L10N/E.D.I./1.3/Dialogue/EDIInterimConversation の変更点


FormID: 01001F8B	EDIInterimConversation	EDIHowCanIHelp	0	Hey.. you're the one that has been helping out the Legion captains.. I've heard some stories...	
FormID: 01001F8B	EDIInterimConversation	EDIHowCanIHelp	1	Word is that Legion Command has something new cooked up for you...	
FormID: 01001F8B	EDIInterimConversation	EDIHowCanIHelp	2	You might want to go to  Imperial Legion HQ at the Prison and check it out.	
FormID: 01003BB5	EDIInterimConversation	EDINewMission	0	I think you are supposed to talk to the Legion Troopers in formation in the main courtyard.	
__中庭で隊列を組んだLegion Troopersと話してみてはいかがでしょうか。
FormID: 01003BB6	EDIInterimConversation	EDINewMission	0	Well given the sterling reports about your help to the city Captains I recommended that you receive some help from the Legion.	
FormID: 01003BB6	EDIInterimConversation	EDINewMission	1	In the courtyard are representatives of all the races of Tamriel, and they are here to provide help to you.	
FormID: 01003BB6	EDIInterimConversation	EDINewMission	2	They are the Legion's finest and I have the utmost confidence you will lead them with honor.	
FormID: 01003BB7	EDIInterimConversation	EDINewMission	0	Well, I guess WE are your new mission, in a way.	
FormID: 01003BB7	EDIInterimConversation	EDINewMission	1	Each one of us has been hand picked by our native lands to help you in the struggle against the forces of Oblivion.	
__我々は Oblivion に対する戦いであなたを手助けするために各々の国で選抜されてきました。
FormID: 01003BB7	EDIInterimConversation	EDINewMission	2	If you take us on enough raids into Oblivion we will become virtually unkillable.	
__我々を連れて十分な回数 Oblivion への襲撃を行えば我々はそうそう死ぬことはなくなるでしょう。
FormID: 01003BB7	EDIInterimConversation	EDINewMission	3	In addition, we will pass this training on to our homelands and you will receive the spoils from their victories.	
FormID: 01003C95	EDIInterimConversation	EDIHowCanIHelp	0	You have done enough, for sure, but I got word that Imperial Legion Command wants to see you.	
FormID: 01003C95	EDIInterimConversation	EDIHowCanIHelp	1	Please go to the Imperial Legion HQ at the Prison compound at Imperial City about your new mission.	
FormID: 01007D24	EDIInterimConversation	EDIHowCanIHelp	0	I dont have anything else for you to do.	
FormID: 01007D24	EDIInterimConversation	EDIHowCanIHelp	1	Check with my fellow Captains in the other towns.	

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