graywolfは新しい生活に順応しなければならないが。

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