L10N/Companion_Vilja/4.04/Dialogue/1emmQuest1-73 の変更点

FormID: 0117CAA1	1emmQuest1	8887Opinions	0	Tell me, what do you want to achieve with your life? I mean - what is really important to you?	
FormID: 011A33EC	1emmQuest1	8887Opinions	0	How would you feel about exploring another part of Tamriel... Like Skyrim, for instance?	
__Tamriel の他の地域…例えば Skyrim とかを旅する事について、あなたはどう感じる?
FormID: 0114F3CF	1emmQuest1	88886DBa	0	Oh... I should have guessed that, of course. You know, sometimes I find this darker side of your personality a bit... scary. 	
FormID: 0114F3CF	1emmQuest1	88886DBa	1	I'm not sure how I feel about it, actually... 	
FormID: 0114F3D0	1emmQuest1	88886DBb	0	Oh, my dear friend... You have no idea how relieved I am to hear you say this. I have been trying to accept, but... I just don't understand.	
FormID: 0114F3D0	1emmQuest1	88886DBb	1	It's one thing to kill an attacking bandit, but very different to murder someone. Maybe you could just... quit working for them?	
FormID: 0114F3D0	1emmQuest1	88886DBb	2	Maybe you should think it over... there are better things to do in Cyrodiil, right?	
FormID: 0114F3D1	1emmQuest1	88886DBc	0	I see... But don't you ever feel strange about murdering people? I mean, it's quite different from killing an attacking bandit.	
FormID: 0114F3D1	1emmQuest1	88886DBc	1	Maybe you should think it over... there are better things to do in Cyrodiil, right?	
FormID: 0114F3D2	1emmQuest1	88886dDbd	0	Just another way of earning money? But... don't you ever feel bad about murdering people? I mean, it's quite different from killing attacking bandits	
FormID: 0114F3D3	1emmQuest1	88886dDbd	0	Maybe you should think it over... there are better things to do in Cyrodiil, right?	
FormID: 0114F3D9	1emmQuest1	88886TFa	0	True... and you're quite good at it! To be honest, I do not really mind... at least not as long as you don't steal from poor people.	
FormID: 0114F3D9	1emmQuest1	88886TFa	1	But if you steal from the poor, I'm going to get really mad at you.	
FormID: 0114F3D9	1emmQuest1	88886TFa	2	So mad that I won't even bake a strawberry pie with a lockpick inside for you if you end up in prison.	
__あなたが牢屋に入れられても、差し入れのStrawberry PieにLockpickを忍ばせて助けてあげるなんて事は絶対にしないから。
FormID: 0114F3DB	1emmQuest1	88886TFb	0	Oh? Well, if that is the case, you have every reason to smile happily if you get robbed. 	
FormID: 0114F3DB	1emmQuest1	88886TFb	1	Maybe it's time for you to give up stealing and start giving away of your gold instead. There are quite a few beggars around in Cyrodiil.	
FormID: 0114F3DA	1emmQuest1	88886TFb	0	I see... and I do not disagree on that. Only... 	
FormID: 0114F3DA	1emmQuest1	88886TFb	1	...when did you last give a beggar a coin? It certainly doesn't happen that often!	
FormID: 0114F3DD	1emmQuest1	88886TFc	0	You know, it's a bit strange to hear those words from someone who is a member of the Thieves Guild!	
__ねぇ、Thieves Guildのメンバーであるあなたの口からそんな言葉を聞くのは、少し妙な気分だわ。
FormID: 0114F3DD	1emmQuest1	88886TFc	1	Do you really think I'm that stupid?	
FormID: 0114F3DC	1emmQuest1	88886TFc	0	Yes, of course. I'm proud of you for being such a righteous person.	
FormID: 0114F3DC	1emmQuest1	88886TFc	1	Still, I can understand if the poor beggars are tempted to pickpocket wealthier citizens. You know, I think we should give them a coin more often.	
FormID: 01199C8D	1emmQuest1	88886TFd	0	Yeah... But, if it is something you do only because it is necessary, I cannot understand why you had to join the Thieves guild! 	
__そうね…。でも、「必要だからそうする」って言うのなら、どうしてあなたは Thieves Guild に加入しなければならなかったの?私には理解出来ないわ!
FormID: 01199C8E	1emmQuest1	88886TFd	0	I guess you do have a point there.Although there are other ways, if one is really determined. Collecting ingredients and selling potions for instance	
FormID: 0114F3E2	1emmQuest1	88886NoDBa	0	Oh. I see... Are you really sure it's a good thing to do? I won't try to stop you, of course, but...	
FormID: 0114F3E2	1emmQuest1	88886NoDBa	1	...I can't really imagine you as an assassin.	
FormID: 0114F3E3	1emmQuest1	88886NoDBb	0	Oh. I see... Are you really sure it's a good thing to do? I won't try to stop you, of course, but...	
FormID: 0114F3E3	1emmQuest1	88886NoDBb	1	...I can't really imagine you as an assassin.	
FormID: 0114F3E4	1emmQuest1	88886NoDBc	0	Amen to that! I'm so glad you aren't considering working as an assassin. Not that I would try to stop you if you decided to join them, but...	
FormID: 0114F3E4	1emmQuest1	88886NoDBc	1	...I cannot imagine you murdering innocent people.	
FormID: 0114F3EE	1emmQuest1	88886CiAnv	0	I like Anvil, too. The ships, the fresh wind from the sea, the friendly people. Did I tell you that it was in Anvil that I bought Bruse?	
FormID: 0114F3EF	1emmQuest1	88886CiBrav	0	Is it true? I must say I don't agree with you. It's so shabby and dirty. The surroundings are nice, though...	
FormID: 0114F3F0	1emmQuest1	88886CiBru	0	Yes, Bruma is lovely! The cold, fresh air, the beautiful houses. And the people, of course! If you like Bruma, I'm sure you'd love Solstheim.	
FormID: 0114F3F1	1emmQuest1	88886CiChey	0	I think Cheydinhal is the most beautiful of the Cyrodiil cities. But many of the dunmers look so sad. I bet they are missing Morrowind.	
FormID: 0114F3F2	1emmQuest1	88886CiChor	0	Chorrol is a nice town, but the people living there seem to be a little.. restricted. I bet some of them never left the Colovian area.	
FormID: 0114F3F3	1emmQuest1	88886CiIC	0	Yes, of course! It's so full of life and activity.Sometimes, I find the city a bit overwhelming. I like it, but I wouldn't want to live my life there	
FormID: 0114F3F4	1emmQuest1	88886CiLey	0	You like Leyawiin? Honestly? In spite of all that rain? I'm sorry, but I cannot agree with you. Snow is wonderful, but rain is ghastly.	
FormID: 0114F3F5	1emmQuest1	88886CiSki	0	I find the Skingrad area really lovely, but not the city itself. The walls are... creeping up on me. I want more trees and parks in a city.	
FormID: 0114F3FA	1emmQuest1	88886Neca	0	So you aren't really against it, then? Hmm... I have heard others say the same, in particular some people I met in Skingrad.	
FormID: 0114F3FA	1emmQuest1	88886Neca	1	Strange, I somehow believed you would be against it...	
FormID: 0114F3FB	1emmQuest1	88886Necb	0	Yes... I thought you would say that. I can't stand it, either.	
FormID: 0114F3FC	1emmQuest1	88886Necc	0	I see... You know, I think you should read up a little on it. There are things one cannot stay indifferent to.	
FormID: 0114FAD6	1emmQuest1	88886kha	0	Really? I know many Khajiits that I like and trust. But, there is of course that bastard M'aiq. He deserves to have his whiskers cut off!	
FormID: 0114FAD7	1emmQuest1	88886khb	0	What? I've heard such words from Morrowind dunmers, but I hadn't expected you to share their opinion.	
FormID: 0114FAD8	1emmQuest1	88886khc	0	Really? I've noticed that you tend to sneeze quite often, but I never knew you were allergic to fur.	
FormID: 0114FAD8	1emmQuest1	88886khc	1	Who knows, maybe I can make a potion that helps. I'll ask around in the alchemist stores for ingredients.	
FormID: 0114FAD9	1emmQuest1	88886khd	0	So do I. But there is one exception. That bastard M'aiq! He deserves to have his whiskers cut off!	
FormID: 0114FADA	1emmQuest1	88886khe	0	Neither do I. Of those I have met, most have been nice. However, there is one exception. That bastard M'aiq! He deserves to have his whiskers cut off	
FormID: 011501B3	1emmQuest1	88886Heneria	0	Yes, I guess in a way you are right about that! However, she's a nice lunatic, don't you think so? Way nicer than her daughter!	
FormID: 011501B4	1emmQuest1	88886Henerib	0	You think so? I don't agree. She may be sort of a lunatic. But a nice lunatic. I actually quite like her.	

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