L10N/Integration_TSL/0.993/Dialogue/bgZHQHiddenDialogue-01 の変更点


FormID: 0300E4F7	bgZHQHiddenDialogue	GREETING	0	Don't even ask, please.	
FormID: 0300E4F7	bgZHQHiddenDialogue	GREETING	1	No, I can't tell you where you get these face paintings. They're markings of our tribe. And as you see, I'm not there anymore.	
FormID: 0300E4F9	bgZHQHiddenDialogue	GREETING	0	Greetings! I've never seen another of our tribe here in Cyrodiil before!	
FormID: 0300E4F9	bgZHQHiddenDialogue	GREETING	1	Of course this could have something to do with the fact that I barely leave Cyrod. How did you escape?	
FormID: 0300E4FC	bgZHQHiddenDialogue	bgZHQ1Escaped	0	So you're from another colony? Well, these things happen, do they not? Ours was the victim of a landslide years ago.	
FormID: 0300E4FC	bgZHQHiddenDialogue	bgZHQ1Escaped	1	Now I'm here, walking like a Wood Elf, just hoping that noone's going to ask any questions. You know how it is.	
FormID: 0300E4FC	bgZHQHiddenDialogue	bgZHQ1Escaped	2	If there were other survivors, they went astray.	
FormID: 0300E4FE	bgZHQHiddenDialogue	bgZHQ1Where	0	I've not always lived in Cy-, in the Imperial City. Once I lived in a small town, in the Colovian Highlands near the High Rock border.	
__ずっとCy … いや、Imperial Cityに住んでいるわけではないよ。かつてはColovian HighlandsのHigh Rock国境近くにあった小さな町で暮らしていた。
FormID: 0300E4FE	bgZHQHiddenDialogue	bgZHQ1Where	1	Then a landslide came, the town was destroyed.	
FormID: 0300E4FE	bgZHQHiddenDialogue	bgZHQ1Where	2	I survived, maybe a few others. But we're scattered throughout the land.	
FormID: 0300E4FE	bgZHQHiddenDialogue	bgZHQ1Where	3	Since them I'm here, trying to scry and find the others that went astray.	
FormID: 0300E4FF	bgZHQHiddenDialogue	bgZHQ1WentAstray	0	Well yes, that happens if everyone runs away screaming in panic.	
FormID: 0300E4FF	bgZHQHiddenDialogue	bgZHQ1WentAstray	1	I know of at least two survivors who fled into Dire-, err, High Rock territory. The others? Hard to say.	
__少なくとも2人は Dire … いや、High Rockに逃げ延びたのを確認しているけれど、他の仲間たちはどうなったのか…。思い出すのも辛いよ。
FormID: 0300E4FF	bgZHQHiddenDialogue	bgZHQ1WentAstray	2	Last time I was there the whole town was buried under tons of earth. A few years pass, and everything falls into obscurity.	
FormID: 0300E4FF	bgZHQHiddenDialogue	bgZHQ1WentAstray	3	Since the Alessian genocide the town stood. And then, in the blink of an eye, it was gone.	
FormID: 0300E501	bgZHQHiddenDialogue	bgZHQ1Buried	0	There's nothing left except flat earth, mud and a bit of grass. Don't bother going there.	
FormID: 0300E501	bgZHQHiddenDialogue	bgZHQ1Buried	1	Although as I last visited the place there was a message carved into a tree, written in our old tongue. It's describing a place, but I'm not able to locate it.	
FormID: 0300E501	bgZHQHiddenDialogue	bgZHQ1Buried	2	Although that's not something I should share with outsiders.	
FormID: 0300E502	bgZHQHiddenDialogue	bgZHQ1Buried	0	There's nothing left except flat earth, mud and a bit of grass. Don't bother going there.	
FormID: 0300E502	bgZHQHiddenDialogue	bgZHQ1Buried	1	Although as I last visited the place there was a message carved into a tree, written in our old tongue. It's describing a place, but I'm not able to locate it.	
FormID: 0300E502	bgZHQHiddenDialogue	bgZHQ1Buried	2	Say, would you like to go on an expedition? Trying to find that place, wherever it may be?	
FormID: 0300E505	bgZHQHiddenDialogue	bgZHQ1ExpeditionA	0	I understand. Good day to you.	
FormID: 0300E506	bgZHQHiddenDialogue	bgZHQ1ExpeditionB	0	Great! Take this translation. It describes a place. Maybe you'll find one of my tribe there.	
FormID: 0300E506	bgZHQHiddenDialogue	bgZHQ1ExpeditionB	1	I've searched along all rivers in Colovia already. I don't think it's any of them. Good luck! Let me know if you find anything!	
FormID: 030268BA	bgZHQHiddenDialogue	LeyawiinTopic	0	A nice little town, I suppose. Just a little thing irks me.	
FormID: 030268BA	bgZHQHiddenDialogue	LeyawiinTopic	1	Wasn't there supposed to be a connection between the sea and the Niben? This whole town is blocking it currently. This won't end well, I tell you!	
FormID: 030268BA	bgZHQHiddenDialogue	LeyawiinTopic	2	Well, not my business if the flood comes. I can walk on water. If the pelanni can, we'll see.	
FormID: 030268BC	bgZHQHiddenDialogue	LeyawiinTopic	0	I've never been there. Although I heard rumors. Hm. Maybe one day I have to go visit the far edges of this country.	
FormID: 030268C0	bgZHQHiddenDialogue	SkingradTopic	0	Good solid stonework. One of the few cities the humans got right, if I may say so.	
FormID: 030268C2	bgZHQHiddenDialogue	BravilTopic	0	That is what this once famous land has become. Around it you can still see past glories, but Bravil itself? I can't understand why anyone would want to live in it.	
FormID: 030268C3	bgZHQHiddenDialogue	AnvilTopic	0	I don't feel comfortable in these dead city.	
FormID: 030268C3	bgZHQHiddenDialogue	AnvilTopic	1	In my home everything was organic, a breathing home, and a breathing guild.	
FormID: 030268C3	bgZHQHiddenDialogue	AnvilTopic	2	These humans, Ra Gada and Cyrodilic alike, love cold stone more than it's good for them.	
__Ra GadaやCyrodiilみたいな種族の人々は冷たい石や岩を好みますね。
FormID: 030268C3	bgZHQHiddenDialogue	AnvilTopic	3	No wonder so many of them turn to necromancy, daedra worshipping and other foul practices.	
FormID: 030268C4	bgZHQHiddenDialogue	CheydinhalTopic	0	I'm not sure what I had expected.	
FormID: 030268C4	bgZHQHiddenDialogue	CheydinhalTopic	1	It's different compared to the Isles, that's for sure.	
FormID: 030268C4	bgZHQHiddenDialogue	CheydinhalTopic	2	No less crazy, though. Only crazy in a more subtle way.	
FormID: 030268C4	bgZHQHiddenDialogue	CheydinhalTopic	3	Someday someone will snap. And the sad part is that it will happen even without Lord Sheogorath's or our intervention.	
FormID: 030268C5	bgZHQHiddenDialogue	ImperialCityTopic	0	Yeah, a boring place, isn't it?	
FormID: 030268C5	bgZHQHiddenDialogue	ImperialCityTopic	1	Trust me, I'd like to love going out and smashing something. Or getting drunk in the next tavern. Or just have fun.	
FormID: 030268C5	bgZHQHiddenDialogue	ImperialCityTopic	2	But you'll never get somewhere in life if you always follow your instincts. We are better than that.	
FormID: 030268C5	bgZHQHiddenDialogue	ImperialCityTopic	3	Mostly, that is.	
FormID: 030268C6	bgZHQHiddenDialogue	ImperialCityTopic	0	Oh old Cyrod, seeing you like this brings tears into my eyes.	
FormID: 030268C7	bgZHQHiddenDialogue	CheydinhalTopic	0	An . . . acceptable development I guess. I mean the new rulers. Cyrodiil will benefit from having rulers with a longer perception than the few years men have.	
FormID: 030268C8	bgZHQHiddenDialogue	AnvilTopic	0	An amalgation of all men. How do they call themselves today? Ra Gada, Genocides, Highmongrels and Emperormongrels?	
__人種のるつぼだね。今の時代では、あの街の住民は自分たちの事を何と言って自称しているのかな?Ra Gada?Genocides?Highmongrels?それともEmperormongrels?
FormID: 030268C8	bgZHQHiddenDialogue	AnvilTopic	1	I don't keep up with their names. In our old history they're still named Nede, Kothri, Al-gemha, Keptu and so many others. Who cares anymore?	
FormID: 030268C8	bgZHQHiddenDialogue	AnvilTopic	2	And Anvil? The most beautiful city build by men's hands, nevertheless a pale comparison to old glories of the past. Judge yourself.	
FormID: 030268C9	bgZHQHiddenDialogue	BrumaTopic	0	Too far north. Once Falmer territory. That is before they were eradicated by the Ysgamor and his successors.	
FormID: 030268C9	bgZHQHiddenDialogue	BrumaTopic	1	At least as far as I know. I never was that far into the snowlands.	
FormID: 030268CA	bgZHQHiddenDialogue	ChorrolTopic	0	Once a gateway to northern land, but men let nature reclaim streets and paths.	
FormID: 030268CA	bgZHQHiddenDialogue	ChorrolTopic	1	Now it's just a reclusive town, on which time flies by. I wonder how long it will last.	
FormID: 030268CA	bgZHQHiddenDialogue	ChorrolTopic	2	Remember Sutch?	
FormID: 030268CA	bgZHQHiddenDialogue	ChorrolTopic	3	I do!	
FormID: 030268CA	bgZHQHiddenDialogue	ChorrolTopic	4	Mir Corrup?	
__ではMir Corrupは?
FormID: 030268CA	bgZHQHiddenDialogue	ChorrolTopic	5	Gone from all maps. I sooner see Merendin coming back to glory than ever see or hear something about these once human settlements again.	
FormID: 030268CA	bgZHQHiddenDialogue	ChorrolTopic	6	Time will tell.	
FormID: 030268CD	bgZHQHiddenDialogue	bgZMG1Merendin	0	Just one of the old cities that were reclaimed by the earth, like mine not so long ago.	
FormID: 030268CD	bgZHQHiddenDialogue	bgZMG1Merendin	1	Although Merendin, as far as I know, didn't break. It's still there, first withering time and wind, now withering time and swamp.	
FormID: 030268CD	bgZHQHiddenDialogue	bgZMG1Merendin	2	That is how you can spot true craftmanship. Those cities stand for more than two human eras. What else did survive?	
FormID: 030268CD	bgZHQHiddenDialogue	bgZMG1Merendin	3	Cyrod. I rest my case.	
FormID: 0303EB7C	bgZHQHiddenDialogue	bgZMG1AnvilWho	0	Oh please. I'm not going to tell anyone just swimming by my life story.	
FormID: 0303EB7D	bgZHQHiddenDialogue	bgZMG1AnvilWho	0	I'm Errallius. I was on a ship, that met some nice Akaviri pirates.	
FormID: 0303EB7D	bgZHQHiddenDialogue	bgZMG1AnvilWho	1	After that, well, I landed a far bit south of here. Was nice there. Those barbarians tried to eat me. Do I look like a Slaughterfish?	
FormID: 0303EB7D	bgZHQHiddenDialogue	bgZMG1AnvilWho	2	Now I'm here, waiting that any ship sets sail to the south, so I can hook myself under it. Far easier than swimming by myself.	
FormID: 0303EB7E	bgZHQHiddenDialogue	bgZMG1AnvilWhat	0	Oh please, ever looked in a mirror?	
FormID: 0303EB7F	bgZHQHiddenDialogue	bgZMG1AnvilWhat	0	I'm a Maormer, a Sea Elf, or Tropical Elf, or however else we're called around here.	
__私はMaormerです。この地においてはSea ElfとかTropical Elfとか色々な名前で呼ばれていますけれども。
FormID: 0303EB7F	bgZHQHiddenDialogue	bgZMG1AnvilWhat	1	Ah yes, please don't run to the nearest Altmer port town. I'm not here to invade Tamriel. My ship just had an, err, accident. That is all. I'm stranded. Err. Watered.	
FormID: 0303EB80	bgZHQHiddenDialogue	bgZMG1AnvilWhat	0	I'm a High Elf fish hybrid, don't you see?	
__私はHigh Elfと魚との混合種です。見て分かりませんか?
FormID: 0303EB80	bgZHQHiddenDialogue	bgZMG1AnvilWhat	1	That's what Sumurset is breeding to overtake Tamriel. Just wait and see.	
FormID: 0303EB80	bgZHQHiddenDialogue	bgZMG1AnvilWhat	2	Oh, don't strike me down. I'm just a test subject flushed down the toilet.	
FormID: 0303EB81	bgZHQHiddenDialogue	bgZMG1AnvilWhat	0	*Altmer*, ask this again and I'll gnaw on your nose.	
FormID: 0303EB86	bgZHQHiddenDialogue	GREETING	0	(You try to speak, but water fills your lungs.)	
FormID: 0303EB87	bgZHQHiddenDialogue	GREETING	0	Oh. Another one swimming by. How quaint. Next ship south is mine.	
FormID: 030513D7	bgZHQHiddenDialogue	GREETING	0	Hi there!	
FormID: 030513D7	bgZHQHiddenDialogue	GREETING	1	Do you feel a little lost, too?	
FormID: 030513D8	bgZHQHiddenDialogue	bgZEQ1Lost	0	I don't recall coming here.	
FormID: 030513D8	bgZHQHiddenDialogue	bgZEQ1Lost	1	Our ship sank. And then we swam. Into all directions. And suddenly stars filled the skies. Where am I?	
FormID: 030513DD	bgZHQHiddenDialogue	bgZEQ1Lost1	0	They're not on our naval maps.	
FormID: 030513DD	bgZHQHiddenDialogue	bgZEQ1Lost1	1	Looks a bit like Black Marsh. Is that some kind of Argonian atoll?	
__Black Marsh地方に少し似た風景だとは思うが。ここはArgonianの島か何かなのか?
FormID: 030513DE	bgZHQHiddenDialogue	bgZEQ1Lost2	0	No, I don't think so. You can't just walk into a daedric realm. You first have to cross the liminal barrier, and I can't remember breaking through it.	
__そんなはずが無いだろう。daedricの領域に歩いて来られるわけがない。第一、到達する為にはliminal barrierを突破しなければならないはずだが、突破する方法なんて全く見当が付かないぞ。
FormID: 030513DF	bgZHQHiddenDialogue	bgZEQ1Lost3	0	I do. You're crazy. Like everyone around here.	
FormID: 030513DF	bgZHQHiddenDialogue	bgZEQ1Lost3	1	Although maybe you're crazy enough to run an errand. No?	
FormID: 030513E2	bgZHQHiddenDialogue	bgZEQ1Lost3b	0	Alright then. Be on your way. Shoo!	
FormID: 030513E3	bgZHQHiddenDialogue	GREETING	0	I fear you're lost, too. We've got nothing else to talk about. Shoo!	
FormID: 030513E4	bgZHQHiddenDialogue	bgZEQ1Lost3a	0	I have seen several of my kin escape from the ship and the Akaviri pirats. Don't know where they have stranded, though.	
FormID: 030513E4	bgZHQHiddenDialogue	bgZEQ1Lost3a	1	That worries me a bit. Try to find out who got away, will you? We were fourteen people. Shouldn't be too much of a task?	
FormID: 030513E4	bgZHQHiddenDialogue	bgZEQ1Lost3a	2	Go then. Shoo!	
FormID: 03058318	bgZHQHiddenDialogue	GREETING	0	Welcome to our little farm, stranger.	
FormID: 0305831A	bgZHQHiddenDialogue	bgZAQ6Farm	0	I'm sorry, Llen is in charge of talking.	
FormID: 0305831A	bgZHQHiddenDialogue	bgZAQ6Farm	1	Please just assume I'm not even here.	
FormID: 0305831B	bgZHQHiddenDialogue	bgZAQ6Farm	0	I'm sorry, Llen is in charge of talking.	
FormID: 0305831B	bgZHQHiddenDialogue	bgZAQ6Farm	1	Please just assume I'm not even here.

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