L10N/Integration_TSL/0.993/Dialogue/bgCQ7Hush-02 の変更点

FormID: 0310457C	bgCQ7Hush	bgCQ7Part7Teddy6Purple	0	Really? Great! Then the gift hamper is complete. Then there's only one thing left to do.	
FormID: 0310457D	bgCQ7Hush	bgCQ7Part7Teddy7White	0	Really? Great! Then the gift hamper is complete. Then there's only one thing left to do.	
FormID: 0310458A	bgCQ7Hush	bgCQ7Part8Lastthing	0	You're going to give Jo'beala the presents, of course!	
FormID: 0310458A	bgCQ7Hush	bgCQ7Part8Lastthing	1	Should be obvious.	
FormID: 0310458B	bgCQ7Hush	bgCQ7Part9Present0Start	0	Presents? For me? That's nice!	
FormID: 0310458B	bgCQ7Hush	bgCQ7Part9Present0Start	1	From Karashivuel you say? Why? She's, she's scary!	
FormID: 0310458B	bgCQ7Hush	bgCQ7Part9Present0Start	2	Oh, let me have a look!	
FormID: 0310458C	bgCQ7Hush	bgCQ7Part9Present1Home	0	My home? Elsweyr? That's, that's cruel!	
FormID: 0310458C	bgCQ7Hush	bgCQ7Part9Present1Home	1	I always wanted to visit Elsweyr, but was never able to do so.	
FormID: 0310458D	bgCQ7Hush	bgCQ7Part9Present1Home	0	High Rock? That isn't my home! Though I visited it a few times. Nice memories. Though past, far beyond now.	
__私がHigh Rock生まれですって?違いますよ!確かに何度か訪れた事はありますし良い思い出ですが、ずっと昔の話です。
FormID: 0310458E	bgCQ7Hush	bgCQ7Part9Present1Home	0	Oh Hammerfell. Not everything was bad in Sentinel, oh no. I miss it. From time to time.	
FormID: 0310458E	bgCQ7Hush	bgCQ7Part9Present1Home	1	At least I've got something to remind me on it now!	
FormID: 0310458F	bgCQ7Hush	bgCQ7Part9Present2BookMagic	0	Oh! Response to Bero's speech!	
__おお!Response to Bero's Speech(Beroへの回答)ですね!
FormID: 0310458F	bgCQ7Hush	bgCQ7Part9Present2BookMagic	1	A very, very true book!	
FormID: 03104590	bgCQ7Hush	bgCQ7Part9Present2BookMagic	0	What? Does Jo'beala looks like a foul necromancer? No, she doesn't!	
FormID: 03104591	bgCQ7Hush	bgCQ7Part9Present2BookMagic	0	Jo'beala is not much interested in Mysticism. This book doesn't change much. Teleportation is boring.	
FormID: 03104591	bgCQ7Hush	bgCQ7Part9Present2BookMagic	1	And the rest confusing.	
FormID: 03104592	bgCQ7Hush	bgCQ7Part9Present2BookMagic	0	Magic from the sky? Uhm. We're in an Ayleid ruin, but there's no interesting Ayleid artifacts around. What a tease.	
__Magic from the skyですか?確かに私達はAyleidの遺跡に住んでいますが、特段変わったAyleidのアーティファクトがあるわけでもありませんからね…。本当に残念です!
FormID: 03104593	bgCQ7Hush	bgCQ7Part9Present3BookHome	0	Why are some interesting parts censored? That's mean!	
FormID: 03104594	bgCQ7Hush	bgCQ7Part9Present3BookHome	0	Oh! I always wanted to have my own edition. That's nice!	
FormID: 03104595	bgCQ7Hush	bgCQ7Part9Present3BookHome	0	About tapestries? And the Five Year War? Aw. Boring.	
__タペストリーについての本ですって?それにFive Year Warって…。ああ、こんなの面白くありませんよ。
FormID: 03104596	bgCQ7Hush	bgCQ7Part9Present3BookHome	0	What? Does Jo'beala look as if she's with the Renrijra Krin? No, she doesn't! She would never dare to do so!	
__どうして?私がRenrijra Krinの一員のように見えますか?そんなのあり得ないでしょう?絶対にあり得ません!
FormID: 03104596	bgCQ7Hush	bgCQ7Part9Present3BookHome	1	Don't suggest this, please. This makes Jo'beala very uneasy. Especially since it would enrage Do'leandra.	
FormID: 03104597	bgCQ7Hush	bgCQ7Part9Present4Autograph	0	Of whom? Never heard of him! M'sam-dar, sounds crazy!	
FormID: 03104598	bgCQ7Hush	bgCQ7Part9Present4Autograph	0	Revendri! She's famous! Fabulous! She helped to overcome the Suthay Decree! I'm so glad to have something from her. Many thanks!	
__Revendriのサイン!!すごい有名人じゃないですか!光栄です!彼女こそがSuthay Decreeの立役者なんですよね。彼女から贈り物をしてもらえるなんて本当に嬉しいです。ありがとうございます!
FormID: 03104599	bgCQ7Hush	bgCQ7Part9Present4Autograph	0	Jo'beala doesn't hold women in high esteem, which only strength is letting their clothes fall of. She isn't interested in ... the kind of pictures that are the result of this.	
FormID: 0310459A	bgCQ7Hush	bgCQ7Part9Present4Autograph	0	Oh. I've heard of him. Isn't he some bard with an utter lack of any talent? I think he's cleaning some guard house now. Why should I want an autograph of him?	
FormID: 0310459B	bgCQ7Hush	bgCQ7Part9Present5Amulet	0	Always nice to have something to not burn your fur. Not exactly needed in this damp cell of a ruin, though.	
FormID: 0310459C	bgCQ7Hush	bgCQ7Part9Present5Amulet	0	Jo'beala is already kept warm by her fur. Though it will help a bit in this ruin, maybe.	
FormID: 0310459D	bgCQ7Hush	bgCQ7Part9Present5Amulet	0	What? Lightnings are by far Jo'beala's last worries, as you should know! And Karashivuel must have heard it, too. Likely she's laughing now somewhere.	
FormID: 0310459E	bgCQ7Hush	bgCQ7Part9Present5Amulet	0	Poisons are very dangerous for Ohmes-raht. Karashivuel really seems to care about my wellbeing. I'm surprised!	
FormID: 0310459F	bgCQ7Hush	bgCQ7Part9Present6Teddy	0	It's blue. Strange color. Kind of cute.	
FormID: 031045A0	bgCQ7Hush	bgCQ7Part9Present6Teddy	0	A brown one. Very conservative, but in an acceptable way. It's cute.	
FormID: 031045A1	bgCQ7Hush	bgCQ7Part9Present6Teddy	0	The same color as my fur, wheee! How cute and nice!	
FormID: 031045A2	bgCQ7Hush	bgCQ7Part9Present6Teddy	0	Strange! So oddly colored. Looks Akaviri colored to Jo'beala. Jo'beala doesn't want any Akaviri colored things.	
FormID: 031045A3	bgCQ7Hush	bgCQ7Part9Present6Teddy	0	That's overly cute. Jo'beala is really too old for this kind of toys. Hearts and pinks and everything, ugh.	
FormID: 031045A4	bgCQ7Hush	bgCQ7Part9Present6Teddy	0	Purple? Strange. Though cute. Strangely cute. Oddly nice.	
FormID: 031045A5	bgCQ7Hush	bgCQ7Part9Present6Teddy	0	So clean and white and fuzzy and warm, Jo'beala likes it! Hopefully it stays like this in this damp ruin.	
FormID: 031045A6	bgCQ7Hush	bgCQ7Part9Present7Result	0	Jo'beala isn't sure what do say. Feels like being played with. For laughs. No good presents. Like rocks thrown when put in puffy pillows. Still hit hard.	
FormID: 031045A6	bgCQ7Hush	bgCQ7Part9Present7Result	1	This one doesn't want to talk about it anymore. Cruelty!	
FormID: 031045A7	bgCQ7Hush	bgCQ7Part9Present7Result	0	It's the thought that counts, even though Jo'beala thinks not much thought was put into the presents. 	
FormID: 031045A7	bgCQ7Hush	bgCQ7Part9Present7Result	1	Jo'beala isn't sure what to think. So she chooses to not think much about it.	
FormID: 031045A8	bgCQ7Hush	bgCQ7Part9Present7Result	0	Karashivuel really has put a lot of though into the presents! Jo'beala is really happy! Some of the gifts Jo'beala wished for for months!	
FormID: 031045A8	bgCQ7Hush	bgCQ7Part9Present7Result	1	And maybe, just may, Jo'beala, I, has have misjudged Karashivuel. The Xivilai seems to care. Strange. Something that needs to be thought about.	
FormID: 031045A9	bgCQ7Hush	bgCQ7Part9ZResult1Bad	0	Ungrateful little kitten! No idea what I went through to get some of her presents! Why in Oblivion should it matter what she thinks of them? That's not what presents are about after all!	
FormID: 031045A9	bgCQ7Hush	bgCQ7Part9ZResult1Bad	1	At least now she has a reason to hide from me.	
FormID: 031045AA	bgCQ7Hush	bgCQ7Part9ZResult2Neutral	0	So we didn't convince her, huh?	
FormID: 031045AA	bgCQ7Hush	bgCQ7Part9ZResult2Neutral	1	Then it will stay as it is. Either way. Doesn't matter much to me. Was a bad idea to begin with.	
FormID: 031045AB	bgCQ7Hush	bgCQ7Part9ZResult3Good	0	So we finally got to her? Good news! So there are at least two ways to a mortal's heart. Presents, and the direct route. Which would have been kind of messy.	
FormID: 031045AB	bgCQ7Hush	bgCQ7Part9ZResult3Good	1	Oh well. If she stops acting like if I'm about to make me some Ohmes-raht cake, then it was worth the hassle. Don't you think?	
FormID: 031045AC	bgCQ7Hush	GREETING	0	You made matters even worse? Oh well. Shouldn't have told you, I guess. Don't expect some big reward. Take this tiny little gem. No more candy for you!	
FormID: 031045AD	bgCQ7Hush	GREETING	0	The situation neither improved nor got worse? Well, that's at least something. Stability is nothing to take lightly. Not what I had in mind, though. For your efforts take this. A little gem. More you haven't earned.	
FormID: 031045AE	bgCQ7Hush	GREETING	0	You've succeeded? Great! Hopefully they get a bit more used to each other now. It's about time, don't you think? For your efforts take this big gem. You've earned it!


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