L10N/Dremora_Companion/1.1/Books/aaArrowFroging の変更点

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*本文 [#k421e436]

**原文 [#sc841f2b]
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<div align="center">Daedric Arrow Forging in the Deadlands<br>
<div align="left"><IMG src="Book/fancy_font/t_52x61.dds" width=52 height=61>he Deadlands is an excellent source of raw ebony. Ebony veins can be found spread out all over the island. Extracting the raw ebony from the veins is not quite as easy as finding the veins themselves. A lucky miner has the greatest chance of extracting raw ebony from the veins. With a little time and patience a good supply can be collected.<br>
Once raw ebony is acquired it can be taken to the ruins on the north side of the island, and placed in the Daedric arrow forging altar. Then all one has to do is wait until the Oblivion sky beam is visible above the altar. This happens one day a week for twenty-four hours. The beam has very powerful properties, and when a fire damage spell is cast at the altar, the beam becomes ignited. The intense heat is focused into the altar where the raw ebony is held. This process heats the raw ebony to a state of liquefaction, and boils off all impurities, leaving behind perfectly formed Daedric arrows.<br>


**訳文 [#c8296c52]
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<div align="center">DeadlandsにおけるDaedric Arrowの作成について<br>
<div align="left"><IMG src="Book/fancy_font/t_52x61.dds" width=52 height=61>he Deadlands はraw ebony(ebony原石)の宝庫である。島全体のいたる所にebony鉱脈が広がっているのだ。しかしraw ebonyの鉱脈を見つけるのは簡単でも、その採掘はさほど容易には行かない。幸運な掘り手であれば、労せずして多くのraw ebonyを鉱脈から採掘出来るであろうが。<br>
<div align="left"><IMG src="Book/fancy_font/t_52x61.dds" width=52 height=61>he Deadlands はraw ebony(ebony原石)の宝庫である。島全体のいたる所にebony鉱脈が広がっているのだ。しかしraw ebonyの鉱脈を見つけるのは簡単でも、その採掘はさほど容易には行かない。幸運な掘り手であれば、労せずして多くのraw ebonyを鉱脈から採掘可能であろうが。<br>
Once raw ebony is acquired it can be taken to the ruins on the north side of the island, and placed in the Daedric arrow forging altar. Then all one has to do is wait until the Oblivion sky beam is visible above the altar. This happens one day a week for twenty-four hours. The beam has very powerful properties, and when a fire damage spell is cast at the altar, the beam becomes ignited. The intense heat is focused into the altar where the raw ebony is held. This process heats the raw ebony to a state of liquefaction, and boils off all impurities, leaving behind perfectly formed Daedric arrows.<br>
採掘されたraw ebonyは島の北部にある遺跡群へと運搬され、Daedric arrow forging altar(Daedric arrow作成の祭壇)へと納められる。そして、Oblivion sky beam(空から降り注ぐOblivionの光)が祭壇の上に現われるのを待つのだ。光が現われるのは週に1度の24時間だ。光線の秘める力は強大で、祭壇に向けて炎の攻撃スペルを放つとその光が灼熱を帯びる。こうして発生した非常に高温の熱は祭壇へと集中し、中に納められたraw ebonyが液状化する。煮沸されることで不純物が全て取り除かれ、完全な形のDaedric arrowが完成するのだ。<br>


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