L10N/HFCastle/1.1.2/Dialogue/HCDuellist の変更点

FormID: 0100200B	HCDuellist	GREETING	0	Well, hello to you! Can I help you with something?	
__ちわっス! 何か俺(おい)らに用っスか?
FormID: 0100200D	HCDuellist	HCDS10Master	0	... And Mister Essagan said I would make a good smith for the castle, did he? I'd be honoured! Although... there's Vilene...	
__…あー、それでEssaganさんが俺らのこと、いい城付きの鍛冶になるって言ったんスか? 嬉しいっスねぇ。あ…でもVileneの事があるんだよなぁ。
FormID: 0100200D	HCDuellist	HCDS10Master	1	Damn that vile man! Listen; I'd be honoured to join you, like I said, but I can't leave my girl behind - especially not with that deviant around.	
__あのクソ野郎! 聞いて下さいよ。あんたが雇ってくれるのは光栄っス、ホントに。でも彼女を残してはいけない。あんな変態野郎がうろついてるこんなとこには。
FormID: 0100200D	HCDuellist	HCDS10Master	10	Vilene is an excellent cook. And, well... housekeeping has been her life, so she is obviously adept such things as well.	
FormID: 0100200D	HCDuellist	HCDS10Master	11	But this is a perfect plan! Both Vilene and I could come work for you, and get away from this place! There's just Adviser Valgus to deal with...	
__こいつは完璧だ! Vileneと俺らは二人揃ってあんたの城で働く、そしてここから出て行けるんだ! あとはValgus相談役をどうするか…。
FormID: 0100200D	HCDuellist	HCDS10Master	12	There's no way he would just let Vilene go. If we left, he would have her hunted down...	
FormID: 0100200D	HCDuellist	HCDS10Master	13	I'm sorry to put this upon you - and you're free to refuse, of course - but the world would be well-rid of Adviser Valgus.	
FormID: 0100200D	HCDuellist	HCDS10Master	14	I'm not suggesting anything dishonourable, of course; but Valgus is a vain man - easily provoked - and he *does* love to duel...	
FormID: 0100200D	HCDuellist	HCDS10Master	15	If you can goad him into proposing a duel - and defeat him - then he will be removed as an obstacle, and we *all* get what we want.	
FormID: 0100200D	HCDuellist	HCDS10Master	16	Thank you for listening to me; and I leave it up to you. If you decide to help us, talk to Vilene; she can most likely be found in the Dining Hall.	
FormID: 0100200D	HCDuellist	HCDS10Master	17	She has the unfortunate burden of being around Valgus more often than I, and should be able to give you some advice on dealing with him.	
FormID: 0100200D	HCDuellist	HCDS10Master	2	Sorry; I'm not explaining myself well. See, there's Vilene, my girl: the love of my life! She's beautiful, and I'm not the only one to notice...	
__すいません、旨く説明出来なくて。Vileneと会って貰えますか? 俺らとは将来を誓い合った仲なんス! ただ、彼女美人なもんで、俺ら以外にも言い寄る奴が出てきちまって…。
__すいません、旨く説明出来なくて。Vileneと会って貰えますか? 俺らとは将来を誓い合った仲なんス!ただ、彼女美人なもんで、俺ら以外にも言い寄る奴が出てきちまって…。
FormID: 0100200D	HCDuellist	HCDS10Master	3	That violent and despicable man - Adviser Valgus Hertarian - he wants her for himself.	
__野蛮でタチの悪い奴がいるんスよ…相談役のValgus Hertarianってのが…奴が彼女を、我が物にしようと狙ってるんス。 
FormID: 0100200D	HCDuellist	HCDS10Master	4	Vilene is a servant here, and so it is difficult for her to avoid a man with power - and a temperament - like his.	
FormID: 0100200D	HCDuellist	HCDS10Master	5	He practises duelling as a sport, and favours bouts to the death.	
FormID: 0100200D	HCDuellist	HCDS10Master	6	Valgus is like a mad dog with a ripe bone: once he's fixated on something, he won't let go.	
FormID: 0100200D	HCDuellist	HCDS10Master	7	And if he doesn't get what he wants? Then he shows his truly vicious side.	
__しかも、欲しいものが手に入らないとなるとどうすると思います? 本当にロクでもない本性を丸出しにするんスよ。
FormID: 0100200D	HCDuellist	HCDS10Master	8	The poor lass who was here before Vilene; she also caught Valgus' attention... they never did find her body. Nothing proven, of course.	
FormID: 0100200D	HCDuellist	HCDS10Master	9	... If we could only get away from here - from him... Hey! You must need a housekeeper at this new castle of yours, yes? Or a cook?	
__…もしここから連れ出してもらえるなら…奴から…そうだ! あんたの城でメイドは要らないっスか? でなきゃ料理人とか?
FormID: 0100200E	HCDuellist	GREETING	0	Yes, friend? Any... news?	
FormID: 01002010	HCDuellist	GREETING	0	You're saying you can get Bodean and I away from Valgus? Oh, that would be wonderful!	
__それって、BodeanとわたしをValgusから引き離してくれるって事ですよね? ああ、素敵だわ!
FormID: 01002010	HCDuellist	GREETING	1	Like Bodean, I would be honoured to join you at the castle. I can certainly cook and clean, as he said.	
FormID: 01002010	HCDuellist	GREETING	10	Perhaps you could follow him, or wait for him at the lighthouse - where you can get to him when he's alone.	
FormID: 01002010	HCDuellist	GREETING	11	If you would rather take Bodean's advice and try to goad Valgus into a duel, then I can tell you that he keeps a diary in his private quarters.	
FormID: 01002010	HCDuellist	GREETING	12	I've heard as much from the other servants, at least. So far I've managed to stay out of his quarters. I don't know what might happen if I did go in.	
FormID: 01002010	HCDuellist	GREETING	13	In any case, perhaps you might find something in the diary that could help you? Give you some insight into Valgus' vulnerabilities?	
__何にせよ、日記を見れば何か役に立つことが見つかるかも知れませんよ? Valgusの弱みが書いてあるかも。
FormID: 01002010	HCDuellist	GREETING	14	I'll leave it to you - but please, be careful.	
FormID: 01002010	HCDuellist	GREETING	2	Also, from what you say about Hoarfrost Castle, it sounds like you need someone to handle the trading of goods with the nearby towns.	
FormID: 01002010	HCDuellist	GREETING	3	I can certainly do that as well: and you would of course be able to trade things through me; your own general merchant, as it were.	
FormID: 01002010	HCDuellist	GREETING	4	But first, there is Adviser Valgus. He lords his position over me, and would never let me leave this place. He is vicious, and a snake.	
FormID: 01002010	HCDuellist	GREETING	5	Listen: you don't know Valgus - and neither does Bodean, for that matter - not like I do. I've had to suffer his company far more than I would like.	
FormID: 01002010	HCDuellist	GREETING	6	I love Bodean for his honour, and his kindly nature, but Valgus does not deserve the comparably honourable death a duel might grant.	
FormID: 01002010	HCDuellist	GREETING	7	You would not believe the lewd things the filthy man whispers in my ear - and when he's in his cups, the hissed threats...	
__信じられます? あの汚らわしい男は人の耳元でいやらしい言葉を囁くんですよ。酔っぱらってる時なんて、にやけ面で脅しをかけてくるし…。
FormID: 01002010	HCDuellist	GREETING	8	He is an evil man, and he really does need to die - one way or another - for the safety of all those around him. Particularly me, of course.	
FormID: 01002010	HCDuellist	GREETING	9	I can tell you that every night at 10pm he leaves the formal dinner in the Dining Hall early, to take a walk alone through Anvil to the lighthouse.	
FormID: 01002011	HCDuellist	GREETING	0	Yes? How go things with Adviser Valgus?	
FormID: 01002ED6	HCDuellist	GREETING	0	What? Why do you disturb me, churl? This had better be important.	
__何だ? 無礼な奴だな、何ゆえ君はわしの邪魔をするのだ? わしには他にもっと大切な用事があるのだ。
FormID: 01002EE0	HCDuellist	HCDInsultGood1	0	What did you say?	
FormID: 01002EE1	HCDuellist	HCDInsultGood2	0	You had best retract that statement!	
FormID: 01002EE2	HCDuellist	HCDInsultGood3	0	I demand an apology!	
__謝れ! 今すぐわしに謝れ!!
FormID: 01002EE3	HCDuellist	HCDInsultBad1	0	Is this some kind of joke?	
FormID: 01002EE4	HCDuellist	HCDInsultBad2	0	Is this some kind of joke?	
FormID: 01002EE5	HCDuellist	HCDInsultBad4	0	If you say so.	
FormID: 01002EE6	HCDuellist	HCDInsultBad3	0	If you say so.	
FormID: 01002EE7	HCDuellist	HCDInsultBad5	0	Have you nothing better to do?	
FormID: 01002EE8	HCDuellist	HCDInsultBad6	0	Have you nothing better to do?	
FormID: 01002EEB	HCDuellist	HCDInsultWait	0	Are you quite finished?	
FormID: 01002EED	HCDuellist	HCDInsultFinished	0	I should hope so. Now leave me be and go find some children to play with. Perhaps *they* will find your insults entertaining.	
FormID: 01002EF1	HCDuellist	HCDInsultFinished	0	Yes. You are finished. I've heard enough of your slander: this is grounds for a duel!	
FormID: 01002EF1	HCDuellist	HCDInsultFinished	1	Meet me in the castle courtyard for a duel to the death. Now. We shall settle this like civilised people.	
FormID: 01002EF1	HCDuellist	HCDInsultFinished	2	We shall settle this with more civility than you have shown me, at any rate.	
FormID: 01002EF2	HCDuellist	GREETING	0	Wait until we reach the courtyard, dog! Have you no decency at all?!	
__中庭に着くまで待てんのか、クズが! 貴様には誇りや品性というものが無いのか?!
FormID: 01002EF3	HCDuellist	GREETING	0	So you are not as much of a coward as you would appear.	
FormID: 01002EF3	HCDuellist	GREETING	1	I hope you have made your peace with the world, for this duel will not end until one of us is dead. Prepare yourself.	
FormID: 01002EF3	HCDuellist	GREETING	2	To the death!	
FormID: 01002EF5	HCDuellist	GREETING	0	He's dead? Oh, that's excellent news! I know it sounds horrible to say that, but trust me: the world is better off without that vile man.	
__あいつ、死んだの? ああ、素晴らしいわ! ひどい言い種に聞こえるでしょうけど…でも、信じてください。あの人でなしは死んだ方が世のため人のためだったんです。
FormID: 01002EF5	HCDuellist	GREETING	1	It is such a relief to be out of his shadow. Please, give Bodean the news too - if you haven't already.	
FormID: 01002EF5	HCDuellist	GREETING	2	Now there's nothing to keep us from coming to work at your castle, Master Hoarfrost.	
FormID: 01002EF6	HCDuellist	GREETING	0	Valgus is dead? It's unfortunate that you had to go through all this, but he was an evil man. You did the right thing.	
__Valgusは死んだんスか? あんたにこんな事をさせてしまって申しわけなかったっス。でも奴は悪党だった、あんたがやったのは間違った事じゃないっス。
FormID: 01002EF6	HCDuellist	GREETING	1	And now Vilene and I are free! Free to come work for you, as I promised.	
__そして今や、Vileneと俺らは自由だ! これでいつでもあんたのために働けるっス、約束通り。
FormID: 01002EF6	HCDuellist	GREETING	2	We shall prepare to leave at once. I'll see you at Hoarfrost Castle.	
FormID: 01002EF6	HCDuellist	GREETING	3	My own forge! It's like a dream come true...	
__自分の鍛冶場が持てる! これで夢がかなうんだ…。
FormID: 01002EF7	HCDuellist	GREETING	0	Master Hoarfrost. I look forward to working for you. I shall see you at Hoarfrost Castle.	
FormID: 01002EF8	HCDuellist	GREETING	0	Well hello, Master Hoarfrost. Have you spoken with Bodean yet? I'm sure we'll be able to leave for your castle very soon.
__ごきげんよう、城主様。Bodeanとはもうお話しされました? わたしたち、すぐにでもあなたのお城に向けて出発するつもりです。

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