L10N/Integration_TSL/0.993/Dialogue/bgSQ6Tesh-01 の変更点

FormID: 030C9BD6	bgSQ6Tesh	bgSQ6AWine1	0	Don't you dare to give it someone else. It will only work for you, my friend.	
FormID: 030C9BD6	bgSQ6Tesh	bgSQ6AWine1	0	Don't you dare to give it someone else. It will only work for you, my friend.
FormID: 030C9BD6	bgSQ6Tesh	bgSQ6AWine1	1	I've poured a bit of my Magicka into the wine. My inner fire, only for you.	
FormID: 030C9BD7	bgSQ6Tesh	bgSQ6AWine2	0	In the wine I gave you, there was a bit of my Magicka. It will help you. Heal you. Protect you. There's a bond between us.	
FormID: 030C9BD7	bgSQ6Tesh	bgSQ6AWine2	1	It's only a small gift I could give you, so that you may come back to me from your travels.	
FormID: 030C9BD8	bgSQ6Tesh	bgSQ6AWine1	0	It's the least I could do to keep you alive. I will not let death claim you!	
FormID: 030C9BD9	bgSQ6Tesh	bgSQ6AWine1	0	It's the least I could do to keep you in this world. I will not let the waters of Oblivion claim you!	
FormID: 030CBE4A	bgSQ6Tesh	bgSQ6BFriend	0	Yes, what's on your mind?	
FormID: 030CBE4A	bgSQ6Tesh	bgSQ6BFriend	0	Yes, what's on your mind?
FormID: 030CBE4B	bgSQ6Tesh	bgSQ6BFriend	0	I have eagerly awaited your return.	
FormID: 030CBE4C	bgSQ6Tesh	bgSQ6BFriend	0	I'm so glad that you didn't forget me.	
FormID: 030CBE4D	bgSQ6Tesh	bgSQ6BFriend	0	Yes, friend?	
FormID: 030CBE4E	bgSQ6Tesh	bgSQ6BFriend	0	You're always welcome!	
FormID: 030CBE4F	bgSQ6Tesh	bgSQ6BFriend	0	I'm all ears. And more.	
FormID: 030CBE4E	bgSQ6Tesh	bgSQ6BFriend	0	You're always welcome!
FormID: 030CBE4F	bgSQ6Tesh	bgSQ6BFriend	0	I'm all ears. And more.
FormID: 030CBE50	bgSQ6Tesh	bgSQ6BFriend	0	Share your thoughts.	
FormID: 030CBE51	bgSQ6Tesh	bgSQ6BFriend	0	I'm here, and so you are.	
FormID: 030CBE51	bgSQ6Tesh	bgSQ6BFriend	0	I'm here, and so you are.
FormID: 030CBE52	bgSQ6Tesh	bgSQ6BFriend0Nothing	0	Just checking if I'm alright? I am!	
FormID: 030CBE52	bgSQ6Tesh	bgSQ6BFriend0Nothing	1	See you around!	
FormID: 030CBE53	bgSQ6Tesh	bgSQ6BFriend1Present	0	As I went to sleep this night, I cried.	
FormID: 030CBE53	bgSQ6Tesh	bgSQ6BFriend1Present	1	It weren't tears of sadness though, but of joy and solace. Because you have come to me.	
FormID: 030CBE53	bgSQ6Tesh	bgSQ6BFriend1Present	2	No, you don't need to bring me anything. Instead I have something for you. One of my tears, shed for you, about you. Tears of happyness. Thank you.	
FormID: 030CBE59	bgSQ6Tesh	bgSQ6BFriend1Present	0	Oh? What? Oh yes, yes, there is something! I really enjoy reading, but it's a bit hard for me to get new books.	
FormID: 030CBE59	bgSQ6Tesh	bgSQ6BFriend1Present	1	It would be so nice of you if you bring me the complete series of the Real Barenziah! They're five books, and shouldn't be hard to get.	
FormID: 030CBE59	bgSQ6Tesh	bgSQ6BFriend1Present	2	Except if you're restricted to Merendin, but fortunately you're not.	
FormID: 030CBE5A	bgSQ6Tesh	bgSQ6BFriend1Present1	0	Many thanks! This will make living in Merendin for the next couple of days more bearable. When you're away. Otherwise it's already very bearable.	
FormID: 030CBE5B	bgSQ6Tesh	bgSQ6BFriend1Present	0	Oh? Well. I'm not sure if I can even say this aloud. Or should.	
FormID: 030CBE5B	bgSQ6Tesh	bgSQ6BFriend1Present	1	There is something I like to have, if only to make my life easier.	
FormID: 030CBE5B	bgSQ6Tesh	bgSQ6BFriend1Present	2	They didn't even gave me a knife. If I eat something like a potatoe, I have to use my fingernails to cut it. Just because they don't want to risk to give me any sharp objects.	
FormID: 030CBE5B	bgSQ6Tesh	bgSQ6BFriend1Present	3	Would you bring me a small dagger? Maybe a silver one? I could use it as a knife. And I had a little bit to defend myself if again a big spider decides to waltz over my bed.	
FormID: 030CBE5F	bgSQ6Tesh	bgSQ6BFriend1Present2	0	Many, many thanks!	
FormID: 030CBE5F	bgSQ6Tesh	bgSQ6BFriend1Present2	1	This will make my life a whole lot easier.	
FormID: 030CBE5F	bgSQ6Tesh	bgSQ6BFriend1Present2	2	Thinking about it. I still have the first collar Karashivuel gave me. I've cut myself on it, and so my blood and Magicka spilled over it. Maybe it's of some use to you?	
FormID: 030CBE5F	bgSQ6Tesh	bgSQ6BFriend1Present2	3	I won't put it on anymore, that's for sure.	
FormID: 030CBE60	bgSQ6Tesh	bgSQ6BFriend1Present	0	It may sound odd to you, but I would like to read the two [QUOTE]Stranded Light Courier[QUOTE] editions they wrote about me. They never shown me one of the final editions.	
FormID: 030CBE60	bgSQ6Tesh	bgSQ6BFriend1Present	1	And I like to know what's being written about me.	
FormID: 030CBE61	bgSQ6Tesh	bgSQ6BFriend1Present3	0	Many thanks! Let me look through them.	
FormID: 030CBE61	bgSQ6Tesh	bgSQ6BFriend1Present3	1	(.................................)	
FormID: 030CBE61	bgSQ6Tesh	bgSQ6BFriend1Present3	2	Oh dear, if they would act like they write, this place would be a lot more comfortable for me.	
FormID: 030CBE61	bgSQ6Tesh	bgSQ6BFriend1Present3	3	At least their writings won't cause the mortal population to raise pitchforks when they see me. Maybe I should be thankful for that.	
FormID: 030CBE61	bgSQ6Tesh	bgSQ6BFriend1Present3	4	Keep the [QUOTE]Stranded Light Couriers[QUOTE]. I don't want them.	
FormID: 030CBE62	bgSQ6Tesh	bgSQ6BFriend1Present	0	You've brought yourself to me. That's more than I could ask for.	
FormID: 030CBE63	bgSQ6Tesh	bgSQ6BFriend1Present	0	Oh? I'm curently not aware of anything I desire. Except what's already here. Right now.	
FormID: 030CBE64	bgSQ6Tesh	bgSQ6BFriend1Present	0	When you're here, I'm content without further wishes.	
FormID: 030CBE64	bgSQ6Tesh	bgSQ6BFriend1Present	1	It's more a problem when you're gone.	
FormID: 030CBE64	bgSQ6Tesh	bgSQ6BFriend1Present	2	Yet I can't chain you here. That would be wrong. So desireable, but wrong.	
FormID: 030CBE65	bgSQ6Tesh	bgSQ6BFriend1Present	0	A wise daedroth once said to me that it's better to not possess what you desire the most.	
FormID: 030CBE65	bgSQ6Tesh	bgSQ6BFriend1Present	1	No, there's nothing you could bring me. At least today. Right now. Here. Thanks for your caring!	
FormID: 030CBE66	bgSQ6Tesh	bgSQ6BFriend1Present	0	I think we've already talked about this today.	
FormID: 030CBE66	bgSQ6Tesh	bgSQ6BFriend1Present	1	Thanks for asking again, nonetheless.	
FormID: 030CBE67	bgSQ6Tesh	bgSQ6BFriend1What	0	What if I say [QUOTE]the two of us[QUOTE]?	
FormID: 030CBE67	bgSQ6Tesh	bgSQ6BFriend1What	1	You're very important to me. While I was lieing in my bed, thinking about the future, well, something occured to me.	
FormID: 030CBE67	bgSQ6Tesh	bgSQ6BFriend1What	2	You've rescued me. Twice already. And I'm confident to place my trust in you to release me from Merendin, too.	
FormID: 030CBE67	bgSQ6Tesh	bgSQ6BFriend1What	3	And then? Wherever I will be, I want it to be a place I can still see you, meet you regurlary. And I don't mean every couple of weeks, but at best on a daily basis.	
FormID: 030CBE67	bgSQ6Tesh	bgSQ6BFriend1What	4	Impossible, I know. It's just something I dream about.	
FormID: 030CBE68	bgSQ6Tesh	bgSQ6BFriend1What	0	Nothing important, really. I'm just observing the other inhabitants of Merendin. Quite interesting if you think about their behavior.	
FormID: 030CBE68	bgSQ6Tesh	bgSQ6BFriend1What	1	Example given did you notice that Tesserayiel is the only one of the Daedra around who is only wearing her kind's armor, and never any kind of other clothing instead?	
FormID: 030CBE68	bgSQ6Tesh	bgSQ6BFriend1What	2	Should tell you something, if you think about it.	
FormID: 030CBE69	bgSQ6Tesh	bgSQ6BFriend1What	0	Forgetting Merendin's inhabitants for a second, the place is quite beautiful, don't you think? The lighting is especially breathtaking.	
FormID: 030CBE69	bgSQ6Tesh	bgSQ6BFriend1What	1	If only, oh well. If you'd be at my side every day I could even begin to like the place.	
FormID: 030CBE6A	bgSQ6Tesh	bgSQ6BFriend1What	0	Intermingling.	
FormID: 030CBE6A	bgSQ6Tesh	bgSQ6BFriend1What	1	One can dream, can't I?	
FormID: 030CBE6B	bgSQ6Tesh	bgSQ6BFriend1What	0	The darkness that wasn't Nocturnal's darkness. The fall of Shade Perilous. Most mortals long have forgotten what has happened back then. New generations came, ignorant about even their own history.	
FormID: 030CBE6B	bgSQ6Tesh	bgSQ6BFriend1What	1	In the mortal realm, time is the destroyer of worlds.	
FormID: 030CBE6C	bgSQ6Tesh	bgSQ6BFriend1What	0	You've already asked me this question not so long ago.	
FormID: 030CBE6D	bgSQ6Tesh	bgSQ6BFriend1How	0	I'm not sure how to answer this truthfully.	
FormID: 030CBE6D	bgSQ6Tesh	bgSQ6BFriend1How	1	There is a fire in me, yearning, a burning desire. I'm hungry. A hunger food won't satisfy.	
FormID: 030CBE6D	bgSQ6Tesh	bgSQ6BFriend1How	2	Yet while my body says [QUOTE]yes[QUOTE], my mind says [QUOTE]no[QUOTE].	
FormID: 030CBE6D	bgSQ6Tesh	bgSQ6BFriend1How	3	[QUOTE]No. Not yet. Not here.[QUOTE]	
FormID: 030CBE6D	bgSQ6Tesh	bgSQ6BFriend1How	4	Maybe later. Still I feel this burning. And I've got to let it out. My spell training at least helps a bit.	
FormID: 030CBE6E	bgSQ6Tesh	bgSQ6BFriend1How	0	I've been better. And I've been worse. It's alright. Thanks for asking!	
FormID: 030CBE6F	bgSQ6Tesh	bgSQ6BFriend1How	0	Before you've arrived I was, well, not feeling good. Now that you're here I'm a lot more at ease than before.	
FormID: 030CBE70	bgSQ6Tesh	bgSQ6BFriend1How	0	I'm here. You're here. So I'm delighted to see you.	
FormID: 030CBE71	bgSQ6Tesh	bgSQ6BFriend1How	0	A bit ill. You would think that Daedra are immune to diseases, being immortal and all. Our immortality is one of the spirit, not the body. We can sustain our body on primordial forces, but where's the fun of this?	
FormID: 030CBE71	bgSQ6Tesh	bgSQ6BFriend1How	1	And that is quite difficult, next to impossible even, on Mundus anyway. So I've catched a cold. Still getting better. I hope. It's the ruin.	
FormID: 030CBE72	bgSQ6Tesh	bgSQ6BFriend1How	0	I've already told you. Is everything alright with your memory?	
FormID: 030CC55F	bgSQ6Tesh	GREETING	0	My friend, I've thought for a long time now. What to do. How our future can and should look like. The way we can make our lifes better, both of us.	
FormID: 030CC55F	bgSQ6Tesh	GREETING	1	You've got your own tower in Mir Corrup. I want to come to you. Live with you there.	
FormID: 030CC55F	bgSQ6Tesh	GREETING	2	I won't be a burden for you, promised! Just let me move in with you there, will you?	
FormID: 030CC560	bgSQ6Tesh	bgSQ6BFriend2Roomie1	0	That is my plan. If you agree. We will still see each other. At the same time I will be at a place without Karashivuel monitoring every step I take, every word I whisper.	
FormID: 030CC560	bgSQ6Tesh	bgSQ6BFriend2Roomie1	1	I, I won't be a burden. You and me, well, I'm sure it can only be better than me in Merendin. Please! Give us the chance! Give me the chance!	
FormID: 030CCC43	bgSQ6Tesh	bgSQ6BFriend2Roomie2	0	Ask and I will answer.	
FormID: 030CCC44	bgSQ6Tesh	bgSQ6BFriend2Roomie2a	0	Are you sure? Good!	
FormID: 030CCC45	bgSQ6Tesh	bgSQ6BFriend2Roomie2b	0	As sure as I ever was.	
FormID: 030CCC45	bgSQ6Tesh	bgSQ6BFriend2Roomie2b	1	You're important to me. To whom else should I go?	
FormID: 030CCC46	bgSQ6Tesh	bgSQ6BFriend2Roomie2c	0	I've thought about this. Maybe, if you had been different than you are, it would have been an alternative.	
FormID: 030CCC46	bgSQ6Tesh	bgSQ6BFriend2Roomie2c	1	Try to understand: I was alone in the soul gem for eternities. So it seemed to me. Today I know it was merely three decades, but inside the gem, well. Eternities.	
FormID: 030CCC46	bgSQ6Tesh	bgSQ6BFriend2Roomie2c	2	I had enough lonelyness for this era and the next. In Shade Perilous there was privacy, but lonelyness wasn't an issue. You could always find one of the Nocturnals to talk to. Or one of my sisters.	
FormID: 030CCC46	bgSQ6Tesh	bgSQ6BFriend2Roomie2c	3	Outside of Mir Corrup and Merendin I won't have anyone to talk to. And I want to have you, my friend, nearby. So no, I don't want my own house.	
FormID: 030CCC47	bgSQ6Tesh	bgSQ6BFriend2Roomie2d	0	You may have noticed the teleportation platform between here and there. Let's just say that it was already used by a couple of Merendin's residents.	
FormID: 030CCC47	bgSQ6Tesh	bgSQ6BFriend2Roomie2d	1	Not me, of course. But I've heard their descriptions of your tower. It will be a lot more than I had in Shade Perilous. Not to say anything about Merendin.	
FormID: 030CCC48	bgSQ6Tesh	bgSQ6BFriend2Roomie3	0	Which?	
FormID: 030CCC49	bgSQ6Tesh	bgSQ6BFriend2Roomie3b	0	What?	
FormID: 030CCC49	bgSQ6Tesh	bgSQ6BFriend2Roomie3b	1	Please think again. My friend. You're my hope to finally find my place in this world. Do not kick the door into my face.	
FormID: 030CCC4A	bgSQ6Tesh	bgSQ6BFriend2Roomie3bb	0	You've broken my heart. Why? Why? Why?	
FormID: 030CCC4A	bgSQ6Tesh	bgSQ6BFriend2Roomie3bb	1	And I really thought of you as a friend. Guess I was mistaken, then.	
FormID: 030CCC4B	bgSQ6Tesh	bgSQ6BFriend2Roomie3a	0	Many thanks! Unfortunately it's not that easy. I've got certain obligations here.	
FormID: 030CCC4B	bgSQ6Tesh	bgSQ6BFriend2Roomie3a	1	Please check with the Stranded Light first. I don't want any trouble with them. After all Mir Corrup is their city.	
FormID: 030CCC51	bgSQ6Tesh	bgSQ6BFriend3TeshMoveIn1	0	She does want what? Not my area anyway. Check with Karashivuel.	
FormID: 030CCC52	bgSQ6Tesh	bgSQ6BFriend3TeshMoveIn1	0	I'm sad to hear this. Oh well, she never was happy here either way.	
FormID: 030CCC52	bgSQ6Tesh	bgSQ6BFriend3TeshMoveIn1	1	Be it as it may, it's Karashivuel's area of responsibility. You need to check with her.	
FormID: 030CCC53	bgSQ6Tesh	bgSQ6BFriend3TeshMoveIn1	0	These are unfortunate news. I hoped she will begin to grow fond of this place, and of us. Yet she never accepted this place for what it is.	
FormID: 030CCC53	bgSQ6Tesh	bgSQ6BFriend3TeshMoveIn1	1	Talk with Karashivuel. She handles issues like this.	
FormID: 030CCC54	bgSQ6Tesh	bgSQ6BFriend3TeshMoveIn1	0	Our little darling wants to leave? And move in with you? Oh dear, you're in way over your head. Or maybe you not, and you're going to enjoy the pain.	
FormID: 030CCC54	bgSQ6Tesh	bgSQ6BFriend3TeshMoveIn1	1	We do not keep her hostage. Though it's our responsibility to have an eye on her. She seems to be a less murderous bitch than most other Daedra Seducer, but they're also great actors.

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