L10N/Dragon_Captions_The_Imperial_City_of_Sutch_Reborn/9.0/QuestStages/sutchbiuld6 の変更点

FormID: 0102DE64	sutchbiuld6	1	0	Kinian told me that he had found a [QUOTE]Note[QUOTE], on the corpse of a fallen Black Band Bandit. He gave it to me, and told me to go to his father, to see if he was OK.
__Kinianは死んだBlack Band Banditの体から一枚のメモを見つけた。彼はそれを手渡すと、父が健在なのかどうか確認するために会いに行ってほしいと頼んできた。
FormID: 0102DE64	sutchbiuld6	30	0	I have paid a visit to Samuel's house, and found a Skingrad guard, guarding the place. When I asked him what had happened, he told me that Samuel had been murdered! This is Kinian's worst fear, I guess I must go back and tell him what happened.
FormID: 0102DE64	sutchbiuld6	40	0	I have returned to Sutch, and told the Count the bad news. He was devastated. He barely could speak... He had to dismiss me, and recompose himself, he told me to find and talk to Conan.
FormID: 0102DE64	sutchbiuld6	50	0	Conan told me that the Bands had come from an island town, not far off the coast of Hammerfell, and not too far from Sutch. He said there is an old rowboat out at the docks and I should probably use it to get to the fortress town.
__ConanはBlack BandsがHammerfelの海岸およびSutchからそう遠くない孤島の町からやってきていると語った。彼が言うには、古いボートが波止場の外れにあるという。Black Bandsの城塞都市に向かうのにそれを使うことになるだろう。
__Conanによれば、Black BandsがHammerfelの海岸およびSutchからそう遠くない孤島の町からやってきているという。古いボートが波止場の外れに置かれている。Black Bandsの城塞都市に向かうのにそれを使うことになるだろう。
FormID: 0102DE64	sutchbiuld6	60	0	Through the long, heavy seas, I finally came ashore upon an island fortress. I made my way to the town gates and went through. Once inside, what little I could see through the storms, were these weird looking creatures, with blades, that had apparently attacked the town, perhaps these could be the Soulless that I was told about.
FormID: 0102DE64	sutchbiuld6	70	0	I have found a house, back behind some barricades. This looks like it is the last stand by the Black Band guards. I should find their leader and see what is going on here.
__いくつかのバリケードを抜けた先に、一軒の家を見つけた。おそらくこれが、Black Band guardたちの最後の砦なのだろう。彼らのリーダーを見つけ、ここで何が起こったのか確認するべきだ。
FormID: 0102DE64	sutchbiuld6	80	0	Commander Zeck Kato, was a very kind man. He apologized for the way his father had acted against Sutch. He knew what was happening was wrong and he knew his father would never do it. He said it was all the fault of some white skinned guy that came by, not many months before. He changed his father, made him crazy. He also told me that the tunnel, near the base camp, lead up to the Palace District and that I should go to the there to find out any news. And if the Count is dead, to bring back his ring.
__Zeck Kato司令官は非常に親切な男だった。彼は自身の父親がSutchに対して行ったことを謝罪した。ただ彼が言うには、彼の父親は本来は決してそんなことをするような人物ではなかったのだという。全ての始まりは数ヶ月前、肌の白い男がやってきたことだった。その人物が父親を狂気に追いやり、変貌させてしまったのだと。Zeckは私に、この近くにあるトンネルと通って宮殿区画へと向かい、そこの様子を見て新たな情報があれば伝えて欲しいと頼んできた。そして、もし伯爵である父親が死んでいるなら、彼の指輪を持ってきて欲しいと付け加えた。
__Zeck Kato司令官は非常に親切な男だった。彼は自身の父親がSutchに対して行ったことを謝罪した。ただ彼が言うには、彼の父親は本来は決してそんなことをするような人物ではなかったのだという。全ての始まりは数ヶ月前、肌の白い男がやってきたことだった。その人物が父親を狂気に追いやり、変貌させてしまったのだと。Zeckは私に、この近くにあるトンネルと通って宮殿区画へと向かい、そこの様子を見て新たな情報があれば伝えて欲しいと頼んできた。そして、もし伯爵死んでいるなら、彼の指輪を持ってきて欲しいとも。
FormID: 0102DE64	sutchbiuld6	90	0	I have reached the palace. It looks like there was a major struggle here. The count lies dead on the opposite side of the room. This is not good, oh dear, here come some more Soulless!
FormID: 0102DE64	sutchbiuld6	100	0	I have found Count Kato's ring, too bad it is broken beyond use. Also, sad how the old man had been killed. I should go back and tell Zeck of my findings here.
FormID: 0102DE64	sutchbiuld6	105	0	I found an interesting note on the body, about the anorical. It tells of their whole plan... His great hatred for the Orical, for leaving him there to die and The Soulless creatures.
__遺体からanoricalに関する興味深いメモを入手した。そこに全てが書かれていた。彼の激しい憎しみは、ここに死とThe Soulless creaturesをもたらし立ち去ったOricalへと向けられていた。
__Anoricalの遺体の付近から、興味深い日記を入手した。そこに全てが書かれていた。彼の激しい憎しみは、ここに死とThe Soulless creaturesをもたらし立ち去ったOricalへと向けられていた。
FormID: 0102DE64	sutchbiuld6	110	0	Zeck was sad about his father's death, but happy that he was at last, with peace. He told me to return to Sutch, to tell them of this news and to hunt down Orical after that. He and the survivors will try to escape the town, if possible and repent for his father's foolish deeds.
FormID: 0102DE64	sutchbiuld6	120	0	Upon arriving back at the Sutch docks, I see odd markings in the pathway up to the town. Apparently something big and odd has headed into town. I should hurry to the castle, to make sure Count Kinian is not harmed.
FormID: 0102DE64	sutchbiuld6	130	0	Upon fighting thorough the waves and waves of Soulless in the town, and making my way to the castle, I found Kinian and Cilvia unharmed. He was angry that this had happened, yet again. He knew this time though, that the man named the Orical was behind this. For he had appeared to Kinian, and boasted about making him pay, before teleporting way. Count Kinian told me to go to the Imperial City Palace to make sure Coddwel was OK.
FormID: 0102DE64	sutchbiuld6	140	0	I spoke to the old man, on the steps of the Imperial Palace. He boasted, about how he killed Coddwel, how he was the one that unleashed the Soulless, how he had ruined so many lives, because Samuel had ruined his. He said that he used to serve at Fort Sutch with Samuel, but Samuel didn't protect the old man's son. His son was killed and for that, the old man took his revenge. Now I must go back to Sutch to tell Count Kinian more bad news.
__帝都の宮殿の階段にて、老人と話をした。彼は実に誇らしげに語った。どのようにCoddwelを殺害したのか。どのようにSoullessを解き放ったのか。どれほど多くの命を破滅させてきたのか……。以前の彼はSamuelとともにFort Sutchでよく勤めていたが、Samuelが彼の息子を保護しなかったが故に、息子は殺されてしまった。全ては復讐、Samuelがかつて彼にしたことへの報いなのだと。この更なる悪い報せをKinian伯爵のもとへ伝えにいかなければならない。
FormID: 0102DE64	sutchbiuld6	150	0	Kinian burst into tears when I told him that Coddwel had died. Apparently, Coddwel was his long lost brother, and now, with him gone, he has lost everyone in his family, except his dear wife. He also cursed the old man, for all of this, just think how many people were hurt. Killed because this one old fool blamed Samuel Sutch for not saving his son. Well, now the dead are to be buried and a new steward needs to be named since Conan is dead, too. But... that is for another day, now it is time to grieve.
__Coddwelの死を伝えると、Kinianは泣き崩れてしまった。Coddwelは彼の生き別れの兄弟だったのだという。そしてそれすらもなくなった今、彼はすべての家族を失ってしまった。愛する妻を除いて。また彼はどれほどの人物が傷ついたのかに思いをはせ、あの老人を呪った。あの愚かな老人が、Samuel Sutch_が彼の息子を救わなかったことに対する復讐として、どれほど多くの命を奪ったのか。ともあれ、Conanも死んでしまった今、新たな執事を任命する必要がある。ただ、今は……せめてあと1日くらいは悲しみに暮れていてもいいだろう。
__Coddwelの死を伝えると、Kinianは泣き崩れてしまった。Coddwelは彼の最後の肉親だったのだという。そしてそれすらもなくなった今、彼はすべての家族を失ってしまった。愛する妻を除いて。また彼はどれほどの人物が傷ついたのかに思いをはせ、あの老人を呪った。あの愚かな老人が、Samuel Sutchに対する復讐として、どれほど多くの命を奪ったのか。さらにConanも死んでしまった今、新たな執事を任命する必要がある。ただ、今は……せめてあと1日くらいは悲しみに暮れていてもいいだろう。

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