L10N/E.Q.R.Update/2.03/Books/SQ04LithniliansNotes の変更点


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*本文 [#l8e42773]

**原文 [#l5ea0dad]
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As I entered the final chamber of Bramblepoint Cave, my eyes fell upon the goal of my expedition. In the inky blackness, the familiar aquamarine glow of the Welkynd Stone beckoned me in silent reverence. I was the first here in ages; evidenced by the thick layers of dust and debris strewn about. I don't remember how long I stood there, in awe of the beautiful crystals outside their natural environment.<BR>
They all said I was crazy; a fool, a buffoon. Crystals growing outside Ayleid ruins? Preposterous! I spent nearly a decade and all the money I had crossing Cyrodiil and exploring the many natural caves dotting her landscape. Then, on that fateful night, a Orc stumbled into the Imperial Bridge Inn where I happened to be drinking. He spouted off a line of nonsense about creatures that came out of the darkness, and I dismissed him as drunk, until he said something that gripped my heart with hope. He spoke of a light in the darkness "as blue as the lady sea." Could it be the Welkynd Stones I was seeking? I had to know more. A few gold and many drinks later, the Orc told me he'd been in Bramblepoint Cave. As I made my way through the night to the cave, my mind was racing. The stories had to be true! The Ayleid culture had mastered the art of creating these crystalline structures and was just beginning to cultivate them outside of their underground communities when they disappeared from history. That meant one thing; with the proper materials, magic and research the Welkynd Stone could adapt to any environment. I had to get to Bramblepoint and study them before anyone else found them. This would be my mark on history, my moment to shine.<BR>
And now, after climbing through the cave I've arrived at this chamber. After I finish this entry in my logbook, I'll have so much to do. So much to do indeed. This will be the day that Lithnilian will be remembered as the first to unlock the secrets of the Welkynd Stone. I can't wait to see the look on the face of that Argonian Tar-Meena in the Mystics Archives. When I return there in triumph with these notes in hand I will be an instant star. I wouldn't be surprised if they appoint me to the Mages Council itself.<BR>
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**訳文 [#n73fc996]
// 注意:訳文の部分は中括弧({と})が原文部分と異なり4つづつ。
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そして今、洞窟を抜け、私はこの部屋に着いた。この記述を日誌に書き終えたら、なすべき事が実に多くある。本当にたくさんだ。今日という日は、Welkynd_Stoneの秘密を初めて解き明かした者としてLithnilianが記憶される日になるだろう。Mystics Archivesに行き、ArgonianのTar-Meenaの驚く顔を拝むのを待ち切れない。このノートを持って戻れば栄光は私の物。すぐに脚光を浴びられる。仮に私がMages Councilに任命されたとしても、驚くには当たらないと思える。<BR>

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