L10N/HFCastle/1.1.2/Books/HCFuriusJournal の変更点


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*本文 [#rcbd94a2]

**原文 [#f1abf524]
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<font face=1>[You open the journal to the entry Steward Ignatius indicated you should read: the final one in the book. The entry is scrawled in a wild hand, as if the writer was in a great hurry:]
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Oh, Arkay; why have you forsaken me? I only wanted to protect my family and retainers from harm in these troubled times! But even now I can feel the change coming, and feel the Conduit burn my skin. And I can see the pain and confusion in my family's eyes - and those of my loyal retainers; they know not what happens to them. Please: I beg you! Take only me, and leave them be! They should not have to suffer for my mistakes.

But then, great Arkay... have you even heard me at all? Have you even heard me ever? The only voice I've heard from beyond is that of... the OTHER.

I feel I must record what brought this evil fate down upon me and my kin. Not for posterity, as my own foolishness has seen to it that none of my blood shall persist in this mortal world. No... not for them, but for anyone who might be forewarned and therefore - perhaps - saved by what I have to relate...

My castle - Hoarfrost Castle - is greatly desired by the scoundrel Lords who surround us, and they would balk at no atrocity if it brought them just one step closer to having my castle for their own. I petitioned Arkay of the Nine Divines - Arkay of the wheel of life and death - for salvation from our enemies. I petitioned him for years, but to no avail. My studies into mystical matters revealed to me an avenue for desperate men, and - in true desperation - I took it. I constructed a Mystic Conduit - a simple sphere of crystal to the naked eye - that would allow me, I hoped, to truly speak to the gods.

I gripped the Conduit. I appealed to Arkay to make me and mine - my family and my retainers - proof against death, so that we might survive our attackers. Still there was no answer. In my desperation, I appealed to anyone - anything - any god that might be listening - to make us proof against death.

Something answered. A terrible voice from beyond; from - I am afraid - Oblivion. 'She' claimed to be Meridia, of the Daedric Princes; an entity I have certainly read about in my studies. Meridia is the Daedric Prince most associated with the energies of living things - and the hatred of those perversions of said energies: the undead. And... such FURY was in the voice; I can certainly believe it.

Oh, Divines help me; I angered a Daedric Prince! 'She' heard my request for 'proof against death' as a wish to pervert those living energies, to become immortal; and now she means to curse us with undeath as punishment. So we will stay here in Castle Hoarfrost forever: never able to leave, or be moved on. Just as I had asked for, the terrible voice said.

My folly was in the words. That was all! Only words! Different words, and I may not have doomed us all...

An inexplicable energy surged through the Conduit into my body - and from my body on out, enveloping the castle. The terrible curse! It flows through the Conduit, and through me, and it damns us all.

Time is running short now. I can see the children of the retainers - outside in the yard, playing as if nothing is wrong. This is good. They are to be spared, it seems: they are neither my family nor my retainers - they have escaped my horrible pact. But I need to get this accursed Conduit as far from the castle as I can - for what little good it will do. I must hide it somewhere safe - where it cannot harm anyone else.

I shall take it to the Inverted Cathedral. Yes.

Nine Divines protect me, and have mercy on us all.

- Furius Hoarfrost

**訳文 [#k59a8e3e]
// 注意:訳文の部分は中括弧({と})が原文部分と異なり4つづつ。

<font face=1>[君はIgnatiusが栞を挟んでおいた日記のページを開いた…日記帳の最後の記述を。それは一目で筆を急いで記されたと判る、慌ただしい走り書きであった。]
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 おお、Arkayよ、何故我を見捨てたもうたのか? 我はただ家族と家臣をかかる苦境から救わんとしたに過ぎぬというのに! だが、こうしている今も己が変じていくのがわかる、Conduitが我が皮膚を焦がすのを感じる。苦痛と狼狽を映す家族の目が見える。我に忠節を誓った家臣たちにも。彼らは自らに何が起きているのかを知らぬ。お願いだ、乞い願う! 連れていくのは我だけでよい。彼らまで巻き込むのは止めてくれ! 皆が我が過ちで苦しむなどあってはならぬ。
 ああ、だが…大いなるArkayよ…貴方は聞き届けては下さらないのか? 我が声は聞こえてさえいないと? 我に届きし唯一の声は…まったく別のものだった。
 我が居城、Hoarfrost城はこの地を取り巻く無頼の領主達の羨望の的であった。彼らは我が城を手に入れるという野望の実現の為なら残虐行為をも辞さない。我はNine DivinesのArkayに祈りを捧げた。輪廻を司る神に、我が敵より救いたまえと。長きに渡り祈り続けたが、その甲斐はなかった。絶望の中、我が神秘学の研究が一つの道を示し、そして…まさに最後の望みとして…我はそれを選んだ。Mystic Conduitを造り上げたのだ。見た目には何の変哲もない水晶玉だが、我が望めば可能になる、本当に神々と話すことが。
 神々よ救いたまえ、我はDaedraの公子を激怒させてしまったのだ! 『彼女』は我の願い『死に抗う力』を命の力を邪に利用する意志と受け取った。不老不死に、不滅の存在になる為と。それゆえ彼女は罰として我らに不死の呪詛をかけると言った。かくて我らは未来永劫このHoarfrost城に縛られることとなった。決して逝けず、決して去れぬ。我が問うと彼女はそう答えた。怖ろしい声で
 我が過ちは言葉だ。それだけだ! ただの言葉なのだ! 違う言葉を使っていたなら、かくのごとき運命が皆にもたらされる事はなかったろうに…。
 絶対的な力がConduitを通して我が肉体に流れ込んだ。そして我の肉体より外へ溢れ、城を包み込む。凄まじい呪詛! Conduitと我が身体を流れ、我ら全てを呪うのだ!
 そうだ、Inverted Cathedralに運べば…。
- Furius Hoarfrost


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