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Kiara Blood-Fang's Story V2

Soon Kiara heard horse's hoofs. She stepped to the center of the road and waved as the traveler came into view. He stopped a short distance away eyeing her warily.

"Ho there, which direction to Skingrad?"

The man pointed back to the west from where he had come. "it is but a short distance that way. You can not miss it." With that he started his horse and trotted around her.

She trudged down the road and rounding a curve saw the walls of a city. Stopping to speak to the gate guard she asked about getting transport to Wolfgate. He was hesitant in his answer and suggested she speak to one of the guards within the city. Frightened by his slow response she hurried into the city and passed along the ravine that divided Skingrad into two parts.

Seeing a guard up the slope she approached him. "Sir, I need to get to Wolfgate. Where can I find transportation?" Again the guard was hesitant to answer. Finally he said, "I hear there is trouble in Wolfgate. You look tired and ill. Let me escort you to the inn nearby and see if I can find help for you."

She was impatient but decided it might be best to allow him to do as he suggested. He settled her in the West Weald Inn and said he would find aid for her. Ordering a glass of wine she settled in a corner to await the return of the guard.

Shortly another guard entered the inn. Approaching her he introduced himself, "I am Captain Crag. May I sit, my lady?" She nodded and he sat down facing her.

"I understand you wish to go to Wolfgate." Again she simply nodded. "At the moment there is no transportation to Wolfgate. We have reports of civil war." She sat up concern written across her face. "Sorry, my lady, but I have little information other than that."

"My Father! I must get to my Father!" "Please calm yourself. It is obvious you have been through an ordeal. Tell me of it." His quiet but authoritative tone calmed her a bit and she told him what had happened.

After her story was finished, he leaned back and thought a moment. "It is best if you stay here for the moment. You can rest and clean up. The innkeeper is a good woman and will help you. Meanwhile I will see what I can find out and will know where to find you. I promise you that as soon as I have any information I will let you know."

She hesitantly and unhappily agreed to this. Her father had supplied her well with septims so she had no concern on that account. She took a room and as it was early yet she had the bathing room to herself. The Innkeeper was kind and loaned her a simple but comfortable robe while her things were cleaned. There was even a mirror and she sat in front of it staring at her pale face and slightly red eyes. Her wounds had almost healed but a puncture in a neck itched. A thorn she absently thought and paid it no mind.

Retired to her room she found a meal set for her. She tried a piece of fruit but found it made her nauseous. She was able to keep down a portion of the venison and drank a little wine. Restless but not knowing what to do she lay down and fell into a fitful sleep.

Ragging hunger woke her. Going to the table she tried to eat the food there but her body screamed that was not what was needed. Driven by a sense of starvation she stumbled down the stairs. Seeing the sleeping Innkeeper she flew at her without thought and sank her fangs into the sleepers neck. Fangs? What was she doing? The blood tasted so good, her body drove her to suck then suddenly she sat back, shocked and horrified. She shivered, then drew back. Stunned and repulsed by her actions she drew back into the shadows. Her mind was screaming at her, "vampire, vampire, vile creature". She whirled and raced into the night. Finally she found herself at the Temple and crept softly in and up to the altar. She reached out and touched it. Silence, nothing happened, there was no response from the holy object. She flung herselt at the base weeping. There was no hope for her, no god for her.

A voice spoke to her, not the voice of a god but of a mortal being. "Child, let me help you." At first she thought it was one of the priests of the temple. "No, no, you can not help me. It is too late," she whimpered."True it is too late to change back but not to learn to live, " the answer came. The voice was soft and kine yet strong and demanding. She looked up to see a richly dressed man standing over her. He reached out a hand, took her arm and lifted her as easily as a feather. Gently drawing the robe from around her neck he looked down on her and nodded his head. "Come with me." With that he drew her away from the altar and lead her from the temple.

Moving silently through the city they climbed the hill to the castle. The guards, as if entranced, seemed not to see them. They entered the castle and she was lead to a sumptuous apartment. The man seated her at a small table. Pouring out something from a decanter he gave it to her. "Drink, child, it is only a light wine. Do not be afraid." She looked up at, even in the dim light she could see him clearly. A pale elf looked at her with red tinted eyes but not a Dunmer, a high elf she thought.

He seated himself and toying with his goblet he watched her, sadness on his face. For a moment his thoughts went inward and the sadness deepened. He shook himself and spoke, "I am Janus Hassildor, Count of Skingrad. I can help you if you will let me."

Hope sprang onto her face and she sat forward. "No, Kiara, I cannot cure you. There is no cure that I know." Once more deep sadness passed across his face.

"First let me tell you what I know of Wolfgate. The news is bad. There has been civil war and many of the residents are dead. Your father has been reported as one of the dead." She cried out and buried her head in her hands crying wildly. He let her cry on for a while, then gently pulled her hands away and wiped the tears from her face.

"Mourn later. For now we must deal with what has happened to you. Wolfgate will need you. You are heir to the Blood-Fang titles and properties."

Slowly she gained control of herself. "How can I help anyone when I have become such an evil thing?" she whispered.

"Evil? No, you do not need to be evil, just realistic. You must learn how to control your needs and desires just as humans must learn to deal with theirs. The choice is yours. I have ruled Skingrad for generations. Ask my people if they are happy, if they have good lives. My county prospers and is at peace. Perhaps they do not love me but neither do they fear me. Few know my true nature. Most think of me only as a powerful wizard and that I am. First you must learn what is truth and what is myth. You must learn what to do so as not to sink into the mindless, animal state which overcomes so many."

Kiara listened to him talk and gradually felt more relaxed although she longed to be alone to mourn her father. She was torn between her desire to weep for him and her fear of what she had become.

The count arranged for her to stay in the castle and spent many hours with her telling her what she must do and what would happen if she did not feed. He explained that she could feed on the blood of mammals but would need human blood from time to time.

A few days had passed when he told her that things had quieted at Wolfgate and he felt she was ready to return. He provided her with supplies and a couple of town guards to escort her and they set out.

Arriving at Wolfgate she found destruction and residents wandering aimlessly, searching wreckage and staring into space. Her home was damaged but still inhabitable and she gathered people and set about the work of rebuilding lives, hers and theirs.

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