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*題名 [#o03b520c]
**原題 [#cc720737]

**訳題 [#ca8321a9]

*本文 [#n136c514]

**原文 [#text_en]
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<DIV align="center"><font face=1>History of the<br>
Fighters Guild<br>
<DIV align="left"><IMG src="Book/fancy_font/i_51x61.dds" width=51 height=61>n the 283rd year of the 2nd Era, Potentate Versidue-Shaie was faced with a disintegrating empire.  The vassal kingdoms throughout Tamriel had reached a new height of rebellion, openly challenging his rule.  They refused his taxes and led sorties against the Imperial garrisons throughout the land.  At the destruction of his fortress in Dawnstar, he gathered the Imperial Council in what would be called the Council of Bardmont, after the town south of Dawnstar where they met.  There the Potentate declared catholic and universal martial law.  The princes of Tamriel would dissolve their armies or face his wrath.<br>
The next thirty-seven years were perhaps the bloodiest in the violent history of Tamriel.<br>
In order to crush the last of the royal armies, Versidae-Shaie had to sacrifice many of his best legions, as well as spend nearly every last piece of gold in the Imperial treasury.  But he accomplished the unthinkable.  For the first time in history, there was but one army in the land, and it was his own.<br>
The problems that immediately surfaced were almost as staggering as the triumph itself.  The Potentate had impoverished the land by his war, for the vanquished kingdoms had also spent the last of their gold in defense.  Farmers and merchants alike had their livelihood ruined.  Before the princes of Tamriel would not pay his taxes - now, they could not.  <br>
The only persons who benefited from the war were criminals, who preyed upon the ruins of the lawless land, without fear of arrest now that all the local guards and militia were gone.  It was a crisis the Akavir had seen coming long before he destroyed the last of his subjects' armies, but for which he had no solution.  He could not allow his vassals their own armies again, but the land was deeper into the stew of anarchy that it had ever been before.  His army sought to fight the rise of crime, but a central authority was no threat against the local underworld. <br>
In the dawn of the year 320, a kinsman of Versidae-Shaie, Dinieras-Ves "the Iron",  presented himself with a host of companions before the Potentate.  It was he who suggested an order of mercantile warriors-for-hire, who could be hired by nobility in lieu of a standing army.  The employment would be temporary, and a percentage of the fee would go to the Potentate's government, thus putting salve on two of Versidae-Shaie's greatest pains.<br>
Though it was then called The Syffim, after the Tsaesci word for 'soldiers,' the organization that was to be known as the Fighters Guild had been born.  <br>
Dinieras-Ves "the Iron" initially believed that the entirety of the order should be composed of Akaviri.  This belief of his is not disputed by any historian, though his motivation is often debated.  The traditional, simple explanation is that he knew his countrymen well, trusted them, and felt that their tradition of fighting for profit would be of use.  Others believe, with reason, that he and the Potentate sought to use the order to effectively complete the conquest of Tamriel begun over five hundred years earlier.  When Akavir attacked Tamriel in the 2703rd year of the 1st era, they had been beaten back by the Reman Dynasty.  Now they had a Potentate on the throne, and with Dinieras-Ves's machinations, the local armies would also be Akaviri.  What they had failed to do by combat, they would have successfully accomplished by patience.  A traditional strategem, many scholars suggest, of the immortal snake men, the Tsaesci of Akavir, who always had time on their side.<br>
The point, however, is largely academic.  Though the Syffim did establish themselves in some kingdoms neighboring Cyrodiil, it became quickly apparent that local warriors were needed.  Part of the problem was simply that there were not enough Akaviri for the work that needed to be done.  Another part was that the snake men did not understand the geography and politics of the regions they were assigned. <br>
It was evident that some non-Akaviri were needed in the Syffim, and by the mid point of the year, three Nords, a warrior-sorceress, a rogue, and a knight were admitted into the order.<br>
The knight, whose name has been lost in the sands of time, was also a great armorer, and probably did more to strengthen the organization than anyone but Dinieras-Ves himself.  As has often been stated, the Akaviri, particularly the Tsaesci, understood weaponry better than armor.  Even if they could not wear it themselves, the knight was able to explain to the other Syffim what the weaknesses were in their opponent's armor, explaining to them how many joints there were in a pauldon and a grieve, and the differences between Aketons and Armkachens, Gorgets and Gliedshrims, Palettes and Pasguards, Tabards and Tassettes.<br>
With this knowledge, they made long strides in defeating the brigands, doing far better than their meager numbers would suggest.  It is a joke among historians that if Akavir had a Nord armorer in their employ in the first era, they would have won the invasion.<br>
The success of these first three outsiders to the Syffim opened the door for more local members.   Before the year was through, Dinieras-Ves had spread his business throughout the Empire.  Young men and women, for a variety of reasons - because of desperate poverty, for love of action and adventure, in order to aid their crime-stricken neighbors - joined his new order en masse.  They received training, and were immediately put to work helping the aristocracy's problems, assuming the roles of guards and soldiers within their locality.  <br>
The early success of the Syffim in combating crime and defeating local monsters so inspired Potentate Versidae-Shaie that he entertained representatives from other organizations interested in Imperial sanction.  Though formed much earlier, the Mages Guild had always been viewed with suspicion by the government.  In the 321st year of the 2nd Era, the Potentate gave his approval to the Guilds Act, officially sanctioning the Mages, together with the Guilds of Tinkers, Cobblers, Prostitutes, Scribes, Architects, Brewers, Vintners, Weavers, Ratcatchers, Furriers, Cooks, Astrologers, Healers, Tailors, Minstrals, Barristers, and the Syffim.  In the charter, they were no longer called the Syffim, however: bowing to the name it had become known as by the people, they were to be called the Fighters Guild.  All the Guilds, and those that followed by later sanctions throughout the second and third eras, would be protected and encouraged by the Empire of Cyrodiil, recognizing their value to the people of Tamriel.  All would be required to pay to expand their influence throughout the land.  The Empire was strengthened by their presence, and the Imperial coffers were filled once again.<br>
Shortly after Versidae-Shaie's death, only three years after the Guild Act, his heir Savirien-Chovak, allowed the reforming of local armies.  The Fighters Guild was no longer the principal arm of the local aristocracy, but their worth had already been established.   Though there were certainly strong individuals who sought their own fortunes in the past, many historians have suggested that Dinieras-Ves was the ancestor in spirit of the modern phenomenon of the Adventurer, those men and women who dedicate their lives to questing for fame and fortune.<br>
Thus, all owe a debt of gratitude to the Fighters Guild -- not only its members, and the people who have been helped by its neutral policy of offering strong arms for a fee within the boundaries of the law.  Without them, there would be no guilds of any kind, and it may be argued, no model for even the independent Adventurer.

**訳文 [#text_ja]
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<DIV align="center"><font face=1>Fighters Guild の<br>
<DIV align="left"><IMG src="Book/fancy_font/i_51x61.dds" width=51 height=61>n the 283rd year of the 2nd Era(第2紀 283年)、Potentate(第二紀の Cyrodiil に君臨した Akavir 系皇帝を指す歴史用語 -- 訳注)Versidue-Shaie は、帝国崩壊の危機に直面していた。Tamriel 全土の従属国の反乱が激しさを増し、彼の支配に反旗を翻したのである。各国は帝国への納税を拒否し、ついには国内に駐留する帝国軍を襲撃するに至った。Dawnstar の帝国要塞が破壊させるに及び、彼は帝国議会(Imperial Council)を招集した。この議会は、召集場所である Dawnstar の南の町の名前にちなみ Bardmont 会議(Council of Bardmont)と呼ばれる。その会議では、Potentate により戒厳令が帝国全土に宣言された。Tamriel の諸侯は、軍を解散するか、徹底抗戦かの二者択一に迫られた。<br>
その後の37年は、Tamriel 史上最悪の流血の時代だろう。<br>
反乱軍の最後の一兵まで撃滅すべく、Versidae-Shaie は国庫をほとんど空にしただけでなく、多くの優秀な軍団を犠牲にしなければならなかった。だが、その結果は信じがたいものとなった。歴史上初めて、この大陸に一国の軍隊だけが立ったのだ。その軍隊は彼の軍隊だった。<br>
戦後まもなく表面化した問題も、勝利と同じくらい信じがたいものだった。戦争により国土は疲弊し、平定した王国も、金貨の最後の一枚まで防衛に使っていた。農民や商人たちも似たような有り様だった。戦前、納税を拒否した Tamriel の諸侯に、いまや納めるべき税金は残っていなかった。<br>
この戦争で利益を得たのは、地元の衛兵隊や民兵団により検挙される心配が無くなり、廃墟や無法地帯を荒らし回る犯罪者だけであった。Akavir 来寇以来の危機的状況であったが、反乱家臣を一人残らず滅ぼす以外の解決策は無かったのである。彼は二度と家臣の軍隊の保有を認めなかったが、その一方で国土はかつて無いほど荒廃した。彼の軍隊は激増する犯罪と戦ったが、各地にはびこる地下組織の敵では無かった。<br>
320年初頭、Versidae-Shaie の親類である「獅子卿」Dinieras-Ves が配下を従えて、Potentate の前に現れた。彼こそ、常備軍とは別の組織として、商業主義的な雇われ騎士団を提唱した人物だった。騎士団の雇用期間は短期で、報酬の一部は Potentate 政府に上納される仕組みだった。兵士不足と国庫不足という2重の責め苦に喘ぐ Versidae-Shaie にとって一石二鳥の制度だった。<br>
かくして、現在、戦士ギルド(Fighters Guild)として知られる組織が誕生したのである。もっとも当時は Tsaesci 語で『戦士たち』を意味する Syffim という名前で呼ばれたが。<br>
当初、「獅子卿」Dinieras-Ves は、騎士団は全員が Akavir 人であるべきだと考えていた。彼の信念を疑う歴史家は一人も居ないが、その動機はしばしば議論の的となる。古くからある、単純明快な説明は、同国人と親交が深かった彼は、進歩のために戦うという自分達の伝統が役に立つと確信したという説である。他の有力な説は、彼と Potentate は、騎士団を使って、500年前に行われた Tamriel 征服を、この期に一気に実現しようと考えていたという説である。第1紀2703年、Tamriel に来寇した Akavir は、Reman 朝によって撃退されたが、いまや皇帝の座は Akavir 系の皇帝、つまり Potentate が占めており、各地の軍隊もまた Akavir 軍だった。Akavir 人は戦争には敗北したものの、忍耐によって目的を達成したのだった。不死の蛇人である Akavir の Tsaesci 人には無限の時間が用意されており、多くの学者たちの意見によると、長期的な姦計は彼らの伝統であるという。<br>
学術的な話題はさておき、本題に戻ろう。Cyrodiil の各地方に Syffim が設置されたものの、すぐに地元の戦士を雇う必要性が明らかになった。問題の一部は単に Akavir 人の人材不足、残りは担当地域の地勢と情勢への理解不足にあった。<br>
Syffim に、非 Akavir 人が必要なことは明らかであった。そして、320年の半ばには、3人の Nord 人(女魔法剣士、ローグ、ナイト 各一名)が騎士団に迎えられた。<br>
ナイトの名前は、時の流れの中で忘れられてしまったが、一流の鎧職人でもあった彼は、Dinieras-Ves に次いで、騎士団の強化に貢献した人物だろう。広く知られているように、Akavir 人、特に Tsaesci 人は、鎧よりも武器に精通している。鎧を装備しないことさえあった Tsaesci 人だったが、そのナイトは Syffim の他の団員に、肩甲と脛当ての継ぎ目の数や、アクトンとアームカチェンの違い、ゴジェットとグリドスリムの違い、パレットとパスガードの違い、タバードとタセットの違い(すべて鎧のパーツの名称 -- 訳注)を解説しながら、敵の鎧の弱点を説明した。<br>
この知識により、彼らは数で勝る盗賊相手に、はるかに有利に戦えるようになった。歴史家の間では、次のようなジョークが交わされる。もし第一紀の Akavir に Nord の鎧職人が仕えていたら、Tamliel の侵略に成功していた、と。<br>
最初の「外国人」団員の功績により、Syffim はより多くの地元民に門戸を開くようになった。320年の暮れ、Dinieras-Ves は帝国各地で事業を開始した。絶望的な貧困から逃れるために、冒険や戦いを求めて、あるいは、犯罪に苦しむ隣国を救うために、男女を問わず、若人たちは一丸となって彼の騎士団に加入した。訓練が終わった者たちは、ただちに近隣の貴族の元に派遣され、警備兵や兵士の役目を担った。 <br>
早々と各地のモンスターや犯罪組織の撲滅に成功した Syffim に気を良くした Potentate Versidae-Shaie は、国家公認制(Imperial sanction)に興味を持つ各組織の代表を食事に招くようになった。長い歴史を持つものの魔術師ギルド(Mages Guild)は、常に政府から疑いの目で見られていた。第2紀321年、Potentate はギルド法(Guilds Act)を可決し、魔術師(Mages)ギルド以下、鋳掛屋(Tinkers)ギルド, 靴職人(Cobblers)ギルド, 売春(Prostitutes)ギルド, 作家(Scribes)ギルド, 設計士(Architects)ギルド, ビール職人(Brewers)ギルド, ワイン職人(Vintners)ギルド, 織工(Weavers)ギルド, ネズミ駆除(Ratcatchers)ギルド, 毛皮商人(Furriers)ギルド, 料理人(Cooks)ギルド, 占星術師(Astrologers)ギルド, 治癒師(Healers)ギルド, 仕立師(Tailors)ギルド, 吟遊詩人(Minstrals)ギルド, 弁護士(Barristers)ギルド, Syffim の存在が公的に認められた。ただし、その法文には、Syffim という名称の代わりに、より人口に膾炙した名称である戦士ギルド(Fighters Guild)の名が記されていた。後世に認可されたギルドも含めて、第2、第3紀を通して、すべてのギルドは、Cyrodiil の帝国(Empire of Cyrodiil)により保護・援助されてきた。帝国内でギルドの勢力を拡大するには、国に税を納める必要があった。ギルドのおかげで、国力は増大し、帝国の国庫は再び金貨で満たされたのだった。<br>
Versidae-Shaie の死後間もなく、ギルド法の成立からわずか3年後であったが、彼の後継者 Savirien-Chovak は、地方の再軍備を許可した。もはや、戦士ギルドは、地方貴族にとっての主要な武力でなくなったものの、彼らは必要不可欠な存在になっていた。過去に富を追い求めた権力者は数多いたものの、戦士ギルドの発案者である Dinieras-Ves は、名声や富に命を捧げる冒険家のような現代的精神を備えた人物として多くの歴史家に評価されている。<br>


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