L10N/Integration_TSL/0.993/Dialogue/bgAQ7Paintings-06 の変更点

FormID: 031101AA	bgAQ7Paintings	bgZQPaintings1JobealaWaterwalk	0	She's a sweet young woman. Now that the Suthay Decree has been lifted, she could have had a great future in Cyrodiil. Instead she's trapped in Merendin, not walking on water as the picture suggests.	
__彼女は優しい娘さんですね。Suthay Decreeも廃止された事ですし、本来ならばCyrodiilでの暮らしをもっと謳歌出来るはずなのに、Merendinに縛り付けられていて可哀想です。あの湖面を歩く絵のように自由に振舞う事は許されていませんからね。
FormID: 031101AB	bgAQ7Paintings	bgZQPaintings1Kanaane	0	From all Daedra in Merendin, Kanaane is the one who's most at ease with mortal behavior and standards. That's the only thing the pictures don't show. If anyone can pose as an Altmer, then she's the one.	
FormID: 031101AC	bgAQ7Paintings	bgZQPaintings1KaraBra	0	Oh. Great idea. Scaring people with pictures of a half naked Xivilai running around with flaming swords, ready to shred people to pieces.	
FormID: 031101AC	bgAQ7Paintings	bgZQPaintings1KaraBra	1	A fitting depiction. Especially with the Oblivion crisis and all that.	
__Oblivion Crisisの情勢下には似つかわしい絵だと思いますけれどね。
FormID: 031101AD	bgAQ7Paintings	bgZQPaintings1KaraSexy	0	It's a very disturbing image. There were times in Merendin where it gave me nightmares. I mean, Karashivuel looks on it as if waiting for someone, ready for action. That's the least thing I want to see or experience.	
FormID: 031101AD	bgAQ7Paintings	bgZQPaintings1KaraSexy	1	Not that the picture itself isn't beautiful, they really took care to get the lighting in Merendin right. If only they had used someone else instead of Karashivuel.	
FormID: 031101AE	bgAQ7Paintings	bgZQPaintings1KenerielLie	0	Unlike the Stranded Light's Aureals and Mazken she's true to what she is, not trying to play something different. I never met her, and probably never will, I only heard Kanaane and Tesserayiel speak about her.	
__KanaaneとTesserayielが彼女について話しているのを聞いた限り、彼女は本来の生き方をそのまま変えずに生きているDaedraのようですね。Stranded LightのAurealやMazkenとはその点で違っていると思います。私自身は彼女と会った事はありませんしこれから先も会う事はないと思いますが。
FormID: 031101AE	bgAQ7Paintings	bgZQPaintings1KenerielLie	1	I'm not sure what to think of her. Maybe, just maybe, she really thinks what she does is for the better of her mortal targets. That's something she has in common with the Stranded Light, though.	
__彼女の事をどう思うかと聞かれると、ちょっと返答に困ってしまいますね。思うに彼女は良かれと思って人間を獲物にしているんだろうと思います。そういった点においてはStranded Lightと共通したものを感じます。
FormID: 031101AF	bgAQ7Paintings	bgZQPaintings1KenerielStand	0	This painting is fantastic! She looks like being made of chocolate, enjoying a shower under a waterfall. She stirs certain physical reactions that other Mazken like Zerreshju just don't achieve.	
FormID: 031101AF	bgAQ7Paintings	bgZQPaintings1KenerielStand	1	Simply because she is beautiful, and knowing it, not merely wearing scantily clad [QUOTE]armor[QUOTE] like the rest of her kin.	
FormID: 031101B0	bgAQ7Paintings	bgZQPaintings1Kiyana	0	Did you saw the full painting? Not just the wood carving? It's beautiful, the Magicka surrounding this realm as huge cloud in it's background, a night full of light.	
FormID: 031101B0	bgAQ7Paintings	bgZQPaintings1Kiyana	1	Though there is something shady about it. In my time I've visited many places in this world, and I could swear it's not Elsweyr in the background. Looks like Tamriel's west coast to me.	
FormID: 031101B0	bgAQ7Paintings	bgZQPaintings1Kiyana	2	Painted in a time she wasn't allowed to be there. Very strange.	
FormID: 031101B1	bgAQ7Paintings	bgZQPaintings1Lea	0	This painting is a mystery to me. One I don't really want to solve. Look at the background! Don't you recognize it? These are the Shivering Isles! And not only that, this is the view you get when going out of the 19 Void's door.	
__あまり深入りしたくありませんが、謎めいた絵ですね。よく背景を見てみてください。Shivering Islesが描かれているのが分かりますか?しかもその風景は 19 Void を出てすぐの場所を写しているんです!
FormID: 031101B1	bgAQ7Paintings	bgZQPaintings1Lea	1	Is it a work of fiction, one of Kanaane's imaginations? If so, how can it be that the original painting was created before Do'leandra came to Merendin? Was Do'leandra's decision to work with the Stranded Light really HER decision?	
__この絵は単にKanaaneが想像で描いた創作なんでしょうか?けれど、オリジナルが描かれたのはDo'leandraがMerendinに来る前…。Kanaaneが想像で描くなんて事は不可能なんですよ!ひょっとしたらDo'leandraがStranded Lightと協力するようになる事は最初から仕組まれていて、そこに彼女の意志が介在する余地なんて無かったのかも…?
FormID: 031101B1	bgAQ7Paintings	bgZQPaintings1Lea	2	Just think about it.	
FormID: 031101B2	bgAQ7Paintings	bgZQPaintings1Mameria	0	Adorable. Arousing. I could imagine spending a night or two with her.	
FormID: 031101B2	bgAQ7Paintings	bgZQPaintings1Mameria	1	Together with you, of course.	
FormID: 031101B3	bgAQ7Paintings	bgZQPaintings1Merendin	0	Don't remind me. I'm glad that I'm not there.	
FormID: 031101B3	bgAQ7Paintings	bgZQPaintings1Merendin	1	A cheap trick to get people to know Merendin, making it easier to find the right ruin. Once a mob is after them, the existence of this painting will come around and bite them, though.	
FormID: 031101B4	bgAQ7Paintings	bgZQPaintings1MonaXivilisa	0	I don't recall seeing her in Shade Perilous. Don't know if she was there or not. Now though she's living out her passionate side, not her destructive one. A better idea. At least she doesn't cause any harm anymore.	
__Shade Perilousで彼女の姿を見かけた事はありませんね。ですから、彼女が当時あの場にいたかどうかは私には分かりません。今の彼女は暴力に訴えかけるようなこともなく、良い意味で生来の情熱を生かした暮らしをしていますね。今後、彼女が災いをもたらす事はないでしょう。
FormID: 031101B5	bgAQ7Paintings	bgZQPaintings1ParityBosmer	0	This picture doesn't do anything for me. [QUOTE]Oh, a Bosmer in the wilderness[QUOTE], that's like [QUOTE]oh, a rat in the sewers[QUOTE]. As uncommon as sand at the sea.	
FormID: 031101B5	bgAQ7Paintings	bgZQPaintings1ParityBosmer	1	Uhm. Of course this doesn't apply to all Bosmer. A painting of you would be lovely. It's just him. And this picture. Leaves me cold. I'm sure you understand.	
FormID: 031101B6	bgAQ7Paintings	bgZQPaintings1ParityBosmer	0	This picture doesn't do anything for me. [QUOTE]Oh, a Bosmer in the wilderness[QUOTE], that's like [QUOTE]oh, a rat in the sewers[QUOTE]. As uncommon as sand at the sea.	
FormID: 031101B6	bgAQ7Paintings	bgZQPaintings1ParityBosmer	1	Bosmer are strange creatures to begin with. If a Bosmer invites you for dinner, then run away!	
FormID: 031101B7	bgAQ7Paintings	bgZQPaintings1ParityTherian	0	Oh. Apparently he wasn't able to live by his music, so now he's taking care of the guard quarter in Mir Corrup. He still sings a lot. Probably the reason only a few are ever going into the quarter.	
__ああ、どうやら絵の中の彼は音楽だけでは食べていけなかったようですね。だから今はMir Corrupでguard quarter(衛兵詰所)の世話をしている、と。歌だけは相変わらずたくさん歌っていますよね。そのせいで詰所に足を運ぶ人が随分少ないそうですけれど。
FormID: 031101B7	bgAQ7Paintings	bgZQPaintings1ParityTherian	1	Quite a shame. The guard quarter is the second most interesting place in Mir Corrup, only inferior to our tower. Nonetheless I can understand why no one goes there.	
__まったく、恥ずかしい話ですよ。衛兵詰所はこのMir Corrupでは私たちの塔の次に目を引く建物だというのに、誰も近付こうとしないのでは勿体ないです。
FormID: 031101B7	bgAQ7Paintings	bgZQPaintings1ParityTherian	2	Oh and Velerya ordered him to stay away from the Red Navel. Should tell you something.	
__おっと!そういえばVeleryaは彼をRed Navel出入り禁止にしたそうですね。あなたも見習うべきではないですか。
FormID: 031101B8	bgAQ7Paintings	bgZQPaintings1ParityUntyr	0	That's Untyrrien, he's a smith in Mir Corrup. Just keep your eyes open, and you'll see the similarities.	
__あの絵のモデルはUntyrrienですね。Mir Corrupの鍛冶師です。よく観察すれば、彼の絵だと分かるはずですよ。
FormID: 031101B9	bgAQ7Paintings	bgZQPaintings1Revendri	0	History won't do you justice. It wasn't exactly her who ended the Suthay Decree. You did all the work, and she's got the fame for it. A bad deal if you ask me.	
__歴史が常に真実を語るとは限らない、という事ですね。Suthay Decree廃止の本当の立役者は彼女ではなくあなたですよね。実際に骨を折ったのも全部あなたです。私に言わせればひどいただ働きですよ。
FormID: 031101B9	bgAQ7Paintings	bgZQPaintings1Revendri	1	Nothing that is uncommon for you. The rebuilding of Mir Corrup? That was the Stranded Light!	
__まあ、あなたのただ働きはそれだけに止まりませんけれどね…。Mir Corrupの復興にしてもそうです。だって、手柄は全部Stranded Lightに横取りされていますし。
FormID: 031101B9	bgAQ7Paintings	bgZQPaintings1Revendri	2	Or not?	
FormID: 031101B9	bgAQ7Paintings	bgZQPaintings1Revendri	3	The picture itself is great, shows a willingness to fight she didn't really had.	
FormID: 031101BA	bgAQ7Paintings	bgZQPaintings1Sanguine	0	Sanguine's realm consists of innumerable [QUOTE]pleasure pockets[QUOTE], of which each one is unique, just devoted to some kind of debauchery.	
__Sanguineの領域には数えきれないほどの[QUOTE]pleasure pockets(娯楽の殿堂)[QUOTE]があります。それらはどれ一つとして同じものはなく、どれもが共通して娯楽のためだけに作られています。
FormID: 031101BA	bgAQ7Paintings	bgZQPaintings1Sanguine	1	Let's just say a lot of Daedra Seducer are happy to be in command of one of those pockets. I was never one of them, and I don't regret to have chosen Nocturnal instead.	
__多くのDaedra Seducerはそういった場所の管理を任されて幸せに感じるのでしょうね。私はそういう類のDaedraではないし、Nocturnal様にお仕え出来た事について何一つ後悔はしていませんが。
FormID: 031101BB	bgAQ7Paintings	bgZQPaintings1Shivering	0	I was there, once, a long, long time ago. I can hardly remember why. Some kind of diplomatic mission for Nocturnal. Or was it a bet? I don't know anymore. Not a place I wish to visit again.	
FormID: 031101BB	bgAQ7Paintings	bgZQPaintings1Shivering	1	It's a realm in which everything is just slightly odd. Not really how it should be. Enough to tick you off, without exactly knowing why. I remember it made me feel uneasy.	
FormID: 031101BC	bgAQ7Paintings	bgZQPaintings1SpiderDaedra	0	Cute creatures. They try to eat you if you're not careful.	
FormID: 031101BC	bgAQ7Paintings	bgZQPaintings1SpiderDaedra	1	They even sometimes eat themselves. Or other servants of Mephala. Be wary of them.	
FormID: 031101BD	bgAQ7Paintings	bgZQPaintings1TeshPinUp	0	After the Battlespire incident for a short time I thought I could live in Mundus, all by myself. Prejudices soon resurfaced, and soon the masses that once welcomed me as a hero, drove me away.	
__Battlespire incidentの後、短い期間ではありましたがMundusで一人きりの生活をしていた頃がありました。先入観なんてすぐに覆るものですね。かつては私を英雄視した人々が、今度は私を追い立てるようになったのです。
FormID: 031101BD	bgAQ7Paintings	bgZQPaintings1TeshPinUp	1	This painting was created in the short time I was able to walk freely around the Imperial City. That's the only reason which can justify the Stranded Light. One Daedroth alone can't end those superstitions!	
__あの絵はまだ私が大手を振ってImperial Cityを歩けた頃に描かれたものです。ほんの短い期間だけ許された自由でしたけれどね。たったひとりのDaedrothの力では人々の迷信を払う事など不可能です。私がStranded Lightを支持するのはそういった迷信をなくす為であり、それが唯一の理由だと言っても良いくらいです。
FormID: 031101BE	bgAQ7Paintings	bgZQPaintings1TeshTapestry	0	That would be me. I still don't recall why I agreed back then. I was shocked by the loss of Shade Perilous, at the same time intoxicated by living freely between mortals.	
__その絵のモデルは私かも知れませんね。描かせる事を許可した理由は覚えていませんけれど、当時はShade Perilousを失いショックを受けていた上に、慣れない人間たちとの共同生活に疲れていましたから…。
FormID: 031101BE	bgAQ7Paintings	bgZQPaintings1TeshTapestry	1	A short time that passed all too quickly. And today it's no longer me that mortals see, but a depiction of a mythical creature, thinking of it as a fictional motif.	
FormID: 031101BF	bgAQ7Paintings	bgZQPaintings1TeshWalk	0	Ah yes, the infamous painting of me.	
FormID: 031101BF	bgAQ7Paintings	bgZQPaintings1TeshWalk	1	Putting it bluntly, it's one of Kanaane's lies. I had to wear this horribly suit, but wasn't even allowed to leave Merendin. Instead it was painted in the ruin, the background just a memory taken from her mind.	
FormID: 031101BF	bgAQ7Paintings	bgZQPaintings1TeshWalk	2	Worst thing was the suit, really. Skin tight, made in a way that breathing became a chore. And getting out of it? Don't ask. Just don't ask.	
FormID: 031101C0	bgAQ7Paintings	bgZQPaintings1TessArmor	0	You don't see Tesserayiel without armor that often. At least on this painting she's not wearing her standard Golden Saint one. I'm sure I've seen it in the Fringe centuries ago. It's an old painting, that is for sure.	
__Tesserayielはほとんどいつも鎧を着ていますが、この絵の彼女が来ている鎧はいつもの標準的なGolden Saint用鎧とは違っていますね。あの鎧は何世紀も前にFringeで見かけた事があります。
FormID: 031101C0	bgAQ7Paintings	bgZQPaintings1TessArmor	1	I don't know it's history, why it was made, or why Tesserayiel didn't wear her usual apparel. What I'm sure of is that I don't want to know all this, either way.	
FormID: 031101C1	bgAQ7Paintings	bgZQPaintings1TessEmbarassed	0	Kanaane should have asked me. And should have valued my opinion, then. They've made a classical mistake. Some Daedra are seen as dangerous because they have a reputation of being destructive, like Golden Saints.	
__この絵には古典的なミスがあります。Kanaaneは描き上げる前に私に助言を求めるべきでしたね。そもそも人々がDaedraを恐れるのは、たとえばGolden Saintなどが有名ですが乱暴な性格をしていたり、
FormID: 031101C1	bgAQ7Paintings	bgZQPaintings1TessEmbarassed	1	Others however are feared for being seductive, for luring men to their doom. Just think of Turumerin. Guess in which direction this image points? An evening dress would have been far more successful.	
FormID: 031101C1	bgAQ7Paintings	bgZQPaintings1TessEmbarassed	2	Glad they didn't asked me.	
FormID: 031101C2	bgAQ7Paintings	bgZQPaintings1TessFight	0	I've heard Tesserayiel cursing Kanaane for it. A sword of order? Great idea. Very fitting. She was outraged!	
FormID: 031101C2	bgAQ7Paintings	bgZQPaintings1TessFight	1	And yet, have you noticed? This work of fiction is the only picture of Tesserayiel where she's not having her hands behind her back. She is quite compulsive in her behavior.	
FormID: 031101C3	bgAQ7Paintings	bgZQPaintings1TessLace	0	A Golden Saint trying to be seductive, if not entirely of her own free will. Very interesting result.	
__あえて誘惑的に振舞おうと必死な様子が絵から感じ取れますね。あのGolden Saintが自ら望んでそうしているのでなければ…。そうですね。とっても面白い作品だと思いますよ。
FormID: 031101C3	bgAQ7Paintings	bgZQPaintings1TessLace	1	Or should I say, [QUOTE]strange[QUOTE]? There certainly are some seductive Aureals, Tesserayiel is not one of them. Just give her the chance and she's going to put on an armor looking like an oven, promised!	
FormID: 031101C4	bgAQ7Paintings	bgZQPaintings1Ulasza	0	If there is one topic I agree with Karashivuel, it's this. Ulasza had to be stopped.	
FormID: 031101C4	bgAQ7Paintings	bgZQPaintings1Ulasza	1	A tragic end. Just look at the pictures. She was special for a Xivilai. Even, in a strange way, fascinating.	
FormID: 031101C5	bgAQ7Paintings	bgZQPaintings1Velerya	0	A lot of people you wouldn't think of worshipped Sanguine. Those yearning for pleasure and debauchery, while at the same time unable to indulge in them in public.	
FormID: 031101C5	bgAQ7Paintings	bgZQPaintings1Velerya	1	Velerya was one of those beings that served as an ambassador for Sanguine. As a companion for nobles, princes, kings, sometimes also queens and princesses.	
FormID: 031101C5	bgAQ7Paintings	bgZQPaintings1Velerya	2	And you know why she was there. Always. Unlike Turumerin she never was a murderer, so a safe bet for Sanguine to sent. In a way the castles and palaces of this world were her pleasure pocket.	
FormID: 031101C5	bgAQ7Paintings	bgZQPaintings1Velerya	3	Not anymore, though. She fell from grace. And is now stuck with us.	
FormID: 031101C6	bgAQ7Paintings	bgZQPaintings1VeleryaICSeducer	0	I don't get it. I seriously don't get it.	
FormID: 031101C6	bgAQ7Paintings	bgZQPaintings1VeleryaICSeducer	1	Why was she able to run around mortal cities just by virtue of banging their rulers, while I was driven away after I helped to stop a freaking invasion of Mehrunes Dagon!	
__私はMehrunes Dagonの激しい侵略を食い止める手助けをしたのにも関わらず、後に人々から追い立てられるようになりました。一方、彼女は単に支配者層のお気に入りであるという理由だけで人間達の住む街の中を大手を振って歩くことが出来ました。本当に納得出来ません!
FormID: 031101C6	bgAQ7Paintings	bgZQPaintings1VeleryaICSeducer	2	Today tables have turned. Finally.	
FormID: 031101C7	bgAQ7Paintings	bgZQPaintings1VelMarNaughty	0	Want me to ride you like this?	
FormID: 031101C7	bgAQ7Paintings	bgZQPaintings1VelMarNaughty	1	Nah, there are better ways. To spend the time, to ride, you know.	
FormID: 031101C7	bgAQ7Paintings	bgZQPaintings1VelMarNaughty	2	Additionally tearing a robe open from the back, while you're carried, usually ends up pretty messy.	
FormID: 031101C7	bgAQ7Paintings	bgZQPaintings1VelMarNaughty	3	Or so I've heard.	
FormID: 031101C8	bgAQ7Paintings	bgZQPaintings1VelMarTame	0	Let me say only one thing: His friends didn't have as much luck as he had.	
FormID: 031101C8	bgAQ7Paintings	bgZQPaintings1VelMarTame	1	There are certain games that shouldn't be played. The price you have to pay is just too high, and in the end you will always loose.	
FormID: 031101C9	bgAQ7Paintings	bgZQPaintings1Vrjekka	0	Vrjekka. Oh dear, where to start?	
FormID: 031101C9	bgAQ7Paintings	bgZQPaintings1Vrjekka	1	She's even worse than Turumerin. Servant of Molag Bal, so-called [QUOTE]King of Rape[QUOTE]. She's a faithful minion, and did a lot more horrible things than you can imagine.	
__彼女はTurumerin以上に悪質なDaedraです。[QUOTE]King of Rape(暴虐の王)[QUOTE]たるMolag Balの忠実な従者であり、これまであなたが想像もつかない程の恐ろしい所行を積み重ねてきました。
FormID: 031101C9	bgAQ7Paintings	bgZQPaintings1Vrjekka	2	It doesn't even end when her victims are dead. No. Their souls will be taken to Coldharbour, to be eternally tortured. I don't wish to see any Daedra trapped in a Soul Gem, but she's a big exception.	
__彼女の犠牲者は命を奪われるだけではありません。魂をColdharbourに連れて行かれ、永遠の責め苦を受け続けるのです。Daedraの魂をSoul Gemに封印するような事はもちろん私の好む所ではありませんが、彼女に限って言えば例外ですね。
FormID: 031101CA	bgAQ7Paintings	bgZQPaintings1ZerreshjuDrama	0	Mazken have an affinity for other Mazken, as do Aureal have for Aureal. Some of them even can call in reinforcements that way. Though I don't think the Dark Seducer knew what she was going to be used for.	
__Aurealが他のAurealに対して共感を覚えるように、Mazkenもまた他のMazkenに対して共感を覚えるものです。彼女達の中にはそのような共感を通して守備を固める者もいますね。しかし、あの絵の中のDark Seducerについて言えば、これから何をされるのか全く理解していない風にも見えます。
FormID: 031101CA	bgAQ7Paintings	bgZQPaintings1ZerreshjuDrama	1	It's a bit like watching a sorcerer's show, don't you think? Like as if the poor other Mazken is going to be cut in half, only to be later shown again still whole and alive.	
FormID: 031101CA	bgAQ7Paintings	bgZQPaintings1ZerreshjuDrama	2	My impression, at least.	
FormID: 031101CB	bgAQ7Paintings	bgZQPaintings1ZerresjuRobe	0	A stunning robe. Something even I would consider to wear.	
FormID: 031101CB	bgAQ7Paintings	bgZQPaintings1ZerresjuRobe	1	Did you noticed? The background is painted black. Where was this created? And when? I think I've saw a draft of it, and it was not made in Merendin. Instead there was Anvil.	
FormID: 031101CB	bgAQ7Paintings	bgZQPaintings1ZerresjuRobe	2	Just think about it. Zerreshju around Anvil. What did she do there? Why felt Kanaane it necessary to black it out? Questions, questions...

FormID: 031101CB	bgAQ7Paintings	bgZQPaintings1ZerresjuRobe	2	Just think about it. Zerreshju around Anvil. What did she do there? Why felt Kanaane it necessary to black it out? Questions, questions...	

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