L10N/Elsweyr_the_Deserts/SeptemberAddonPack/Dialogue/ANQElsweyrAnequina の変更点

FormID: 01031D06	ANQElsweyrAnequina	GREETING	0	My babies are crying.	
FormID: 01035254	ANQElsweyrAnequina	ANQBackgroundTopic	0	Mistress says I am very naughty and must beat me.	
FormID: 01035254	ANQElsweyrAnequina	ANQBackgroundTopic	1	But Mistress is very kind. Gives me special treats.	
FormID: 01035255	ANQElsweyrAnequina	ANQBackgroundTopic	0	Mistress makes me wear shackles.	
FormID: 01035255	ANQElsweyrAnequina	ANQBackgroundTopic	1	Mistress says I must because sometimes I want to run away.	
FormID: 01035256	ANQElsweyrAnequina	ANQBackgroundTopic	0	Mistress calls me Fluffball.	
FormID: 01035256	ANQElsweyrAnequina	ANQBackgroundTopic	1	I had other name once, but forget.	
FormID: 01035256	ANQElsweyrAnequina	ANQBackgroundTopic	2	Was very little when Mammy sold me.	
FormID: 01035257	ANQElsweyrAnequina	ANQBackgroundTopic	0	Oh, I do so love my pussies. Aren't they just the cutest little things?	
FormID: 01035257	ANQElsweyrAnequina	ANQBackgroundTopic	1	Its why I moved to Elsweyr when my rich old papa died . . .	
FormID: 01035257	ANQElsweyrAnequina	ANQBackgroundTopic	2	I dreamt of a house on a hill full of fluffy khajiit.	
FormID: 010594D0	ANQElsweyrAnequina	ANQBackgroundTopic	0	I'm Davrick, first mate of the merchant galleon Scyllarus.	
FormID: 010594D0	ANQElsweyrAnequina	ANQBackgroundTopic	1	Hop on board the rowboat if you wish to head shipside.	
FormID: 0107B3FF	ANQElsweyrAnequina	GREETING	0	Oh, the pain, the pain, the wonderful burning pain! Flames, fire, agony, joy!	
FormID: 010AD91C	ANQElsweyrAnequina	GREETING	0	W'aiq knows much, tells some. W'aiq knows many things that foolish M'aiq does not.	
FormID: 010AD91D	ANQElsweyrAnequina	ANQElsweyrTopic	0	W'aiq thinks his people are beautiful. The Argonian people are beautiful too. But never ask why those in Morrowind have crooked feet.	
FormID: 010AD91E	ANQElsweyrAnequina	ANQElsweyrTopic	0	Some people wish to throw their weapons. That seems clever to W'aiq. Why get raked by claws and teeth, when you can toss a spear.	
FormID: 010AD91F	ANQElsweyrAnequina	ANQElsweyrTopic	0	Feet are for walking. Hands are for hitting. Or shaking. Or waving. Sometimes for clapping. One could do more, but that would just be Unnecessary Violence.	
FormID: 010AD920	ANQElsweyrAnequina	ANQElsweyrTopic	0	So much easier to get around these days. Not like the old days. W'aiq doesn't need scenery when he can close his eyes and just be somewhere else.	
FormID: 010AD921	ANQElsweyrAnequina	ANQElsweyrTopic	0	W'aiq prefers to adventure with friends. Others might get in the way, but essential friends suffer no harm from a friendly blow.	
FormID: 010AD922	ANQElsweyrAnequina	ANQElsweyrTopic	0	Some people want special bows that take too long to load and need special arrows called bolts. W'aiq would like one too. But methinks the Imperials are too stupid to make them.	
FormID: 010AD923	ANQElsweyrAnequina	ANQElsweyrTopic	0	W'aiq is glad he has a compass. Makes it easy to find things. But sometimes he feels like Mummy Cat is leading him around by the paw.	
FormID: 010AD924	ANQElsweyrAnequina	ANQElsweyrTopic	0	I do not wish to fight on horseback. It is a good way to ruin a perfectly good horse. But climb down, turn around, draw weapon is a very slow way to fight. So I'll just walk.	
FormID: 010AD925	ANQElsweyrAnequina	ANQElsweyrTopic	0	Why would one want to swing a staff? Isn't it funnier to see a wimpy Mage with a used-up staff punching people with his fists.	
FormID: 010AD926	ANQElsweyrAnequina	ANQElsweyrTopic	0	Levitation is for fools. Why would we want to levitate? Can you not see the sparse inside Leyawiin walking down the hill? More to see, methinks, if you pass through the gate.	
FormID: 010AD927	ANQElsweyrAnequina	ANQElsweyrTopic	0	It is good the people wear clothing. W'aiq wears clothing. Who would want to see W'aiq naked? Would you perhaps want to see W'aiq naked if he had a big pair of breasts? Or curvy curves?	
FormID: 010AD928	ANQElsweyrAnequina	ANQElsweyrTopic	0	I don't know why one would want to destroy a building. Then again, the thought of eight burning cities like Kvatch makes W'aiq a very excited cat.	
FormID: 010AD92A	ANQElsweyrAnequina	ANQElsweyrTopic	0	Werewolves? Where? Wolves? Men that are wolves? Many wolves. Many men. Everywhere. Why not some werecats instead, or would those break the lawre.	
FormID: 010AD92B	ANQElsweyrAnequina	ANQElsweyrTopic	0	W'aiq is ready to visit all places, but are the places ready for him to visit? He must learn to be a patient cat.	
FormID: 010AD92C	ANQElsweyrAnequina	ANQElsweyrTopic	0	W'aiq dreams of Elsweyr jungle, Torval, Senchal, Tenmar too. He dreams of Valen's Wood, Summer's Set, Sky Rim and High Rock too. So many places W'aiq would go, so few places he knows he will ever see.	
__W'aiq、Elsweyrのジャングルを夢に見るよ。Torval、Senchal、Tenmarもそうね。Valen's WoodやSummer's Set、Sky RimとかHigh Rockも夢に見るよ。W'aiq、行くつもりの場所たくさんある。知ってる場所なんて全然少ないよ。
FormID: 010AD92D	ANQElsweyrAnequina	ANQElsweyrTopic	0	W'aiq searched long and hard for the jungles of Cyrodiil, but grew tired off looking and went Elsweyr.	
FormID: 010AD92E	ANQElsweyrAnequina	ANQElsweyrTopic	0	W'aiq wishes everyone would speak more loudly. Sometimes he can't hear anything they have to say. Is he going deaf?	
FormID: 010AD92F	ANQElsweyrAnequina	ANQElsweyrTopic	0	W'aiq is no friend of the lawre. And W'aiq fears the lawre-enforcers will one day come and chop off his head.	
FormID: 010AD930	ANQElsweyrAnequina	ANQElsweyrTopic	0	W'aiq knows that many will try to kill him and he will probably die. He wishes he were more like M'aiq who is knocked unconcious even by the sharpest of swords. 	
FormID: 010AD931	ANQElsweyrAnequina	ANQElsweyrTopic	0	W'aiq says slow down! You are speaking much too fast and W'aiq must ask you again to repeat yourself, over and over again!

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