L10N/Elsweyr_the_Deserts/SeptemberAddonPack/QuestStages/ANQSmallQuest11B の変更点

FormID: 010AA7F1	ANQSmallQuest11B	10	0	Libia wants another pet Khajiit and has her heart set on a black one to complete her colletion. She has asked you travel around Elsweyr and persuade one of these rare Tojay to come and live with her. She says you can use whatever tricks you like, when it is properly caged she will take it from there.
FormID: 010AA7F1	ANQSmallQuest11B	100	0	Libia loved her new pet! She has rewarded me with a few sets of her special Manacles of Khajiit Torment. I can have some fun by reverse pickpocketing these items onto Khajiit.
__Libiaは新しいペットに夢中だ!そして私は彼女から報酬として、特製のManacle of Khajiit Torment(Khajiit拷問用手枷)を貰った。Khajiitにスリ渡せばいくらかの余興にはなるだろう。
FormID: 010AA7F1	ANQSmallQuest11B	20	0	I have been told that the Tojay Khajiit prefer the jungles of the south and are rarely sighted in the northern half of the province. I should perhaps concentrate my search in the region of Corinthe.
__Tojay Khajiitは南部の森林地帯を好んでおり、この地域の北半分で見かける事は滅多にないと教えられた。おそらく、探索はCorinthe地域に絞るべきだろう。
FormID: 010AA7F1	ANQSmallQuest11B	30	0	A black Khajiit named Kisimba may be interested in the offer, but I will need to persuade him with a show of some of Libia's [QUOTE]special treats.[QUOTE]
FormID: 010AA7F1	ANQSmallQuest11B	40	0	Kisimba accepted my offer of moon sugar and skooma and agreed to follow me back to the Darkarn Place Inn.
__moon sugarとskoomaを提供し、Darkarn Place Innまで私について来るようKisimbaを説得することが出来た。
FormID: 010AA7F1	ANQSmallQuest11B	50	0	I have brought Kisimba to Darkarn Place. I should speak with Libia about my reward.
__KisimbaをDarkarn Placeに連れてきた。Libiaに話して報酬を受け取ろう。

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