L10N/Elsweyr_Anequina/V3DEC2010/Books/ANQBookHuntingHuntersHuntedv3 の変更点


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**原文 [#text_en]
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<font face=1><div align="center"><br>
Hunting Hunters Hunted<br>
Too far, too late, no more<br>
Vol III, Full Circle<br>
Excerpts from the Writings of J?sada the Wise<br>
<div align="left"><IMG src="Book/fancy_font/f_62x62.dds" width=62 height=62>ar across the River Xylo the hard-used and tattered quill falls from the ink-stained paw of Seeress J'sada and into the now half-empty sugarbowl. J'sada's muzzle tries to curl in disdain at this desecration and waste. Her mind burns and heavy eyelids attempt to fly wide in shock as her eyes take in her scribblings and the full import of her sugarvision finally reaches her consciousness.<br>
Moving through hot treacles of time,  every clawlength a screaming agony, she forces herself to her feet, straightening her pungently moonsugar and sweat-stained robes as she moves, she lurches for the Great Doors of her cool and silent Temple. There the brightly treacherous dawn fills her unblinking eyes, blinding her and she staggers across the wide empty plaza towards the Clanmother's Residence.<br>
Still half-drowned in the last throes of her sugarvision,  disdaining propriety and all caution she unsheathes her sharp claws and scrabbles up the sheer wall to the Clanmother's bedroom window on which her claws rasp and shriek in urgent summons.<br>
The Clanmother,  starts awake, knowing this sound all to well from the many years they have held their respective offices,  and rises to open her much abused window wide and draw her old friend into her bower.  Then she goes to the low sidetable where there is always fresh fruit,  cold meat and cool mead awaiting just such necessities.<br>
But J'sada does not touch these delicacies - it is as though there was nothing set before her - and then the Clanmothr's ally and confident of the last decade begins to relate all that she has learned.<br>
The Clanmother collapses back on the cushions in shock,  as the tale comes to its end.<br>
The early morning breeze whispers playfully as J'sada is at last released from the compulsion to relate her vision.  Become truly aware of her surroundings and her friend's state,  she feeds the Clanmother from the tray with her own paws,  as she would a kit,  pouring little sips of the potent drink into the bowl for her friend to taste.<br>
Finally both are fully awake and aware,  but the Clanmother's eyes are full of moonswater.  This puzzles J'sada because the clanmother is a seasoned campaigner and should be dealing with the situation according to her usual brisk standards.<br>
"Why my dear friend are you so touched by this vision?"  she asks.<br>
"Ahhhhhh,  just last week this one received wonderful news,  the Emperor's Mandate returning the ancient lands of the Xylo to Elsweyr arrived with a courier who had it from the Main's own hand.  He arrived in the dead of night and this one immediately sent the word to this one's darling mate Jo'Rarr-agee to gather this one's kits and the settlers and make for the area of this village of Laer?De?Lange that you have described.<br>
And as the tears finally fall freely she adds in despair:  "They will be arriving there this morning - may this one's name be no more and stricken from all the records and writings of our Clan if they are harmed."

**訳文 [#text_ja]
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