L10N/Elsweyr_the_Deserts/SeptemberAddonPack/QuestStages/ANQSmallQuest05 の変更点

FormID: 010750F6	ANQSmallQuest05	10	0	A tribal prince named G'juna has asked me to fetch him the skulls of ten Valenwood warriors and the head of a Valenwood captain. The Clan Mother of his tribe had commanded him to return with these trophies if he wished to claim the chieftainship of his dead father. G'juna suggested I first seek out M'gada the Wise of Dune to learn of sightings of Valenwood soldiers.
__G'junaという名前の部族の王子からValenwood戦士10人とその首領1人分の頭蓋骨を集めるのに協力して欲しいとの依頼を受けた。彼の部族のClan Motherは、彼が亡父の跡目を継ぎ族長になるための条件としてそれらの戦果を示すよう要求したとの事だ。G'junaによるとValenwood戦士たちの居場所を知るには、まずDuneに住む賢者M'gadaに会って聞いてみるのが良いとの事だ。
FormID: 010750F6	ANQSmallQuest05	100	0	G'juna was pleased that I had returned with the trophy skulls and awarded me with the spear and armor of the chief of his tribe. He also told me I would always be welcome amongst his people, should I ever wish to visit.
FormID: 010750F6	ANQSmallQuest05	20	0	The Khajiit sage M'gada the Wise told me that Valenwood soldiers patrol the mountainous border beyond Dune. She has also had reports of the Bosmer scouts roaming the desert east of the city. Also considering that I only require skulls not kills, she suggested I search the Khajiit tribal village at Cori Darglade who are known to raid Valenwood.

__Khajiitの賢者M'gada the Wize(賢きM'gada)から、Valenwood戦士たちがDuneの先にある国境の山脈地帯付近を巡回していると聞いた。また、Bosmerの偵察隊が街の東の砂漠をうろついているとの情報も得た。また、血を流さずに頭蓋骨を集めたいならば、かつてValenwoodを襲撃した事のあるCori DargladeのKhajiit部族の集落を探すべきだとも聞いた。

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