L10N/DemonBane/1.0.1/Books/SLRDHBrandrNews の変更点


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*本文 [#rec6b4f3]

**原文 [#p8726046]
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<DIV align="left">A bar room brawl at Olav's Tap and Tack in Bruma led to a fire that nearly destroyed the entire inn, says Olav, the proprietor. According to guard reports, Brandr Steady-Arm, a local miner and blacksmith, became quite drunk and took to bragging loudly and repeatedly that he possessed a magical power that could to set Daedric beasts aflame.
Fed up with the bravado, a local conjurer who was also drunk, and who prefers not to be named for this story, summoned a clannfear and ordered it to attack Brandr - much to the anger of Olav. It's not clear what happened next, but tables were overturned, Brandr suffered a bloody nose, and the bar set fire in what one witness called a "sudden purplish blast."
Brandr was eager to comment on the story, saying, "I apologized to Olav and will be paying for whatever damage was done. But what I said about being able to set Daedra on fire is nonsense. I was just drunk, that's all. In the scuffle with the clannfear, I knocked over a candle and some whiskey and it lit the floor on fire. But what I said was nonsense. I don't know why I said it."
Olav said that despite the incident, he considers Brandr a friend and loyal customer and has accepted his apology.

**訳文 [#i00b5bd6]
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<DIV align="left">BrumaのOlav's Tap and Tackの酒場で起こった乱闘騒ぎは、あやうく旅館を全焼させかねないほどの火災を引き起こしたと、店主のOlavは本紙に語った。衛兵の報告によれば、現地の鉱夫にして鍛冶屋のBrandr Steady-Armが、泥酔した挙句大声で何度も何度も、自分にはDaedric Beastを灼き尽くす神秘の炎を操る力があると自慢し始めたのが事の起こりだという。

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