L10N/Integration_TSL/0.993/Names/DIAL-10 の変更点

FormID: 031369E0	bgZPQ2JesminClothing2	DIAL	 	Would you want your old clothes back?
FormID: 031377BB	bgZPDQ3Sparkle1	DIAL	 	There's one here!
FormID: 031377BC	bgZPDQ3Sparkle2	DIAL	 	How to capture one, then?
FormID: 031377BF	bgPDQ3SparkleTopic	DIAL	 	Dementia Wisp
FormID: 031377C0	bgPDQ3SparkleWhere	DIAL	 	Where to find one ripe with tar?
FormID: 031377C1	bgPDQ3Success	DIAL	 	I've got your dust!
FormID: 031377DC	bgZPBQ4Storage	DIAL	 	Mold of the Moment
FormID: 031377DD	bgPBQ4GrowMushroom1	DIAL	 	Growing Mushrooms
FormID: 031377DE	bgPBQ4GrowMushroom2	DIAL	 	Where to plant them?
FormID: 031377DF	bgPBQ4MushroomFinished	DIAL	 	The mushroom has finished growing!
FormID: 031377E0	bgPBQ4MushroomInside1	DIAL	 	No, not yet.
FormID: 031377E1	bgPBQ4MushroomInside2	DIAL	 	Yes, there's s.o. named [QUOTE]Uriel Curio[QUOTE] inside.
__ええ、[QUOTE]Uriel Curio[QUOTE]という人がいました。
FormID: 031377E7	bgPBQ4Uriel1	DIAL	 	Who are you?
FormID: 031377E8	bgPBQ4Uriel2	DIAL	 	What are you doing here?
FormID: 031377E9	bgPBQ4Uriel2a	DIAL	 	Something's odd about your story!
FormID: 031377EA	bgPBQ4Uriel2b	DIAL	 	Why didn't I know about you?
FormID: 031377EB	bgPBQ4Uriel2c	DIAL	 	The Suthay Decree is history, you know?
__Suthay Decreeは過去の話ですよ、知らないんですか?
FormID: 031377EC	bgPBQ4Uriel3	DIAL	 	I better talk with Longius Curio.
__Longius Curioと話した方が良さそうですね。
FormID: 03139B42	bgPDQ4SnowMothTopic	DIAL	 	Fort Snowmoth
FormID: 03139B44	bgPDQ4Success0	DIAL	 	I've killed them, and got their body parts!
FormID: 03139B45	bgPDQ4Success1	DIAL	 	You wanted to see me hurt?
FormID: 03139B46	bgPDQ4Success2	DIAL	 	Just take the body parts...
FormID: 03139B47	bgPDQ4ShikishimaTopic	DIAL	 	Shikishima the Rabid Dog
FormID: 03139B48	bgPDQ4ArthmoorTopic	DIAL	 	Arthmoor the Cowardly Scalon
FormID: 0313BDFE	bgPDQ5TwoFacesTopic	DIAL	 	Heresy of Two Faces
FormID: 0313BDFF	bgPDQ5TwoFacesTopicHaskill1	DIAL	 	What should I do?
FormID: 0313BE00	bgPDQ5TwoFacesTopicHaskill2	DIAL	 	Who can help me?
FormID: 0313BE01	bgPDQ5TwoFacesTopicHaskill3	DIAL	 	Thanks for the information!
FormID: 0313C501	bgPDQ5TwoFacesTopicDyus1	DIAL	 	Was the Heresy in Jyggalag's library?
FormID: 0313C502	bgPDQ5TwoFacesTopicDyus2	DIAL	 	What did the Heresy say?
FormID: 0313C503	bgPDQ5TwoFacesTopicDyus3	DIAL	 	Thanks for the informations!
FormID: 0313C512	bgPDQ5Statement1Start	DIAL	 	First statement of the Heresy
FormID: 0313C513	bgPDQ5Statement2Start	DIAL	 	Second statement of the Heresy
FormID: 0313C514	bgPDQ5Statement3Start	DIAL	 	Third statement of the Heresy
FormID: 0313C515	bgPDQ5Statement4Start	DIAL	 	Fourth statement of the Heresy
FormID: 0313C516	bgPDQ5Statement5Start	DIAL	 	Fifth statement of the Heresy
FormID: 0313C517	bgPDQ5Statement6Start	DIAL	 	Sixth statement of the Heresy
FormID: 0313C518	bgPDQ5Statement1StartA	DIAL	 	Sithis is the force that is hate!
FormID: 0313C519	bgPDQ5Statement1StartB	DIAL	 	Sithis is the force that is love!
FormID: 0313C51A	bgPDQ5Statement1StartC	DIAL	 	Sithis is the force that is change!
FormID: 0313C51B	bgPDQ5Statement1StartD	DIAL	 	Sithis is the force that is stasis!
FormID: 0313C51C	bgPDQ5Statement2StartA	DIAL	 	Auriel is the force that is hate!
FormID: 0313C51D	bgPDQ5Statement2StartB	DIAL	 	Auriel is the force that is love!
FormID: 0313C51E	bgPDQ5Statement2StartC	DIAL	 	Auriel is the force that is change!
FormID: 0313C51F	bgPDQ5Statement2StartD	DIAL	 	Auriel is the force that is stasis!
FormID: 0313C520	bgPDQ5Statement3StartA	DIAL	 	Hating - Dieing ; Loving - Living
FormID: 0313C521	bgPDQ5Statement3StartB	DIAL	 	Loving - Dieing ; Hating - Living
FormID: 0313C522	bgPDQ5Statement3StartC	DIAL	 	Changing - Dieing ; Staying - Living
FormID: 0313C523	bgPDQ5Statement3StartD	DIAL	 	Staying - Dieing ; Changing - Living
FormID: 0313C524	bgPDQ5Statement4StartA	DIAL	 	[Link Mara to life]
FormID: 0313C525	bgPDQ5Statement4StartB	DIAL	 	[Link Mara to death]
FormID: 0313C526	bgPDQ5Statement4StartC	DIAL	 	Give me some time to think about it!
FormID: 0313C527	bgPDQ5Statement4StartD	DIAL	 	bgPDQ5Statement4StartD
FormID: 0313C528	bgPDQ5Statement5StartA	DIAL	 	[Link Mephala to love]
FormID: 0313C529	bgPDQ5Statement5StartB	DIAL	 	[Link Mephala to hate]
FormID: 0313C52A	bgPDQ5Statement5StartC	DIAL	 	I need to think about it!
FormID: 0313C52B	bgPDQ5Statement5StartD	DIAL	 	bgPDQ5Statement5StartD
FormID: 0313C52C	bgPDQ5Statement6StartA	DIAL	 	Mara - Life ; Mephala - Love
FormID: 0313C52D	bgPDQ5Statement6StartB	DIAL	 	Mara - Life ; Mephala - Hate
FormID: 0313C52E	bgPDQ5Statement6StartC	DIAL	 	Mara - Death ; Mephala - Love
FormID: 0313C52F	bgPDQ5Statement6StartD	DIAL	 	Mara - Death ; Mephala - Hate
FormID: 0313C530	bgPDQ5Statement1StartE	DIAL	 	I'm not sure yet.
FormID: 0313C531	bgPDQ5Statement2StartE	DIAL	 	I don't know yet.
FormID: 0313C532	bgPDQ5Statement3StartM	DIAL	 	I need to think it over!
FormID: 0313C533	bgPDQ5Statement4StartE	DIAL	 	bgPDQ5Statement4StartE
FormID: 0313C534	bgPDQ5Statement5StartE	DIAL	 	bgPDQ5Statement5StartE
FormID: 0313C535	bgPDQ5Statement6StartE	DIAL	 	[Tell random nonsense]
FormID: 0313C544	bgPDQ5Statement3StartE	DIAL	 	Changing - Dieing ; Hating - Living
FormID: 0313C545	bgPDQ5Statement3StartF	DIAL	 	Hating - Dieing ; Changing - Living
FormID: 0313C546	bgPDQ5Statement3StartG	DIAL	 	Changing - Dieing ; Loving - Living
FormID: 0313C547	bgPDQ5Statement3StartH	DIAL	 	Loving - Dieing ; Changing - Living
FormID: 0313C548	bgPDQ5Statement3StartI	DIAL	 	Staying - Dieing ; Hating - Living
FormID: 0313C549	bgPDQ5Statement3StartJ	DIAL	 	Hating - Dieing ; Staying - Living
FormID: 0313C54A	bgPDQ5Statement3StartK	DIAL	 	Staying - Dieing ; Loving - Living
FormID: 0313C54B	bgPDQ5Statement3StartL	DIAL	 	Loving - Dieing ; Staying - Living
FormID: 0313C566	bgPDQ5StatementFinish1	DIAL	 	What do you say?
FormID: 0313C567	bgPDQ5StatementFinish2	DIAL	 	And?
FormID: 0313DA3A	bgPDQ6SebastianTopic	DIAL	 	Sebastian John
FormID: 0313DA3B	bgPDQ6TurumerinTopic	DIAL	 	Turumerin and the Nineteen Voids
FormID: 0313DA3C	bgPDQ6ComeWithMe0	DIAL	 	Come with me!
FormID: 0313DA3D	bgPDQ6Result0	DIAL	 	And, how did your adventure ended?
FormID: 0313DA3E	bgPDQ6Result1	DIAL	 	What will you do now?
FormID: 0313DA42	bgPDQ6SebastianDeadTopic	DIAL	 	Sebastian John is dead!
FormID: 0313DA43	bgPDQ6NoDirtyWork	DIAL	 	I won't do your dirty work!
FormID: 0313DA46	bgPDQ6NoDirtyWorkA	DIAL	 	No, forget it. No blood on my hands!
FormID: 0313DA47	bgPDQ6NoDirtyWorkB	DIAL	 	Alright, alright, I'll help you.
FormID: 0313DA48	bgPDQ6NoDirtyWorkA1	DIAL	 	If you put it that way, alright, I'll help.
FormID: 0313DA49	bgPDQ6NoDirtyWorkA2	DIAL	 	Forget it! Your responsibility!
FormID: 0313DA4A	bgPDQ6NoDirtyWorkA2A	DIAL	 	Persuaded, I'm on it again.
FormID: 0313DA4B	bgPDQ6NoDirtyWorkA2B	DIAL	 	No, I'm out. Just forget it!
FormID: 0313E145	bgPDQ6ComeWithMe1	DIAL	 	I demand that you do as I say...
FormID: 0313E146	bgPDQ6ComeWithMe1a	DIAL	 	[Level] I'm much more powerful!
FormID: 0313E147	bgPDQ6ComeWithMe1b	DIAL	 	[Strength] I'm much stronger!
FormID: 0313E148	bgPDQ6ComeWithMe1c	DIAL	 	[Reputation] Better do as I tell!
FormID: 0313E149	bgPDQ6ComeWithMe2	DIAL	 	You don't have a choice...
FormID: 0313E14A	bgPDQ6ComeWithMe2a	DIAL	 	[Sneak] No good hiding places here.
FormID: 0313E14B	bgPDQ6ComeWithMe2b	DIAL	 	[Loc] Much better places than here!
FormID: 0313E14C	bgPDQ6ComeWithMe2c	DIAL	 	[Int] You don't want to stay here.
FormID: 0313E14D	bgPDQ6ComeWithMe3	DIAL	 	You can trust me...
FormID: 0313E14E	bgPDQ6ComeWithMe3a	DIAL	 	[SC] You know you can!
FormID: 0313E14F	bgPDQ6ComeWithMe3b	DIAL	 	[MC] I know how to make money!
FormID: 0313E150	bgPDQ6ComeWithMe3c	DIAL	 	[Per] Just look at me!
FormID: 0313E151	bgPDQ6ComeWithMe5Sorry	DIAL	 	Nevermind, mistook you for s.o. else.
FormID: 0313E153	bgPDQ6ComeWithMe4Result1	DIAL	 	That's all I have to say!
FormID: 0313E154	bgPDQ6ComeWithMe4Result2	DIAL	 	What do you say?
FormID: 0313EF4F	bgPBQ5DDarkSeducerTopic	DIAL	 	Zendria's Dark Seducer Guard
FormID: 0313EF50	bgPBQ5ChangeInBehavior0	DIAL	 	How about a little change in behavior?
FormID: 0313EF51	bgPBQ5ChangeInBehavior1	DIAL	 	What rumors?
FormID: 0313EF52	bgPBQ5ChangeInBehavior1a	DIAL	 	Why don't you collect them yourself?
FormID: 0313EF53	bgPBQ5ChangeInBehavior1b	DIAL	 	What did you expect to learn?
FormID: 0313EF54	bgPBQ5ChangeInBehavior1c	DIAL	 	Alright, I'm on my way.
FormID: 0313EF55	bgPBQ5Success	DIAL	 	I have found all diary entries!
FormID: 0313EF56	bgPBQ5FormerResident	DIAL	 	Zendria's Former Resident
FormID: 0313EF57	bgPBQ5Start0	DIAL	 	How to help the Mazken to warm up?
FormID: 0313EF68	bgPBQ5SuccessLongius	DIAL	 	The Dark Seducer has warmed up!
FormID: 0313EF71	bgPBQ2Paintings1DementiaLandscape	DIAL	 	Dementia Landscape
FormID: 0313EF72	bgPBQ2Paintings1Mushrooms	DIAL	 	Mushrooms
FormID: 0313EF73	bgPBQ2Paintings1Turumerin	DIAL	 	Turumerin
FormID: 0313EF74	bgPBQ2Paintings1TameXivilai	DIAL	 	Xivilai and Mace
FormID: 0313EF75	bgPBQ2Paintings1WildXivilai	DIAL	 	Wild Xivilai
FormID: 0313EF76	bgPBQ2Paintings1GoldenSaint	DIAL	 	Armored Golden Saint
FormID: 0313EF77	bgPBQ2Paintings1Elements	DIAL	 	Elemental Blotches
FormID: 0313EF78	bgPBQ2Paintings1HangingKhajiit	DIAL	 	Hanging Khajiit
FormID: 0313EF7C	bgPBQ2Paintings1Doggore	DIAL	 	Eviscerated Dog
FormID: 0313EF95	bgPBQ6DonateTopic	DIAL	 	Donate a painting for a gallery?
FormID: 0313EF96	bgPBQ6DonateTopicA	DIAL	 	I buy one for 10.000 gold!
FormID: 0313EF97	bgPBQ6DonateTopicB	DIAL	 	Thanks for your time.
FormID: 0313EF98	bgPBQ6DonateTopicTurumerin	DIAL	 	[SC] Draw more visitors to you!
FormID: 0313EFAA	bgPBQ6DonateTopicVelerya	DIAL	 	[SC] Makes it easier to remember you!
FormID: 0313EFC2	bgPBQ2Paintings2Donated10	DIAL	 	Bloodied Seducer
FormID: 0313EFC3	bgPBQ2Paintings2Donated15	DIAL	 	Seductive Golden Saint
FormID: 0313EFC4	bgPBQ2Paintings2Donated20	DIAL	 	Sea Elf
FormID: 0313EFC5	bgPBQ2Paintings2Donated25	DIAL	 	Robed Daedra Seducer
FormID: 0313EFC6	bgPBQ2Paintings2Donated30	DIAL	 	Female Ohmes-raht with Sword
FormID: 0313EFC7	bgPBQ2Paintings2Donated35	DIAL	 	Daedra Seducer at a Lake
FormID: 0313EFC8	bgPBQ2Paintings2Donated40	DIAL	 	Robed Mazken
FormID: 0313EFC9	bgPBQ2Paintings2Donated45	DIAL	 	Mazken in Underwear
FormID: 0313EFCA	bgPBQ2Paintings2Donated50	DIAL	 	Nude Ohmes-raht
FormID: 0313FFEF	bgPBQ7Stage64MeetJaciel1	DIAL	 	Who are you? What are you?
FormID: 0313FFF1	bgPBQ7Stage64MeetJaciel2	DIAL	 	How to know that you're real?
FormID: 0313FFF2	bgPBQ7Stage64MeetJaciel2a	DIAL	 	I've met Deyanira, she's now an Aureal!
FormID: 0313FFF3	bgPBQ7Stage64MeetJaciel2b	DIAL	 	Teshekru wants to return!
FormID: 0313FFF4	bgPBQ7Stage64MeetJaciel2c	DIAL	 	Thanks for your help!
FormID: 0313FFFE	bgZDSTeshShadePerilous1	DIAL	 	I enjoyed killing an image of you!
FormID: 03140000	bgZDSTeshShadePerilous	DIAL	 	I've met Jaciel, and bring bad news.
FormID: 03140001	bgZDSTeshShadePerilous2	DIAL	 	Sorry about Shade Perilous' closure.
FormID: 03140002	bgZDSTeshShadePerilous3	DIAL	 	I've met a darker version of you.
FormID: 03140003	bgZDSTeshShadePerilous4	DIAL	 	Have you ever been in Quagmire?
FormID: 031406EF	bgZPBQ7LockedDoor	DIAL	 	About the chained door...
FormID: 031406F0	bgZPBQ7LockedDoorA	DIAL	 	Alright, I'll do it. Teach me the spell!
FormID: 031406F1	bgZPBQ7LockedDoorB	DIAL	 	No, not yet.
FormID: 031406F8	bgPBQ7Locked0	DIAL	 	The door doesn't open!
FormID: 031406F9	bgPBQ7Locked1	DIAL	 	And you just dance?
FormID: 031406FA	bgPBQ7Locked2	DIAL	 	Is there anything I can do?
FormID: 031406FB	bgPBQ7WhatCanIDo	DIAL	 	What can I do?
FormID: 031406FC	bgPBQ7Whatsup	DIAL	 	What has happened?
FormID: 03140703	bgPBQ7GateCrystal	DIAL	 	Zendria's Gate Crystal
FormID: 03141501	bgPBQ7TeleportPads	DIAL	 	Teleportation Pads
FormID: 03141503	bgPBQ7Stage95InRoomTalk0	DIAL	 	What idea?
FormID: 03141504	bgPBQ7Stage95InRoomTalk1	DIAL	 	What present?
FormID: 03141505	bgPBQ7Stage95InRoomTalk1a	DIAL	 	A Nocturnal and lots of dopplegangers!
FormID: 03141506	bgPBQ7Stage95InRoomTalk1b	DIAL	 	Ruin full of strange Daedra and mortals!
FormID: 03141507	bgPBQ7Stage95InRoomTalk1c	DIAL	 	Ruin full of friends I had to kill!
FormID: 03141508	bgPBQ7Stage95InRoomTalk1d	DIAL	 	Just your typical Ayleid ruin to raid.
FormID: 03141509	bgPBQ7Stage95InRoomTalk2	DIAL	 	What's left to do?
FormID: 0314150A	bgPBQ7Stage95InRoomTalk3	DIAL	 	What's wrong?
FormID: 03141518	bgPBQ2Paintings2Donated55	DIAL	 	Nude Xivilai
FormID: 03141519	bgPBQ2Paintings2Donated60	DIAL	 	Ohmes-raht bard
FormID: 0314151F	bgPBQ6DonateTopicLesh	DIAL	 	[SC] Something to remember you.
FormID: 03141C0F	bgZDSTeshShadePerilous0	DIAL	 	In Quagmire. You're right about S.P..
FormID: 03141C16	bgZDSTeshDeyanira0Start	DIAL	 	She's now an Aureal in the S.I.!
FormID: 03141C17	bgZDSTeshDeyanira1	DIAL	 	It's not your fault. It was the Void.
FormID: 03141C18	bgZDSTeshDeyanira2	DIAL	 	Do I need to be jealous?
FormID: 03141C19	bgZDSTeshDeyanira3	DIAL	 	Is there any hope for them?
FormID: 03141C1A	bgZDSTeshDeyanira4	DIAL	 	Bring her a message from you?
FormID: 03141C1B	bgZDSTeshDeyanira5	DIAL	 	Do you want to talk about it?
FormID: 03141C23	bgZDSTeshRevelationTess1	DIAL	 	You eat butterflies?
FormID: 03141C24	bgZDSTeshRevelationTess2	DIAL	 	Lost a friend, and then her faith.
FormID: 03141C25	bgZDSTeshRevelationTess3	DIAL	 	She mourned, and then left the Isles.
FormID: 03141C26	bgZDSTeshRevelationTess4	DIAL	 	I won't tell you, it's a secret!
FormID: 03142310	bgPBQ8LetterTopic0	DIAL	 	Want to give you letter from Jesmin!
FormID: 03142311	bgPBQ8LetterTopic1	DIAL	 	Yes, she's back.
FormID: 03142312	bgPBQ8LetterTopic2	DIAL	 	Want me to bring a letter back?
FormID: 03142313	bgPBQ8LetterTopic3	DIAL	 	What is it?
FormID: 03142316	bgZPBQ8DeliverA	DIAL	 	I'm not in the delivery business!
FormID: 03142317	bgZPBQ8DeliverB	DIAL	 	Alright, who should get it?
FormID: 0314232B	bgMQ6RecruitTopic	DIAL	 	Want to join the Stranded Light?
__Stranded Lightに加入しませんか?
FormID: 0314234B	bgZDSTeshNewMembers1	DIAL	 	Always remember who freed you!
FormID: 0314234C	bgZDSTeshNewMembers2	DIAL	 	None as charming as you.
FormID: 0314234D	bgZDSTeshNewMembers3	DIAL	 	Why are you concerned?
FormID: 0314234E	bgZDSTeshNewMembers4	DIAL	 	Afraid that I find a new play mate?
FormID: 0314234F	bgZDSTeshNewMembers5	DIAL	 	Pave the way for your freedom.
FormID: 0314385A	bgZDSTeshAzuraStar5	DIAL	 	I'm going to have it destroyed!
FormID: 0314385C	bgZZMQ08Dialog0Start	DIAL	 	Why do you ask?
FormID: 0314385D	bgZZMQ08Dialog1Prince0	DIAL	 	About Daedric Princes...
__Daedric Princeについて
FormID: 0314385E	bgZZMQ08Dialog1Prince1	DIAL	 	Which Princes I should not serve?
FormID: 0314385F	bgZZMQ08Dialog1Prince3	DIAL	 	Which princes I can safely serve?
FormID: 03143860	bgZZMQ08Dialog2Artifact0	DIAL	 	About Daedric Artifacts...
__Daedric Artifactについて
FormID: 03143861	bgZZMQ08Dialog2Artifact1	DIAL	 	Which artifacts should be destroyed?
FormID: 03143862	bgZZMQ08Dialog2Artifact2	DIAL	 	Which artifacts should be kept?
FormID: 03143863	bgZZMQ08Dialog3End	DIAL	 	Thanks for informing me.
FormID: 0314387A	bgZCQ8ArriasheCure1Yes	DIAL	 	Of course. What do I need to do?
FormID: 0314387B	bgZCQ8ArriasheCure2No	DIAL	 	No, I had enough of her!
FormID: 0314387E	bgCQ8Stage10Where	DIAL	 	Where is Arriashe?
FormID: 0314387F	bgCQ8Stage45Medicine0	DIAL	 	I've got something to drink for you!
FormID: 03143880	bgCQ8Stage50Medicine0	DIAL	 	Here, take it!
FormID: 03143881	bgCQ8Stage50Medicine1	DIAL	 	Come on, drink it!
FormID: 03143882	bgCQ8Stage50Medicine2	DIAL	 	Why did you do that?!
FormID: 03143883	bgCQ8Stage75Medicine0	DIAL	 	Here, take it!
FormID: 03143884	bgCQ8Stage75Medicine1	DIAL	 	I've restored your sanity.
FormID: 03143885	bgCQ8Stage75Medicine2	DIAL	 	What? Why?
FormID: 03143886	bgCQ8Stage75Medicine3	DIAL	 	The Suthay Decree is lifted!
FormID: 03143887	bgCQ8Stage95Failure	DIAL	 	Arriashe smashed the vial!
FormID: 03143888	bgCQ8Stage100Success	DIAL	 	Arriashe took the medicine!
FormID: 0314388A	bgCQ8Stage100Success2	DIAL	 	She decided to stay, of her own will.
FormID: 0314389B	bgCQ8Stage75Medicine4	DIAL	 	So you won't come back?

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