L10N/Dragon_Captions_The_Imperial_City_of_Sutch_Reborn/9.0/Books/aaaKiarabloodfangstory1sr の変更点

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Trouble had arisen in Wolfgate between the councilors and Lord Blood-Fang was concerned for his daughter Kiara. He decided to send her to stay with a friend in the Imperial City. Reluctant to leave her father, Kiara had begged him to let her stay but he had been adamant.

Though the weather was still warm, Kiara tossed a soft woolen cape of mottled greens across her shoulders. She hugged her father and, with tears in her eyes, mounted her spirited mare. With three guardsmen she left Wolfgate and headed down the road towards Skingrad.

The horses were fresh and the early morning air was cool enough that they moved along at a good pace. Cyrodiil had its hazards and the guardsmen kept a lookout for the creatures and bandits that roamed even in the inhabited areas, but the ride was uneventful.

They stopped near Skingrad for a quick lunch and then moved on. As they passed through a ravine arrows flew down at them, striking both men and horses. Kiara's mare reared as it was struck throwing her to the ground. She rolled into a bushy ditch and lay stunned. The screams of the horses and clashing of weapons sounded in her numbed brain and she lay shivering and frightened. She who had always been cared for and protected now felt naked and alone.

Suddenly a voice rang out, soldiers, Imperial soldiers coming. Let's go.

Silence fell and finally Kiara tried to pull herself out of the ditch. Every part of her ached and she fell back as a leg sent a sharp pain through her. She fainted.

She was awakened by rain falling on her face. The lanolin filled cape protected her from the rain and slowly she pulled her aching body up. Her leg sent shooting pains through her body and she worried that it was broken. Checking it, she found a deep gash that oozed blood, but she was able to move it. She cast her apprentice healing spell and was able to stand up-right, although she was quite wobbly.

Staggering, she followed the scent of blood to the road where she was shocked by the carnage. The bodies of her three guards and a bandit lay in pools of congealed blood. Flies were buzzing around the corpses and the stench made her feel sick. Fighting her queasiness, she found her mare's body and retrieved her mage staff, a bag of trail rations and a few potions. The rain fell harder and lightening flashed close by. The storm was worsening, hail began to fall and she was exhausted and aching. She knew she could not travel far.

Using her staff to aid her, she staggered back into a rocky area seeking some shelter until the storm had passed. After a little searching she found an opening into a cave. With great care she entered and, seeing no sign of inhabitants, settled in a small alcove near the entrance. After casting another healing spell she slipped into sleep.

She awoke still aching all over and as weary as when she had fallen asleep. After eating a little of the trail food and drinking a potion to help the fatigue, she forced herself to leave the cave and head in the direction she believed Skingrad to be. At least the storm was over, although the sky was cloudy. Her head was woozy and she was so tired she wondered if she could travel. Perhaps she should have stayed in the cave another day.

After struggling through the tall grass and brush for an hour or more she realized that she was lost. Finally she stopped under a rocky overhang to rest. She was hungry but the food she had made her ill. She sipped a potion and again fell into a sleep troubled by strange dreams.

She awoke feeling much better but ravenous. Devouring some of her rations she vomited. The craving of her body for fresh meat drove her out to seek prey. She was surprised how well she could see in the pre-dawn light. Finding a rabbit she zapped it with her staff then seized and devoured it. Her hunger sated she stared in horror at blood smeared hands. Always a fastidious eater she could not believe what she had done.

Finally Kiara rose and hearing the tinkle of a brook went to it, cleansed herself as best she could, drank and started north as the sun's rays began to rise above the horizon. Her wounds were healing rapidly and she felt energized and aware of every sight, sound and smell.

She was optimistic that she would soon reach Skingrad where she could get help but as the sun rose higher she started to feel hot and feverish. The sunlight touching her face caused a burning sensation and she pulled her hood up to shield her face. She kept to the shadows. Despite her renewed strength she became lethargic and wished nothing more than to crawl into a deep cool darkened cave. Forcing herself to continue on she eventually reached the road. Now which direction should she go, east or west? She stopped under the shade of a tree by the side of the road hoping a traveler would pass and she could ask the direction to the city.

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