L10N/Companion_Vilja/4.04/Dialogue/1emmQuest1-83 の変更点

FormID: 01186EDB	1emmQuest1	AAA003PayKamaeggsNO	0	As you wish. You know where to find me if you change your mind.	
FormID: 01188365	1emmQuest1	7emmCompIntroValtierro	0	So this is Valtierro? I've heard about him. Quite at lot,actually.Everyone at The Bloated Float has heard about him.Now, be so kind and introduce me.	
__で、これがValtierro?彼については聞いたことがあるわ。実際相当にね。誰もがBloated Floatで彼のことを耳にするでしょう。で、ご丁寧に、私を紹介してくれるのね。
FormID: 0118B357	1emmQuest1	88readbook	0	Late in the Second Era, a girl-child, Barenziah, was born to the rulers of the kingdom of Mournhold in what is now the Imperial Province of Morrowind	
__Second Era の後期、現在は帝国属州となっている Morrowind の Mournhold 王国の統治者層の元、一人の女子として Barenziah は生を享けました。
FormID: 0119E19A	1emmQuest1	88readbook	0	She was reared in all the luxury and security befitting a royal Dark Elven child until she reached five years of age.	
__Dark Elf の王家にふさわしく、彼女は5歳になるまで贅沢の極みと厳重な警護の中で育てられましたが、
FormID: 0119E19B	1emmQuest1	88readbook	0	At that time, Tiber Septim I the first Emperor of Tamriel,demanded that the decadent rulers of Morrowind yield to him and institute  imperial reforms	
__ちょうどその頃、 Tamriel 初代皇帝 Tiber Septim 一世陛下による Morrowind 統治者達への降伏勧告と帝国主導による改革の実施要求がありました。
FormID: 0119E19C	1emmQuest1	88readbook	0	Trusting to their vaunted magic, the Dark Elves impudently refused until Tiber Septim's army was on the borders.	
__Dark Elf 達は自慢の魔術の腕前を鼻にかけ要求を拒みましたが、それも Tiber Septim 陛下の軍勢が国境に差し掛かるまでの事でした。
FormID: 0119E19D	1emmQuest1	88readbook	0	An Armistice was hastily signed by the now-eager Dunmer, but not before there were several battles, one of which laid waste to Mournhold...	
__Dunmer 達は途端に、自ら進んで休戦協定に署名したのです。しかし協定が結ばれる前には幾度かの戦闘も行われ、 Mournhold も荒れ果てました。
FormID: 0119E19E	1emmQuest1	88readbook	0	now called Almalexia.	
__現在 Almalexia と呼ばれている、その街です。
FormID: 0119E19F	1emmQuest1	88readbook	0	Little Princess Barenziah and her nurse were found among the wreckage.  	
__やがて、がれきの中からまだ幼い Barenziah 王女と乳母が発見されました。
FormID: 0119E1A0	1emmQuest1	88readbook	0	The Imperial General Symmachus, himself a Dark Elf, suggested to Tiber Septim that the child might someday be valuable, 	
__自分自身も Dark Elf だった帝国の Symmachus 将軍は Tiber Septim 陛下に「この子供はいつか役に立つかも知れません」と進言しました。
FormID: 0119E1A1	1emmQuest1	88readbook	0	and she was therefore placed with a loyal supporter who had recently retired from the Imperial Army.  	
FormID: 0119E1A2	1emmQuest1	88readbook	0	Sven Advensen had been granted the title of Count upon his retirement; his fiefdom, Darkmoor, was a small town in central Skyrim. 	
__その忠臣、 Sven Advensen は退役に際して伯爵の称号と Skyrim 中央地方の小さな街 Darkmoor を所領として授けられていました。
FormID: 0119E1A3	1emmQuest1	88readbook	0	Count Sven and his wife reared the princess as their own daughter, seeing to it that she was educated appropriately-	
__Sven 伯爵夫妻は Barenziah をわが子のように育て、ふさわしい教育を受けられるよう、
FormID: 0119E1A4	1emmQuest1	88readbook	0	and more importantly, that the imperial virtues of obedience, discretion, loyalty, and piety were instilled in the child. 	
FormID: 0119E1A5	1emmQuest1	88readbook	0	 In short, she was made fit to take her place as a member of the new ruling class of Morrowind.  	
__要するに、彼女は Morrowind の新たな支配階級の一員となるにふさわしいよう育てられたのです。
FormID: 0119E1A6	1emmQuest1	88readbook	0	That's enough for now. I'll continue later if you wish, but I need a break first.	
FormID: 0119DAC5	1emmQuest1	88readbook	0	BARENZIAH 1 2	
FormID: 0118B358	1emmQuest1	88readbook	0	The girl Barenziah grew in beauty, grace, and intelligence. 	
__Barenziah は思いやりに溢れ、美しくも賢い少女に育ちました。
FormID: 0119DAB4	1emmQuest1	88readbook	0	She was sweet-tempered, a joy to her adoptive parents and their five young sons, who loved her as their elder sister.  	
FormID: 0119DAB5	1emmQuest1	88readbook	0	Other than her appearance, she differed from young girls of her class only in that she had a strong empathy for the woods and fields,	
__Barenziah には、同じ階級の少女たちと違っている点が、その容姿のほかに一つだけありました。彼女は森や野原に強い共感を持っていて、
FormID: 0119DAB6	1emmQuest1	88readbook	0	and was wont to escape her household duties to wander there at times.  	
FormID: 0119DAB7	1emmQuest1	88readbook	0	Barenziah was happy and content until her sixteenth year, when a wicked orphan stable-boy, whom she had befriended out of pity, 	
__16歳になるまでの Barenziah の人生は幸福で満ち足りたものでしたが、ある時、一人の意地悪な孤児の馬丁――Barenziahは可哀相に思ってその子と友達になりました――が、こんな事を漏れ聞いたと彼女に告げました。
FormID: 0119DAB8	1emmQuest1	88readbook	0	told her he had overheard a conspiracy between her guardian, Count Sven, and a Redguard visitor to sell her as a concubine in Rihad, 	
__彼女の保護者である Sven 伯爵とその客人である Redguard が、 Barenziah を Rihad に妾として売りつけようと画策している、と。
FormID: 0119DAB9	1emmQuest1	88readbook	0	as no Nord or Breton would marry her on account of her black skin, and no Dark Elf would have her because of her foreign upbringing. 	
__Barenziah の黒い肌のせいで Nord も Breton も彼女と結婚したがらないだろうし、 Dark Elf も外国流の教育を受けた彼女とは結婚を望まないだろうから、というのが理由でした。
FormID: 0119DABA	1emmQuest1	88readbook	0	[QUOTE]Whatever shall I do?[QUOTE] the poor girl said, weeping and trembling, for she had been brought up in innocence and trust,	
FormID: 0119DABB	1emmQuest1	88readbook	0	and it never occurred to her that her friend the stable-boy would lie to her.  	
FormID: 0119DABC	1emmQuest1	88readbook	0	What a ghastly story! How could the wicked boy treat her like that? Do you think it is true?	
FormID: 0119DABD	1emmQuest1	88readbook	0	Alright... I continue...	
FormID: 0119DABE	1emmQuest1	88readbook	0	The wicked boy, who was called Straw, said that she must run away if she valued her virtue, but that he would come with her as her protector.	
__少年の名は Straw と言い、やがて Barenziah に「貞操が大事ならここから逃げ出さないといけない!僕もあなたを守る為に付いて行くから」と申し出ました。
FormID: 0119DABF	1emmQuest1	88readbook	0	Sorrowfully, Barenziah agreed to this plan; and that very night, she disguised herself as a boy and the pair escaped to the nearby city of Whiterun.	
__Barenziah は哀しみながらも彼の申し出を受けました。そしてまさにその夜、彼女は少年の姿に変装し、少年と二人で近くの Whiterun の街へと逃亡したのです。
FormID: 0119DAC0	1emmQuest1	88readbook	0	After a few days there, they managed to get jobs as guards for a disreputable merchant caravan. 	
FormID: 0119DAC1	1emmQuest1	88readbook	0	The caravan was heading east by side roads in a mendacious attempt to elude the lawful tolls charged on the imperial highways. 	
FormID: 0119DAC2	1emmQuest1	88readbook	0	Thus the pair eluded pursuit until they reached the city of Rifton, where they ceased their travels for a time.	
__そのおかげで、二人も追跡の手を逃れて Rifton の街までたどり着くことが出来ました。
FormID: 0119DAC3	1emmQuest1	88readbook	0	They felt safe in Rifton, close as it was to the Morrowind border so that Dark Elves were enough of a common sight.  	
__彼らにとって Rifton は安心出来そうな街に思えました。 Morrowind 国境近くに位置しており、人々にとって Dark Elf は見慣れた存在だったからです。
FormID: 0119DAC4	1emmQuest1	88readbook	0	Gosh, what a story. And now I'm so tired from reading that I must relax for a while.	
FormID: 0119DAB3	1emmQuest1	88readbook	0	LESS RUDE SONG	
FormID: 0118C7FA	1emmQuest1	88readbook	0	They say The Iliac Bay Is the place to barrel around, Without a bit of apparel on, As advertised in that carol song...	
__Iliac Bay そこは彼の祝歌に謡われるように 一糸まとわぬ姿で大酒を喰らいそぞろ歩くところ
FormID: 01194395	1emmQuest1	88readbook	0	A tune that's sung as the west wind blows, About it's lovely not wearing any clothes.	
__西風の祝歌 裸身の美を称える祝歌
FormID: 01194396	1emmQuest1	88readbook	0	Look, you better stop grinning at me. I'm really trying, you know... and I never said I was good at poetry!	
FormID: 01194397	1emmQuest1	88readbook	0	Ladies singing high notes, men singing lows,	
__女たちの声は天に 男たちの声は地に
FormID: 01194398	1emmQuest1	88readbook	0	Implying that the most luscious depravity, And complete absence of serious gravity, Can only be found in the waterous cavity Of Iiac Bay.	
__仄めかすは甘やかなる腐敗 そして真摯さの不在 それらは Iliac Bay の濡れそぼる穴ぐらでしか見つからないだろう
FormID: 01194399	1emmQuest1	88readbook	0	If you are the type who is more a sinner than a sinned,You'll find it all in Morrowind.	
__もし君が人並み以上の罪人であるならば それらは全て Morrowind で見つかるだろう
FormID: 0119439A	1emmQuest1	88readbook	0	If that's the truth, no wonders that creep like Runar fit right in!	
__うーん、もしもこれが本当なら、 Runar みたいないけすかない男に Morrowind がぴったり合うのは何の不思議もないわね!
FormID: 0119439B	1emmQuest1	88readbook	0	But the truth, my child, Is that nothing more wild That an ordinary fashion, Kind of slightly mad passion 	
__しかし我が子よ それらは少しばかりの熱狂を伴うとはいえ 実の所はありふれたものである
FormID: 0119439C	1emmQuest1	88readbook	0	Can be detected if at all, In Sentinel and Daggerfall	
__Sentinel や Daggerfall においても 見つけられる程度のものでしかない
FormID: 0119439D	1emmQuest1	88readbook	0	Whatever your odd needs: feathered, scaled, or finned, You'll find it all in Morrowind	
__君の好みは何だ? 羽根付きか? 鱗付きか? それともヒレ付きか? 何であれ構うものか それらは全て Morrowind で見つかるだろう
FormID: 0119439E	1emmQuest1	88readbook	0	It's an invention of bards, That Bretons and Redguards Have more than some staid fun, And suffer deviant fornication... What's that?	
__所詮は詩人のでっち上げに過ぎぬ Breton や Redguard たちが節度を外れ 倒錯に溺れるたとしても それが何だと言うのだ?
FormID: 0119439F	1emmQuest1	88readbook	0	This is corny, isn't it?	
FormID: 011943A0	1emmQuest1	88readbook	0	For the most of madness, not the least, The wise debaucher heads out east.	
FormID: 011943A1	1emmQuest1	88readbook	0	Where your once steely reserve is now merely tinned, You'll find it all in Morrowind.

__僅かなる… 否、少なからざる狂気に導かれ さかしらな道楽者は東へと向かう
FormID: 011943A1	1emmQuest1	88readbook	0	Where your once steely reserve is now merely tinned, You'll find it all in Morrowind.	
__そこではかつての鋼のような慎み深さも 錫のごとく脆く崩れ去る ああ、それらは全て Morrowind に来れば分かるだろう

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