L10N/Elsweyr_the_Deserts/JulyAddOnPack/Books/ANQBookTheArenaCircuitv4 の変更点


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**原文 [#text_en]
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The Arena Circuit, Volume 4

 A collection of fliers by Bubba, King of the Arena.

Eldenroot, Valenwood
You enter Eldenroot, center of the Elden Grove. The elves here seem friendly and you are hailed in welcome. You overhear that the city-state's team, the Cavaliers, won last week in the Arena . . .

Silvenar, Valenwood
Perched on the edge of the great Elden Grove, Silvenar is a city-state of breathtaking beauty. Tall minarets and spires worked out of marble rise out of the forest. Silvenar is home to the Rangers, a young team which has done well so far in the Arena . . .

Woodhearth, Valenwood
The coastal city-state of Woodhearth is the departure point for those bound for Summurset Isle. The Wood Elves here are friendly and pleasant. The team that makes its home here is the Nomads, and they have strong ties to magic . . .

Falinesti, Valenwood
Falinesti lies near the coast on the northern region of Valenwood. To the north are the spines of the Dragon's Teeth. The Wyverns have been the city-state's team for the last three years running. Few dare to go against them . . .
Greenheart, Valenwood
Greenheart lies on the southern edge of the Elden Grove. Beautiful trees fill the city-state, making it seem more like a forest than a thriving metropolis. Here the Defenders have earned themselves the distinction of having the fastest win recorded in Arena history . . .

Arenthia, Valenwood
Named after the first king of the Wood Elves, Arenthia is regal in bearing and noble in stature. The city seems quiet and dignified, and the Huntsmen who fight for her are reputed to be honorable warriors and dangerous foes . . .
Haven, Valenwood
Haven lies on the southern edge of Valenwood. Her team, the Red Spears, are known and honored throughout the Realm as being one of the most experienced . . .

Southpoint, Valenwood
Southpoint is the southernmost port city in Valenwood. The Chimeras make their home here and have, up till now, fought and defeated all challengers who have come to their gates . . .

**訳文 [#text_ja]
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