L10N/Companion_Vilja/4.04/Dialogue/1emVCPlacethoughts-02 の変更点


FormID: 011B8ADC	1emVCPlacethoughts	4emmC2Thoughts	0	A wood elf lady and a nord bloke fall in love and decide to settle down in Anvil... You know, I think it is kind of romantic.	
__とある Wood Elf 女性と Nord 男性が恋に落ち、 Anvil に住む事に決めたんですって。ロマンチックね。
FormID: 011B8ADD	1emVCPlacethoughts	4emmC2Thoughts	0	You could ask Quill Weave to train you in acrobatis. But from what I have seen, she isn't that great, really.	
__Quill Weave に頼んで Acrobatics の訓練をつけてもらう事は出来るだろうけれど、私が見た限り、彼女ってそんなに大した人物じゃないわよ。
FormID: 011B8ADE	1emVCPlacethoughts	4emmC2Thoughts	0	Why do people say that Newheim The Portly is snotty? I think he is just shy, like most nords. 	
__Newheim The Portly の事を威張っているという人がいるけれど、どうしてかしらね?彼は他の Nord と同じくただシャイなだけだと思うんだけど。
FormID: 011B8ADF	1emVCPlacethoughts	4emmC2Thoughts	0	I guess there's nothing wrong with the Flowing Bowl. But as I used to work for Wilbur at The Count's Arms, I haven't spent a lot of time here.	
__Flowing Bowl に対して特に不満はないわ。でも私は The Count's Arms の Wilbur の下で働いていたから、あまりここには慣れていないの。
FormID: 011B8AE0	1emVCPlacethoughts	4emmC2Thoughts	0	Pinarus Inventius is quite the hunter. He can track about anything, and he's deadly with his bow.	
__Pinarus Inventius は大した狩人よ。どんな獲物でも追跡出来るし、弓の名手なの。
FormID: 011B8AE1	1emVCPlacethoughts	4emmC2Thoughts	0	I have heard Rusia Bradus can march longer and faster than any of her husband's soldiers. Maybe she could teach us something about athletics?	
__Rusia Bradus は彼女の夫の部下の兵士達の誰よりも長時間かつ速い足取りで行軍出来るのだと聞いたわ。彼女に頼めば Athletics の訓練をつけてくれるかもね。
FormID: 011B8AE2	1emVCPlacethoughts	4emmC2Thoughts	0	Calling a weapon store [QUOTE]Peacemaker[QUOTE] is like calling a candy store [QUOTE]Slimmaker[QUOTE]. Why are there so few candy stores in Cyrodiil, by the way?	
__武器屋を[QUOTE]Peacemaker[QUOTE] って呼ぶのは、飴屋を[QUOTE]Slimmaker[QUOTE]って呼ぶようなものよ。ところで、どうしてCyrodiilにはこんなに飴屋が少ないのかしら?
FormID: 011B8AE4	1emVCPlacethoughts	4emmC2Thoughts	0	In Morrowind, I learnt that dunmers are exceptional weapon makers. This store proves that it is true.	
__Morrowind にいた頃から Dunmer は優れた武器の作り手だと知っていたけれど、この店はまさにそのお手本といった所ね。
FormID: 011B8AE5	1emVCPlacethoughts	4emmC2Thoughts	0	I've always found this place a bit... creepy. Don't you think so, too?	
FormID: 011B8AE6	1emVCPlacethoughts	4emmC2Thoughts	0	Why do town guard houses always have this distinct smell of bad wine and dirty socks?	
FormID: 011B8AE7	1emVCPlacethoughts	4emmC2Thoughts	0	This is, as I'm sure you know, where I first met Bruse. It was surely love at first sight! Well, with Bruse, I mean. Not with Ernest.	
__あなたはもう知ってるはずだけれど、ここは私が初めて Bruse と出会った場所なの。彼に一目惚れだったわ!…もちろん Bruse の事よ? Ernest なんかじゃなくて。
FormID: 011B8AE8	1emVCPlacethoughts	4emmC2Thoughts	0	Don't you think that the white horses are exceptionally beautiful? I've always prefered them... and Bruse is of course the most beautiful of them all	
__White Horse の美しさは格別だと思わない?他の馬よりずっと好きよ。その中でも Bruse は一番綺麗な馬だと思うわ。
FormID: 011B8AE9	1emVCPlacethoughts	4emmC2Thoughts	0	I used to work extra here as a cleaning lady. That was when I was saving up money in order to buy Bruse. 	
__私、ここでパートでお掃除の仕事をしていた事があるのよ。 Bruse を買う為に貯金していた頃にね。
FormID: 011B8AEA	1emVCPlacethoughts	4emmC2Thoughts	0	Felen Relas knows a lot about alchemy, and always has quite a lot of ingredients in store.	
__Felen Relas は Alchemy に詳しいし、いつも豊富な錬金素材を売っているわ。
FormID: 011B8AEB	1emVCPlacethoughts	4emmC2Thoughts	0	I used to work extra here as a cleaning lady. That was when I was saving up money in order to buy Bruse. 	
__私、ここでパートでお掃除の仕事をしていた事があるのよ。 Bruse を買う為に貯金していた頃にね。
FormID: 011B8AEC	1emVCPlacethoughts	4emmC2Thoughts	0	There are quite a few good trainers here, but I take it you already know that.	
__ここには腕の良い Trainer が何人かいるわ。まぁ、あなたならもう知ってると思うけれど。
FormID: 011B8AED	1emVCPlacethoughts	4emmC2Thoughts	0	I think Azzan is a very good leader. And, on top of that, he is very handsome, too.	
__Azzan はとても良い支部長だと思うわ。それに何よりハンサムだしね!
FormID: 011B8AEE	1emVCPlacethoughts	4emmC2Thoughts	0	I've never particularly enjoyed places that are infested with rats.	
FormID: 011B8AF2	1emVCPlacethoughts	4emmC2Thoughts	0	I guess we better not pay a visit to Count Corvus and his wife while we are here.	
__Anvil には来たけれど、 Corvus 伯爵夫妻とは会わない方が良いと思うわ。
FormID: 011B8AF6	1emVCPlacethoughts	4emmC2Thoughts	0	People say the food here is worse than dog food.But I bet they are comparing to the food the Bruiants give their dogs,which is better than human food	
__ここの食事は犬のエサより不味いって皆が言うけれど、でもそれはきっと Bruiant 夫妻が犬にあげてるエサと比べて言っているんだわ。だって、あの夫妻のあげているエサは人間の食事よりも上等なんだもの。
FormID: 011B8AF7	1emVCPlacethoughts	4emmC2Thoughts	0	I've always liked The Grey Mare.One can dance on the tables, just like in Solstheim, without feeling embarrassed. Well, at least not very embarrassed	
__The Grey Mare は好きよ。テーブルの上で踊っても恥ずかしい思いをしなくて済むの。 Solstheim と同じようにね。まぁ…全く恥ずかしくないというわけでもないけれど、多少は…。
FormID: 011B8AF8	1emVCPlacethoughts	4emmC2Thoughts	0	I think people are wrong to talk about Rasheda the blacksmith and Sabine. After all, can't ladies be friends? Some people can be very cruel.[QUOTE]	
FormID: 011B8AF9	1emVCPlacethoughts	4emmC2Thoughts	0	This is a nice place... although Modryn Oreyn always looks at me as if I had mud on my boots and was dragging into his precious Guildhall. 	
__ここはいい場所ね。もっとも、 Modryn Oreyn は私が彼の大切な支部を土足で踏み荒らしているかのような目でこちらを見てくるけれど。
FormID: 011B8AFA	1emVCPlacethoughts	4emmC2Thoughts	0	Modryn Oreyn always looks so stern - but the people over at The Gray Mare told me that when he is drunk, he will sing jolly songs about Morrowind.	
__Modryn Oreyn はいつもいかめしい顔をしてるけれど、 The Gray Mare に来る人達によると彼は酔っ払うと Morrowind の陽気な歌を歌うらしいわよ。
FormID: 011B8AFB	1emVCPlacethoughts	4emmC2Thoughts	0	Someone said that Teekeus and Dar-Ma at Northern Goods are relatives. But then again, someone else said that's not true. So I really don't know.	
__Teekeus と Northern Goods の Dar-Ma ちゃんを親戚同士だと言う人もいるし、そうじゃないって言う人もいる。私にはどっちが本当なのか分からないわ。
FormID: 011B8AFD	1emVCPlacethoughts	4emmC2Thoughts	0	So this is where Casta Scribonia writes all her novels? Maybe she should go on holidays for a while. That might give her more inspiration.	
__Casta Scribonia はここで小説を書いたのね?でも、彼女は少しくらい休暇を取るべきよ。そうすればきっともっと閃くはず。
FormID: 011B8AFE	1emVCPlacethoughts	4emmC2Thoughts	0	While we are here, could we look for a new copy of ABC for Barbarians? I seem to have mislaid mine.	
__ここにいる間に ABC for Barbarians を一冊探してみない?どこかに置き忘れちゃったみたいなの。
FormID: 011B8AFF	1emVCPlacethoughts	4emmC2Thoughts	0	Oh what a wonderful smell! It must be the Bruiants' preparing food for their dogs. Smells like... Boar Filet Black and White. With baked potatoes.	
__あぁ、何て素敵な香りなの!きっと Bruiant 夫妻が犬の餌を用意しているんだわ。匂いから察するに…これは Boar Filet Black and White の Baked Potato 添えね。
FormID: 011B8B00	1emVCPlacethoughts	4emmC2Thoughts	0	Poor Countess Valga of Castle Chorrol! She is still mourning her dead husband.	
__Chorrol 城の Valga 伯爵夫人が可哀相!彼女は今でも旦那さんの死を悲しんでいるのよ。
FormID: 011B8B01	1emVCPlacethoughts	4emmC2Thoughts	0	I think Northern Goods is a very good place for shopping.	
__Northern Goods は買い物にうってつけの場所だと思うわ。
FormID: 011D20E1	1emVCPlacethoughts	4emmC2Thoughts	0	Let's just stay here for a little while and look at the beautiful horses.	
FormID: 011B8B02	1emVCPlacethoughts	4emmC2Thoughts	0	While we are here,maybe we should head over to Seed-Neus and do some shopping. I'm sure she'll be happy to see us, considering that we helped Dar-Ma.	
__この街にいるうちに、 Seed-Neus さんの所に行って買い物しましょ。私達は Dar-Ma の命の恩人ですもの、きっと歓迎してくれるわ。
FormID: 011B8B03	1emVCPlacethoughts	4emmC2Thoughts	0	Chorrol has a bandit lair a few metres from the main gate! I think someone is taking bribes, don't you?	
__Chorrol には正門から数メートル離れた所に Bandit のねぐらがあるわ!きっと奴ら、誰かに賄賂を贈ってるんじゃないかしらね?
FormID: 011B8B04	1emVCPlacethoughts	4emmC2Thoughts	0	While we are here, maybe we could head over to The Grey Mare and have a drink?	
__この街にいるうちに、 The Gray Mare に行って一杯飲んでくのもいいんじゃないかしら。
FormID: 011B8B05	1emVCPlacethoughts	4emmC2Thoughts	0	Last time I was in Chorrol, I met this nord guy and we got so drunk that I danced on the table. He? No, he was under it...	
__前に Chorrol に来た時、この Nord の男の人と一緒に散々飲んで、酔っ払ってテーブルの上でダンスした覚えがあるわ。彼も一緒に踊ったのかって?いいえ、彼はテーブルの下に隠れていたわ…。
FormID: 011B8B06	1emVCPlacethoughts	4emmC2Thoughts	0	Chorrol really is a lovely town, with nice people and a pleasant weather.	
__Chorrol は本当に素敵な街ね。市民の人達は優しいし、気候もいいわ。
FormID: 011B8B07	1emVCPlacethoughts	4emmC2Thoughts	0	The people here tend to be very fond of their city.I once told a lady that Cheydinhal was the most beautiful city in Cyrodiil, and she got mad at me!	
__Chorrolには「わが街大好き!」な人達が大勢いるのよ。以前とある女性に Cyrodiil で一番美しい街は Cheydinhal だって言ったら、ものすごい勢いで反論されたわ。
FormID: 011B8B08	1emVCPlacethoughts	4emmC2Thoughts	0	If you want to hear local gossip, the best way is to just sit down at the Great Oak and listen to the people passing by.	
__街でどんな噂が流行っているか知りたいなら、 Great Oak の樹の下に座って往来する人達の声に耳を傾けてみるのが一番よ。
FormID: 011B8B09	1emVCPlacethoughts	4emmC2Thoughts	0	I'm sure Olav wouldn't mind if we dance a little on the tables. It's a good old Nord tradition, you know!	
__Olav なら、ちょっと私達がテーブルの上でダンスを踊ったからと言って、きっと気にしないはずよ。だってそれが Nord の古き良き伝統なんだもの。
FormID: 011B8B0A	1emVCPlacethoughts	4emmC2Thoughts	0	Olav's Tap and Tack is one of my favorite places. It's almost like in Solstheim - one can sing and dance on the tables and no-one gets upset.	
__Olav's Tap and Tack はお気に入りの場所よ。まるで Solstheim にいるような気分を味わえるの。テーブルの上で歌って踊っても、誰も気にしないから。
FormID: 011B8B0B	1emVCPlacethoughts	4emmC2Thoughts	0	I think paint horses is a silly and irrelevant expression. Besides, white horses are by far better in my opinion.	
__「 Paint Horse (まだら馬)」なんて呼び方は見当違いで馬鹿げていると思うわ。それに、個人的には White Horse の方がはるかに優れていると思うし。
FormID: 011B8B0C	1emVCPlacethoughts	4emmC2Thoughts	0	One would imagine that an argonian would find Bruma too cold. But Right Wind at the Fighter Guild doesn't seem to mind at all.	
__Argonian にとって Bruma は寒すぎる土地だと誰でも想像しそうなものだけど、 Fighters Guild の Right Wind は一向に気にしていない様子ね。
FormID: 011B8B0D	1emVCPlacethoughts	4emmC2Thoughts	0	It seems the other guild members are always making fun of poor Jeanne Frasoric. It's not very kind of them is it?	
__他のギルド員の人達はいつも jeanne Frasoric をからかって楽しんでいるみたい。可哀相に。なんて情のない人達だろうって思うわ。
FormID: 011B8B0E	1emVCPlacethoughts	4emmC2Thoughts	0	Brotch Calus knows a lot about alchemy. Maybe he could teach us a thing or two.	
__Brotch Calus は Alchemy にとても詳しいわ。彼から学べる事もいくつかあるんじゃないかしら。
FormID: 011B8B0F	1emVCPlacethoughts	4emmC2Thoughts	0	There is something very reliable with a nord smith. Don't you think so, too?

__Nord の鍛冶師って、どこか信頼出来そうな気がすると思わない?

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