L10N/Elsweyr_Anequina/V3DEC2010/Books/ANQBookTheArenaCircuitv7 の変更点


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**原文 [#text_en]
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<font face=1><br>
<DIV align="center">The Arena Circuit, Volume 7<br>
<DIV align="left"> A collection of fliers by Gorgon, King of the Arena.<br>
<DIV align="center">Helstrom, Black Marsh<br>
<DIV align="left">You enter the city gates of Helstrom, noticing the dark looks the guards give you. You've heard of the Pit Daemons, who fight here. They have a reputation of being very dangerous. Perhaps you can change that . . .<br>
<DIV align="center">Archon, Black Marsh<br>
<DIV align="left">The city gates of Archon loom over you as you enter. People around you here seem to be avoiding eye contact. You've heard that the Plague butchered their last opponents in this Arena and ate their remains. Not a fate you'd wish to share . . .<br>
<DIV align="center">Gideon, Black Marsh<br>
<DIV align="left">Gideon, the black city of the followers of Seth, lies near the southern tip of the Imperial Run. A cold air that has nothing to do with the time of year seems to chill your bones as you enter. It has been rumored that the Shadowblades, who fight for Gideon, are undead . . .<br>
<DIV align="center">Blackrose, Black Marsh<br>
<DIV align="left">Blackrose, near the legendary forest of Murkwood, holds many secrets, You feel eyes on your back as the city gates shut behind you with a hollow boom. The Arena here holds the blood of many teams who have lost their lives to the Warriors. You do not plan to add yourself to that list . . .<br>
<DIV align="center">Lilmoth, Black Marsh<br>
<DIV align="left">Lilmoth, home of the Dark Tide, seems gloomy and forbidding. Never before have you experienced the unnatural fear that pervades the atmosphere. This city is rumored, holds much under its streets . . .<br>
<DIV align="center">Soulrest, Black Marsh<br>
<DIV align="left">You enter the gates of Soulrest, leaving the sounds of the ocean surf behind. Inside it seems as if a hush has fallen over the city, as if all inside are holding their breath in anticipation. The Knightblades fight here, and it seems that the citizens are eager for blood . . .<br>
<DIV align="center">Stormhold, Black Marsh<br>
<DIV align="left">Stormhold lies on the northern tip of the Province of Black Marsh. Here the people seem friendly, but a strain shows in their eyes. Perhaps it is because of their proximity to the Dark Elven lands. You only know that their team, the Black Shields, fight here and are considered perhaps the deadliest team on the continent . . .<br>
<DIV align="center">Thorn, Black Marsh<br>
<DIV align="left">Thorn holds the eastern edge of the continent, and has been named by some the Jewel of the East. As you enter their gates however, you realize that this town is as deadly as it is rumored to be beautiful. Vagabonds eye your purse strings and guards seem to turn lazy eyes elsewhere. The Warlords fight here, and if they can make a home in such a place, it seems they will be implacable foes . . .<br>

**訳文 [#text_ja]
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