L10N/Integration_TSL/0.993/Dialogue/bgMQ3Interview-04 の変更点

FormID: 03037D01	bgMQ3Interview	bgMQ3Aureal	2	Or some, like myself, get trapped here. 	
FormID: 03037D01	bgMQ3Interview	bgMQ3Aureal	3	Tell me, what's so great about this, err, place? Why does Mehrunes Dagon try to destroy it? It's already more rundown than Dementia. And that says a lot!	
__教えて下さい!こんな場所のどこが良いんですか?どうしてMehrunes Dagonはわざわざ破壊しにやって来るんですか?Dementia以上に停滞した世界なのに…。
FormID: 03037D02	bgMQ3Interview	bgMQ3Aureal	0	We are, without boasting, a power to behold.	
FormID: 03037D02	bgMQ3Interview	bgMQ3Aureal	1	Look at other Daedra! Ogrims, too slow to be dangerous. Dremora, slaughtering their own minions, betraying their kin if it suits their purpose. Xivilai, unable to restrain themselves. Scamps, pure jokes.	
FormID: 03037D02	bgMQ3Interview	bgMQ3Aureal	2	Clannfears, nothing more than bloodhounds. Spider Daedra, even dangerous to their allies. Atronachs, elements going postal. Winged Twilights, banished together with Azura by Vivec's Muatra.	
__Clanfearなんてただの狂犬以上のものではありませんし、Spider Daedraは敵味方関係なく危険を振りまきます。Atronachたちは郵便屋程度の役にしか立ちません。Winged TwilightはVivecのMuatraの槍によってAzuraともども消え去ってしまいました。
FormID: 03037D02	bgMQ3Interview	bgMQ3Aureal	3	Daedra Seducer, unable to band together, each one wandering aimlessly alone through the void. Hunger, minor inconveniences. No wonder Haymon Camoran failed. As it is the fate of his son.	
__ではDaedra Seducerは?彼らは団結というものを知らず、孤独に虚空をさまようだけの存在です。Hungerなどは使い物になりません。Haymon Camoranが敗れたのも仕方ない事ですね。彼の息子もまた同じ道をたどりました。
FormID: 03037D02	bgMQ3Interview	bgMQ3Aureal	4	Tesserayiel was there once before, but, err, I'm not sure if I'm supposed to talk about that.	
FormID: 03037D03	bgMQ3Interview	bgMQ3Mazken	0	We're the guardians of Dementia, securing it from both outside and inside threats.	
FormID: 03037D03	bgMQ3Interview	bgMQ3Mazken	1	Sheogorath has chosen wisely, because we succeed, where others have failed.	
FormID: 03037D03	bgMQ3Interview	bgMQ3Mazken	2	Look at the other Daedric Princes! They envy Mundus, try to occupy or destroy it, while Sheogorath enflamed the spark that is free will and creativity on the Isles, too.	
__他のDaedric Princeたちを見てご覧なさい!彼らはMundusをうらやみ、支配あるいは破壊を目論みますが、Sheogorath様はIslesで自由の精神と創造性が盛り上がる事をただ望んでいるだけです。
FormID: 03037D03	bgMQ3Interview	bgMQ3Mazken	3	Mortals are necessary. Without them everything becomes purposeless. Sheogorath understood. Others? Still fighting against those giving them purpose to begin with.	
FormID: 03037D04	bgMQ3Interview	bgMQ3Mazken	0	Aureals are, let me be honest, not the best when dealing with mortals. Too proud, too arrogant. That is something you'll drive every mortal away with.	
FormID: 03037D04	bgMQ3Interview	bgMQ3Mazken	1	So we Mazken have to keep the show that are the Shivering Isles running. A bit sad, isn't it, fighting alone against the cold, bleak logical fallacies, while the Aureal ram their heads against Order priests?	
__だから、Shivering Islesで日夜繰り広げられるショーは私達Mazkenが維持しなくちゃならないの。AurealたちがOrder priestたちと角突き合わせて戦っている間、私達は厳しい頭脳戦を孤独に戦い抜いているのよ。考え出すと少し悲しくなっちゃうけどね。
FormID: 03037D05	bgMQ3Interview	bgMQ3Xivilai	0	It's difficult. People look ... funny at me.	
FormID: 03037D05	bgMQ3Interview	bgMQ3Xivilai	1	I think they only tolerate me, because they think I'm bound by the Mages Guild or some other nonsense.	
__思うに、彼らはただ単に私の存在に我慢しているだけなのだ。おそらくMages Guildやその辺の有象無象に召喚されたDaedra程度にしか思っていないのだろう。
FormID: 03037D05	bgMQ3Interview	bgMQ3Xivilai	2	Sometimes I wish to punch out a few teeth.	
FormID: 03037D05	bgMQ3Interview	bgMQ3Xivilai	3	I've fallen far, being in service to mortals. Nevertheless it's my choice, by the Nineteen Voids!	
__まったく。人間の為に働くなど、私もひどく落ちぶれたものだ。もっともこれが自分の選んだ道なのだがな。Nineteen Voidsの手引きがあったとはいえ…。
FormID: 03037D05	bgMQ3Interview	bgMQ3Xivilai	4	And better than the alternative, getting slaughtered time and again for some foolishness. No, thank you. Have a nice day now!	
FormID: 03037D06	bgMQ3Interview	bgMQ3Xivilai	0	People assume we're all working for Mehrunes Dagon. That's not true. We tend to be where the fun is, and being with Dagon usually leads to a lot of fun!	
__人々は我々の事をみなMehrunes Dagonのしもべだと考えがちだが、それは間違いだ。我々はただ「より楽しめそうな場所を好む」がために、多くの楽しみを享受出来るであろうDagonのもとに身を寄せる者が多い。ただそれだけの事なのだ。
FormID: 03037D06	bgMQ3Interview	bgMQ3Xivilai	1	At least in prior times. He grew impatient. There's something affecting him, driving him mad in it's own way. And those associated with him will have to suffer.	
FormID: 03037D06	bgMQ3Interview	bgMQ3Xivilai	2	I remember the Battlespire incident. Very bad planning. The start of a revolt, even. Some of us even helped the mortal trying to defeat him.	
FormID: 03037D06	bgMQ3Interview	bgMQ3Xivilai	3	Which for some reasons was erased from mortal history books.	
FormID: 03037D07	bgMQ3Interview	bgMQ3OhmesR	0	We are the most beautiful of all Khajiit forms, pleasing to Khajiit's and clawless' eyes alike.	
FormID: 03037D07	bgMQ3Interview	bgMQ3OhmesR	1	Or do you think different? None can, really.	
FormID: 03037D07	bgMQ3Interview	bgMQ3OhmesR	2	We're without competition, that's a simple true. Graceful, beautiful, smart, strong, best of feline and manlike features. What else can you wish for?	
FormID: 03037D08	bgMQ3Interview	bgMQ3OhmesR	0	We Ohmes-raht lack the interest in arcane arts, other Khajiit develop. For a long time none of us was a Clan Mother.	
__他のKhajiit種とは違って、私たちOhmes-rahtには魔術の才能が無いわ。だから昔からClan Motherになれた者はいないの。
FormID: 03037D08	bgMQ3Interview	bgMQ3OhmesR	1	On the contrary, we keep those pesky mages at bay. Sumurset invaded Valenwood, but didn't dare to enter Elsweyr because of us.	
FormID: 03037D08	bgMQ3Interview	bgMQ3OhmesR	2	High natural resistances, combined with a strength of belief able to shatter the most evil enchantings.	
FormID: 03037D08	bgMQ3Interview	bgMQ3OhmesR	3	Sometimes I do wonder, was the Suthay Decree only passed to confine us in Elsweyr?	
__たまに疑問に思うのよ。Suthay Decree可決の目的って、単に私たちをElsweyrに閉じ込めておく事だけだったのかしら?ってね。
FormID: 03037D09	bgMQ3Interview	bgMQ3OhmesR	0	I'm sorry, but this one already has spoken.	
FormID: 03037D09	bgMQ3Interview	bgMQ3OhmesR	1	Oh, I'm joking. With the [QUOTE]this one[QUOTE] kind of speaking. Nevertheless, you're too late. Better luck next time!	
FormID: 03037D0A	bgMQ3Interview	bgMQ3OhmesR	0	Jo'beala already was interrogated.	
FormID: 03037D0B	bgMQ3Interview	bgMQ3OhmesT	0	Me cat! Me claws! And fur! Me Khajiit!	
FormID: 03037D0B	bgMQ3Interview	bgMQ3OhmesT	1	Me at least a bit fur. On the head. And harmless nails. Me cat nonetheless! Me Khajiit! Me Ohmes!	
FormID: 03037D0B	bgMQ3Interview	bgMQ3OhmesT	2	Meow?	
FormID: 03037D0B	bgMQ3Interview	bgMQ3OhmesT	3	Purr!	
FormID: 03037D0C	bgMQ3Interview	bgMQ3Maormer	0	I'm one of the Maormer, also knows as tropical elves or sea elves. It's describing our home quite well, a half submerged jungle in the middle of the ocean, far south.	
__わたくしはMaormer、tropical elfとかsea elfとも呼ばれる種族ですわ。故郷は遠い南の海にあるマングローブの密林なの。
FormID: 03037D0C	bgMQ3Interview	bgMQ3Maormer	1	You wonder to find me here? 	
FormID: 03037D0C	bgMQ3Interview	bgMQ3Maormer	2	A group of Akaviri pirates unleashed a storm against the ship I was on. I called a sea serpent, but none answered. For days I've drifted along, finally landing on this small island.	
__実は、乗っていた船がAkaviriの海賊に襲われましてね。わたくしもsea serpentを召還して応戦しようとしたのですが、上手く行かなくて…。それから数日ほど海を漂流してこの島に辿り着いたのです。
FormID: 03037D0C	bgMQ3Interview	bgMQ3Maormer	3	I'm still thinking about what to do. Just keep my presence here a secret, yes?	
FormID: 03037D0C	bgMQ3Interview	bgMQ3Maormer	4	Some folks do not like us.	
FormID: 03037D0D	bgMQ3Interview	bgMQ3Seducer	0	I already told you most details of my kin. Or didn't I? We're wanderers in the void, always searching for a place, a new mission, whatever. None of us is like the other.	
FormID: 03037D0D	bgMQ3Interview	bgMQ3Seducer	1	We're one of the few free spirits out there. Maybe the only the free spirits at all. Atronachs and beasts are free, but don't have a mind to appreciate this.	
FormID: 03037D0D	bgMQ3Interview	bgMQ3Seducer	2	Most humanoid Daedra can think, but are also in long lasting bindings. They've got spirit, but no freedom.	
FormID: 03037D0D	bgMQ3Interview	bgMQ3Seducer	3	Trust me, being free and have a spirit may have it's disadvantages, but there's also so much to experience, to live for. In it's own twisted way it's great!	
FormID: 03037D0E	bgMQ3Interview	bgMQ3Ayleid	0	I'm a elf. Don't you see? Pointy ears, a long life, err, tribal markings from Valenwood.	
FormID: 03037D0E	bgMQ3Interview	bgMQ3Ayleid	1	My kin is living here for a very long time now. We call it home.	
FormID: 03037D0F	bgMQ3Interview	bgMQ3Ayleid	0	You know full well what I am. What you are.	
FormID: 03037D0F	bgMQ3Interview	bgMQ3Ayleid	1	Do not expose us to public. Men wouldn't understand. And try to drive us out a second time.	
FormID: 03037D10	bgMQ3Interview	bgMQ3Maormer	0	I'm one of the Maormer, also knows as tropical elves or sea elves. It's describing our home quite well, a half submerged jungle in the middle of the ocean, far south. I guess you already know this.	
__わたくしはMaormerですの。tropical elfとかsea elfと呼ばれる種族の一人ですわ。遠く南の海にあるマングローブの生い茂る故郷に相応しい呼び名ですわね。もっとも、この程度の事なら既にご存知だったかしら?
FormID: 03037D10	bgMQ3Interview	bgMQ3Maormer	1	You wonder to find me here? 	
FormID: 03037D10	bgMQ3Interview	bgMQ3Maormer	2	A group of Akaviri pirates unleashed a storm against the ship I was on. I called a sea serpent, but none answered. For days I've drifted along, finally landing on this small island.	
__乗っていた船がAkaviri海賊の一団から襲撃を受けましたの。わたくしもsea serpentを召喚して応戦しようとしましたけれど、彼らは応えてくれなくって…。それから何日も漂流を続け、この島に上陸しましたのよ。
FormID: 03037D10	bgMQ3Interview	bgMQ3Maormer	3	I'm still thinking about what to do. Just keep my presence here a secret, yes?	
FormID: 03037D10	bgMQ3Interview	bgMQ3Maormer	4	Some folks do not like us. As you may have noticed. And yes, I'm surprised to see you, too.	
FormID: 03037D14	bgMQ3Interview	bgMQ3ZFinished	0	Great, great work! You've gathered a lot of information about Cyrodiil's various races. Even some not really native to Cyrodiil.	
FormID: 03037D14	bgMQ3Interview	bgMQ3ZFinished	1	Astounishing! Perfect even!	
FormID: 03037D14	bgMQ3Interview	bgMQ3ZFinished	2	Mirilli has authorised us to give you this sword. Some artifact she found in some of her researches. Easily one of the most powerful weapons I've ever saw. Wear it proudly!	
FormID: 03037D15	bgMQ3Interview	bgMQ3ZFinished	0	Greatly done! You've more than surpassed all expectations, not only interviewing much more than enough of every race, but also finding the more exotic residents of this world.	
FormID: 03037D15	bgMQ3Interview	bgMQ3ZFinished	1	Here, Mirilli has authorized us to give you this sword. It seems to be a remnant of Jyggalag's last ascension to power. Wield it proudly! Although I have a nagging feeling that we oversaw something. Well, never mind. Celebrate!	
FormID: 03037D16	bgMQ3Interview	bgMQ3ZFinished	0	Hm. Nice! You've interviewed much more than expected. Thanks! We have to surpass expectactions whenever possible, you know.	
FormID: 03037D16	bgMQ3Interview	bgMQ3ZFinished	1	Although I had hoped that you'll find enough of the less common races, too. Well, we can't have everything, can we?	
FormID: 03037D16	bgMQ3Interview	bgMQ3ZFinished	2	Here, Mirilli has authorized us to give you this sword. Some random weapon of Order she found, I presume.	
FormID: 03037D17	bgMQ3Interview	bgMQ3ZFinished	0	Interesting!	
FormID: 03037D17	bgMQ3Interview	bgMQ3ZFinished	1	While you weren't able to interview more than the minimum number of the ten known race, you did everything in your power to uncover all secrets lieing behind Tamriel's surface!	
FormID: 03037D17	bgMQ3Interview	bgMQ3ZFinished	2	I wish you had found more normal mortals to interview, nevertheless your explorations are a great help for Mirilli, and therefore for us.	
FormID: 03037D17	bgMQ3Interview	bgMQ3ZFinished	3	Here, Mirilli has authorized us to give you this sword. It seems to be a remnant of Jyggalag's last ascension to power. Wield it proudly! Although I have a nagging feeling that we oversaw something. Well, never mind. Celebrate!	
FormID: 03037D18	bgMQ3Interview	bgMQ3ZFinished	0	Oh. I guess that's good, isn't it? You've interviewed at least he minimum number of subjects per race. Err. Alright. You can't excel everywhere, can you?	
FormID: 03037D18	bgMQ3Interview	bgMQ3ZFinished	1	Anyway, thanks for your help. Here, Mirilli has authorized us to give you this sword. Some random weapon of Order she found, I presume.	
FormID: 03037D19	bgMQ3Interview	bgMQ3ZFinished	0	Hm. You've only found quite few normal interview partners, but nevertheless you managed to find a few more races than expected. I think that's good, isn't it?	
FormID: 03037D19	bgMQ3Interview	bgMQ3ZFinished	1	Anyway, thanks for your help. Here, Mirilli has authorized us to give you this sword. Some random weapon of Order she found, I presume.	
FormID: 03038AC4	bgMQ3Interview	bgMQ3Seducer	0	Well, if you lie down beside me, we'll crawl together under my imaginary blanket, I could moan something in your ears.	
FormID: 03038AC4	bgMQ3Interview	bgMQ3Seducer	1	Oh, wait, what was I thinking?	
FormID: 03038AC4	bgMQ3Interview	bgMQ3Seducer	2	I already was interviewed. Several times. And not only for Mirilli.	
FormID: 03038AC4	bgMQ3Interview	bgMQ3Seducer	3	Nevertheless for her, too. I hope you'll have better luck next time!	
FormID: 0303A6AE	bgMQ3Interview	bgMQ3Maormer	0	Oh, I would love to flood this hole! Make a nice little underwater house out of it!	
FormID: 0303A6AE	bgMQ3Interview	bgMQ3Maormer	1	No, of course not. *sigh*	
FormID: 0303A6AE	bgMQ3Interview	bgMQ3Maormer	2	I've already been asked about myself. Better luck elsewhere!	
FormID: 0303EB85	bgMQ3Interview	bgMQ3Maormer	0	Quak bubble bubble bubble.	
FormID: 0303EB85	bgMQ3Interview	bgMQ3Maormer	1	No. Just no. Bugger someone else.	
FormID: 0305060F	bgMQ3Interview	bgMQ3Seducer	0	The form this image takes is of no matter to me nor you.	
FormID: 0305747F	bgMQ3Interview	GREETING	0	I'm gonna get me some black bows. Tag along if you like!	
__私はこれからBlack Bows狩りに行くところだ。お前もどうだ?
FormID: 0305747F	bgMQ3Interview	GREETING	1	Uhm. You look like you want to say something?	
FormID: 03057480	bgMQ3Interview	GREETING	0	I'm going to spend some time at the Lodge. Then maybe tonight, I might go hunt me some black bows.	
__これからLodgeで過ごそうとしているところだ。今夜にでもBlack Bow狩りに行こうと考えている。
FormID: 03057480	bgMQ3Interview	GREETING	1	Uhm. You look like you wanna say something?

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