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<font face=1><div align="center"><br>
The Pocket Guide to The Empire and its environs <br>
First Edition<br>
The Elsweyr Confederacy, v 1<br>
<div align="left">Elsweyr is the youngest of the modern regions, and the only one to have established itself in the Common Era, nearly six hundred years ago. It is inhabited by a strange race of intelligent beastmen, who call themselves the Khajiit in their native tongue. These Khajiit are all feline in aspect, some far more than others. A particular family-tribe, or pride, might include a hunting party of males that appear like upright jaguars, a few beautiful youths who could pass for Elves were it not for their swishing tails, an uncle or two that would stalk the perimeters on all fours, and a chief who, depending on the moons of his birth, might have the form of any of the above. The Khajiit attribute their improbably biology to the workings of the ja-Kha'jay (the "Moonstrings," or "Lunar Lattice"), a magical and semi-divine phenomena believed to derive from the influence of Tamriel's twin moons, Masser and Secunda. According to the native tradition, a Khajiit born while Masser is full and Secunda a thin crescent will grow to be a cathay-raht, one of the aforementioned jaguar-men, while one born under the opposite conditions will be little more than an intelligent house-cat. Even the Senche-tiger, the largest great cat in existence, has proven to be just another form of the Khajiit; these massive beasts can often be found serving as steeds for their more humanoid cousins. Over twenty forms have been documented among the catmen of Elsweyr, and, in their own society at least, no one of them is more important or inherently better than another (with the exception of the Mane form, to be described shortly). However, the ohmes, or "man-faced" Khajiit, are those most commonly seen outside of the province, as most adventurers and diplomats come from this, the most discreet of the "breeds.".<br>
Until relatively recently, the nearly constant insurrection and tribal warfare among the catmen rarely troubled the stage of history. In CE309, however, Keirgo of Anequina and Eshita of Pellitine combined their long-feuding kingdoms to create Elsweyr, sparking a great class struggle that briefly threatened to draw in outside intervention. Power shifted from two separate kingdoms, each with its own central government and allied tribes, to a nobility besieged by those tribes, who felt that both their ruling classes had betrayed them. Chieftains forgot their ancient sugar-vendettas and signed treaties of their own (recorded, incidentally, through facial tattoos), and before long the cities of former Anequina were under constant attack. Keirgo petitioned the Empire for help, but it had just lost its own ruler, Potentate Versidue-Shaie, and was in similar disarray. When the old capital, Ne Quin-al, fell to the rebels, it seemed Elsweyr would soon burst under the weight of its own union. Peace was restored, however when the normally nonpartisan spiritual leader, the Mane Rid-T'har-ri'Datta, "bestowed to the classes equality under the bi-lunar shadow, dividing their power in accordance with two-moons-dance of the ja-K'hanay." What this established, in a more understandable sense, was a rotational power base in which both sides of Khajiit society, the city-dwellers under the nobility and the nomadic tribes of the desert chieftains, shared alternate control of the region based on the phases of Masser and Secunda; the terms of the measure, the Riddle-T'har, were overseen by the thinly-veiled dictatorship of the Mane himself. Since then, Elsweyr has withdrawn itself into a secrecy that has scarcely been breached in five hundred years.<br>
Geographically, Elsweyr is a harsh area of badlands and dry plains. Only near the southern reaches does the soil turn fertile, and the whole of this region is covered in jungle and rainforests, with sugarcane groves clustering against the two main river basins. The old kingdom of Anequina is its northern section, and has historically offered no threat to either the early Cyro-Nords or the later Cyrodilic Empires. Indeed, Pelinal Whitestrake, Nibenay warlord of the Elven Pogrom, mistook the Khajiit for another strain of Aldmeri and killed many of their number before realizing his error. Human relations have been minimal in the intervening years, but there is talk that the Elsweyr Confederacy has recently struck a treaty with the Aldmeri Dominion, a situation that, if true, may force the catmen into another bloody confrontation with the Cyrodilic masters of Tamriel.<br>
Understandably, the ja'Kha'jay makes the culture of Elsweyr very strange and alien. It is a peculiar affliction, which seems, at first glance, to be related to lycanthropy. It is not, however, contagious or temporal in effect like the latter -- a Khajiit retains the form of his birth throughout his lifespan, and the moons, while they determine that form, do not affect it thereafter. There are no known shapeshifting Khajiit. On the whole, the catmen of Elsweyr are a bestial lot, victims of their own preternatural anatomies. They are quick to anger, unpredictable, and dangerous, though singly no match for an Imperial legionnaire. It is also worthwhile to point out that the so-called "human" features found among many of the Khajiits are, in fact, distinctly Elven in appearance, no doubt proving once and for all the baser predilections of the Elder Race.<br>
This is not to say that Elsweyr is without some semblance of civilization. The Khajiit that do walk erect dress and conduct themselves in a close approximation of a modern, human culture. Their dress is an abundant shawl, commonly of brightly patterned cloth, for defense against the harsh sun and saber-cuts. Their chief attire, the budi, or shirt, is fastened in braids down the right side, not permitting any part of the torse fur to be seen, for such is believed to be highly indecorous. Jewelry and trinkets often adorn the costume, and tattoos are very popular. In some quarters, the latter can even have religious and legal significance. A recent trend among the younger ohmes is the application of feline facial tattoos that make them resemble their more hideous and savage brethren. The obvious weapon of choice among the Khajiit are their claws, naturally sharp and retractable. Others, though, have mastered the use of the saber and scimitar, the dagger and the longbow. There is no standing army in Elsweyr, and the catmen have never shown an expansionist inclination. In fact, they have lost territory in the last fifty years with the secession of their rim territories.<br>
Tamriel's two moons are inextricably linked to the society of the Khajiit, who worship their different phases, and the combination of the phases, as if they were gods. Therefore, each "breed" of Khajiit has its own patron deity. Earlier it was believed this practice was just another heathen system of worship common among the beastmen of Tamriel, but recent studies in comparative religion have proven that the lunar gods of Elsweyr are merely the divinities of the Imperial Pantheon (Stendarr, Mara, Kynareth, etc.) in disguise. Similar findings have revealed that the dro-m'Athra, or dark spirits or Elsweyr, which correspond to the inverse phases of Masser and Secunda, to be aspects of the more universal Daedric powers.<br>
<br>The Khajiit also believe that their gods regularly bestow blessings to their chosen people, in the form of the moon-sugar, a substance native to the Tenmar Forest in southern Elsweyr. This sugar has a variety of uses; it is alternately a seasoning and a magical ingredient, a source of communion with the holy moons and a dangerous and addictive drug. The Khajiit understand it to be "crystallized moonlight," caught in the water of the Topal Sea and brought to the sugarcane groves of the Tenmar by the force of the twin tides. By partaking of the sugar, the Khajiit believes they are consuming small portions of their gods' eternal souls. This drives them into fits of ecstasy and abandon, and the streets of Elsweyr's major cities are full of catmen shivering in the grip of sugar fits.<br>
<br>A particularly hazardous derivative of the moon-sugar, known as skooma, is often smoked in raw form through a water-pipe by the more pathetic Khajiit; its victims are addicted for life, and in constant, alternating states of euphoria and lethargy.<br>
Nevertheless moon-sugar is a daily part of Khajiit life, and their kingdom's chief export. The food of Elsweyr is invariably sweet; candies, cakes, puddings, and sugarmeats are the staples of the Khajiit diet, and travelers to Elsweyr are cautioned against partaking of any of the native food. Humans, it seems are even more susceptible to the effects of the moon-sugar than the catmen themselves.<br>

**訳文 [#text_ja]
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<font face=1><div align="center"><br>
The Pocket Guide to The Empire and its environs <br>
First Edition<br>
The Elsweyr Confederacy, v 1<br>
<div align="left">Elsweyrは現代地方において最も新しく、600年ほど前、Common Eraの時点で自治を認められました。この地には知性を持つbeastmen(獣人)が住み、彼らは自らの名を、母国語であるKhajiitと称しています。他の種族とは打って変わって、このKhajiit達はネコのような姿をしています。個々の家系、あるいは群れは二本足で立つジャガーのような男達から成る狩り役、しなやかな尻尾さえなければElfとしても通用しそうな、少数の端麗な若者、年配者、四足で周囲を忍び寄る二人の者、生まれた時点での月の位相に従い、上記のどれかの形を取る族長から成り立ちます。Khajiitは、彼らの驚愕すべき生態をja-Kha'jay("Moonstring"、あるいは"Lunar Lattice")の働きのおかげと考えており、これはTamrielの二つの月、MasserとSecundaの影響によるものと信じられており、不可思議かつ半ば神聖ともいえる現象です。土地の伝統によると、Masserが満月かつSecundaが細い三日月の時、KhajiitはCathay-Raht、上述したjaguar-menとして生を受けますが、位相がこの逆になれば利口なhouse-cat(イエネコ)に過ぎない存在として生を受けます。Senche-Tiger、最も大型のネコ科動物でさえも、単にKhajiitの一種であることが判明しています。この大きな獣は、より多くを占めるヒトに近い同胞のための馬となっている所をよく見かけられています。Elsweyrのネコ型種族は、20を超す姿形を取っている事が立証されています。そして、少なくとも彼ら自身の社会において、さらに重要なことは彼らの誰も、つまり本質的に他の者に劣っていないのです(ただしまもなく後述するManeを除く)しかしながら、Ohmes、いわゆる"ヒト似"のKhajiit達は最も目立たない"種"であるため、通常属州の外で見られることが多く、大抵は冒険家や外交家です。<br>
比較的最近まで、殆ど恒常的に起きていたネコ人達の暴動、および部族闘争が歴史の舞台における問題として上がるのは稀でした。しかしCE309年になると、AnequinaのKeirgoとPellitineのEshitaはElsweyrを作り上げるため、長く反目していた王国を結び付け、大規模な階級闘争を起こすことは、外部からの干渉をもたらす恐れがあると簡潔に示しました。二つの異なる国から力を移され、自らの中央政府と同名部族それぞれと共に、これらの部族によって高潔な包囲をするため、その人は彼ら双方を支配する階級を示せたと感じました。族長達は彼らの古き sugar-vendettas(砂糖抗争)を隅に置いて、彼ら自身の条約に署名しました。(ちなみに、顔の刺青を通して記録されました)そして間もなく、前Anequinaの都市は恒常的な攻撃状態に入ったのです。Keirgoは帝国に援助を請願しましたが、帝国はちょうどその時、統治者(Potentate Versidue-Shaie)を失っており、同様に混乱状態にあった。古都Ne Quin-alが反乱軍によって落とされた時、Elsweyrはまるで自らの協定の重みに弾け飛んだかのようでした。しかし、常より党派に属さなかった精神的指導者によって、平和は取り戻されました。the Mane Rid-T'har-ri'Datta、『双月の影の下で階級は平等に与えられ、ja-K'hanayのtwo-moons-danceに従い、彼らの力を分ける。』この制定、より無理からぬ判断は、Khajiitの社会(貴族よりも下の都市居住者、そして遊牧民族である砂漠の族長)双方をMasserとSecundaの位相に基づいて地域支配を次々と交代させ共有し、力を循環させる支持母体でした。法案(Riddle-T'har)の条項は見え隠れしたMane自身の独裁によって監督されました。それ以来、Elsweyrでは500年もの間殆ど破られてこなかった機密に対しそれ自体を取り消しました。<br>
地理的に、Elsweyrは荒野と乾燥した平原が続く厳しい地域です。南部の領域付近のみ、土は肥沃になり、この地帯の全域は密林と熱帯雨林で覆われており、sugarcane(サトウキビ)が二つの主流域と接触して群生してます。Anequinaの古き国は北に分けられており、初期のCyro-Nord達、のちのCyrodilic Empiresに何の脅威ももたらしませんでした。実際、Pelinal Whitestrake、Elven Pogrom(エルフの虐殺者)であるNibenayの将軍はKhajiitをAldmeriのもう一つの歪みと間違えて、自らの間違いに気づく前に彼らの大勢を殺しました。ヒトとの繋がりは何年もの間最小限に留められていましたが、Elsweyr連合国がAldmeri Dominionによって条約を取り決めたとの話が最近では浮上しています。その醸成が事実ならば、Tamrielの支配者であるCyrodilicと、catmenとの血で血を洗う更なる対立を強要するかもしれません。<br>
当然の事実ですが、ja'Kha'jayはElsweyrの文化を非常に奇妙かつ異質にします。それは独特の苦悩です。一見したところ、lycanthropy(獣人病)に関連しているものの、しかしそれは伝染性でなく、後者のように一時的な効果ではありません--Khajiitは一生を通して生まれた時の姿を保持し、彼らが一度姿を決めたなら、月はその後姿に影響を及ぼしません。姿を変えたというKhajiitは知られていません。概して、Elsweyrのcatmen達は多くが獣じみていて、超人的な生体構造の被害者です。一人では帝国の軍人に敵わないとはいえ、彼らはすぐに怒り、予測できず、危険であります。また、Khajiit達の多くに見つかるいわゆる"ヒト的"特徴が、実際、外見上はElf達と遜色ないと指摘することには価値があり、紛れもなくElder Raceの卑しい先入観を証明します。<br>
<br>Khajiitもまた、選ばれた民に対し自らの神が定期的に天の恵みを授けると信じています。南部Elsweyr、Tenmar Forest原産の麻薬である、moon-sugarという形で。この砂糖には、様々な用途があります。それは、聖なる月と危険で常習性を持つ麻薬が交わり生まれたものとして、調味料として、魔法の素材、として交互に働きます。Khajiitは"月の光が結晶化したもの"として理解しています。そして、Topal Seaの水に捕まり、二つの潮の力によって、Tenmarのsugarcane林にもたらされます。砂糖を摂取することによって、Khajiitは神の永遠なる魂のほんの一部を取り込んでいると信じています。これは彼らを恍惚と忘我に追いやり、そして、Elsweyrの主要都市の表通りは、砂糖の発作に苦しめられて震えるcatmenで一杯です。<br>

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