L10N/Integration_TSL/0.993/QuestStages/bgHQ1Expedition の変更点

FormID: 0300E507	bgHQ1Expedition	10	0	Great! I've found the other survivor deep in Blackwood, near the Silverfish river. Unfortunately it doesn't seem to be possible to simply walk to her.
__やった!Blackwood奥地のSilverfish riverでTyrruの仲間の生存者を発見した。残念ながら徒歩では彼女の所にたどり着けなさそうだが。
FormID: 0300E507	bgHQ1Expedition	100	0	Tyrru wasn't happy to hear that Serevrie didn't want to come near any city, but at least he rewarded me with a [QUOTE]weapon of times past[QUOTE]. We had never found anything like this at all..
FormID: 0300E507	bgHQ1Expedition	100	1	Tyrru wasn't happy to hear that Serevrie didn't want to come near any city, but at least he rewarded me with an ancient blade. What kind of Mer is he?
FormID: 0300E507	bgHQ1Expedition	20	0	I was able to talk to Serevrie. She gave me a message for Tyrru. Well, there's one on her cupboard, I just need to take and deliver it.
FormID: 0300E507	bgHQ1Expedition	25	0	I've got the letter. Now I just need to deliver it back to Tyrru.
FormID: 0300E507	bgHQ1Expedition	30	0	I was able to get a message written for Tyrru out of the survivor's camp. She didn't seem to mind. Considering that I was unable to reach her I should bring the letter to Tyrru. At least I know where she's hiding.
FormID: 0300E507	bgHQ1Expedition	5	0	I've agreed to help Tyrru, another Hiddel Elf, to find a survivor of a lost colony. Apparently he lived in a ruin that was destroyed in a landslide. On one visit to the place of his lost home he found a note from another survivor. Which spoke in riddles, as it is custom.
__もう一人のHiddel Elf、Tyrruの望みである失われた街の生存者の捜索を手伝うことにした。どうやら彼は地滑りで破壊された遺跡に住んでいるようだ。あるとき自宅跡を訪れると、もう一人の生存者によって書かれた謎掛け形式で書かれたノートをみつけたそうだ。
__もう一人のHiddel Elf、Tyrruの望みである失われた街の生存者の捜索を手伝うことにした。どうやら彼は地滑りで破壊された遺跡に住んでいるようだ。あるとき街の跡地に戻ってみると、もう一人の生存者によって書き残された謎掛け形式のノートをみつけたそうだ。
FormID: 0300E507	bgHQ1Expedition	5	1	I've agreed to help Tyrru, a somewhat strange Mer in the Imperial City to help find another survivor. Apparently he lived in a town that was destroyed in a landslide. On one visit to the place of his lost town he found a note from another survivor. Which spoke in riddles, for whatever reasons.
__Imperial City在住の奇妙なMer(エルフ)のTyrruを手伝うことにした。彼は同族の生存者を探している。彼はかつて地滑りによって故郷の街を失ったのだが、あるとき街の跡地に戻ってみるともう一人の生存者によって書き残されたノートを発見したとのこと。いかなる理由か、ノートは謎掛け形式で書かれていたのだが。

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