L10N/Elsweyr_the_Deserts/2010July/Books/ANQBookConfessionsDunmerSkooma の変更点


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*題名 [#p2dd82d1]
**原題 [#jc24f128]

**訳題 [#q0d77704]

*本文 [#q3fba3cb]

**原文 [#text_en]
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<font face=1><br>
<DIV align="center">Confessions of a Dunmer Skooma-Eater<br>
<DIV align="left">Nothing is more revolting to Dunmer feeling than the sorry spectacle of another Dunmer enslaved by that derivative moon-sugar known as 'skooma.' And nothing is less appetising than listening to the pathetic tales of humiliation and degradation associated with a victim of this addictive drug. <br>
Why, then, do I force myself upon you with this extended and detailed account of my sins and sorrows? <br>
Because I hope that by telling my tale, the hope of redemption from this sorry state shall be more widely known. And because I hope that others who have also fallen into the sorry state of skooma addiction may therefore hear of my story, of how I fell into despair, and how I once again found myself and freed myself from my own self-imposed chains. <br>
Because it is widely known to all Khajiit, who may be expected to know, that there is no cure for addiction to skooma, that once a slave to skooma, always a slave to skooma. Because this is widely known, it is taken to be true. But it is not true, and I am living proof. <br>
There is no miracle cure. There is no potion to be taken. There is no magical incantation which frees you from the thrill of skooma running through your blood.<br>
But it is through the understanding of that thrill, and the acceptance of the lust within oneself for that thrill, and the casting aside of the shame that the thrillseeker feels when he cannot set aside what becomes in the end his only comfort and pleasure, it is through this knowledge and understanding that the victim comes to the place where choices may be made, where despair and hope may be separated. <br>
In short, only knowledge and acceptance can deliver into the slave's hands the key that opens his shackles and sets him free. <br>
[The narrative of Tilse Sendas' tale carries the reader through the stages of early infatuation, ecstatic obsession, and profound degradation of her addiction, and in the course of the story she subtly enables the reader to discover that the hopelessness of the addict comes from the addict's own unconscious assumption that only a helpless and foolish person could become addicted to skooma, and that, consequently, no such helpless and foolish person could ever achieve the admittedly difficult task of renouncing, once tasted, the exquisite delights of the skooma. Tilse Sendas shows that once the addict overcomes the burden of her own self-despising, that there is the possibility of redemption. And, against all of society's dearly held beliefs, she says that it is not altogether clear that the addict SHOULD renounce the sugar, but that it is only one of the choices that the skooma addict must make. Tilse Sendas' casual proposition that skooma addiction is not necessarily a sign of moral and personal weakness is essential to her thesis that a cure is possible, but it has not endeared her or her book to the upright and conservative elements of Dunmer society.]<br>

**訳文 [#text_ja]
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<font face=1><br>
<DIV align="center">あるSkooma食いDunmerの告白<br>
<DIV align="left">Dunmerにとって、『skooma』として知られる精製moon-sugarの虜になった他のDunmerの哀れな姿ほど、不快なものは他にない。そしてこの中毒性の高い薬の犠牲者につきものの、情けない屈辱と不名誉の物語を聞く事ほど、食欲をそそらないことも他にない。<br>
しかし、この快楽を理解し、自らの内にあるこの快楽への欲望を受け入れ、快楽の追求者が、ついに彼の唯一の慰めそして喜びとなってしまった物を手に入れる事ができない時に感じる無念を投げ出す事こそが、犠牲者が絶望と希望の分かれ道に立ち、その選択を迫られているという事を知り理解する事こそがそれである。 <br>
[Tilse Sendasの物語は読者に対し、初期の心酔から、恍惚への執着、重度の中毒について語るもので、その話の内に彼女は、中毒者の持つ絶望感は、中毒者自身が無意識の内に、skooma中毒になるのは無力で愚かな人間のみであり、そして、それゆえに、その様な無力で愚かな人間が、一度味わってしまったskoomaの無上の愉悦を断つなどという明らかに難しい課題を成し遂げられるはずはない、と思い込んでしまっている事から来るのだと読者が気付くようほのめかしている。Tilse Sendasは、かつての中毒者が自己嫌悪の重荷に打ち勝った事を、解放の可能性はあるのだという事を示している。そして、社会全体が持つ固い信念に対して彼女は、中毒者が砂糖を断つべきだというのは必ずしも明確とは言えず、skooma中毒者が成さねばならない選択肢の一つにしか過ぎないのだと語る。Tilse Sendasの、skooma中毒は必ずしも道徳的人格的な欠如を表すものではないのだという型破りな主張が、治療の可能性を示す彼女の論文の本質的な要素なのだが、その為に彼女と彼女の本がDunmer社会の道徳に厳しく保守的な人々に気に入られる事はなかった。]<br>

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