L10N/Companion_Vilja/3.0.1/QuestStages/1emmQuest5 の変更点

FormID: 0114A16B	1emmQuest5	10	0	Vilja has received a letter from Heneri, where she says she owes us a favour for bringing back her husband. Next time we visit Cheydinhal, we should pay her a visit. And knowing Vilja, I'm pretty sure it won't be long before we visit Cheydinhal...
__ViljaはHeneriから手紙を受け取った。 どうやら彼女の旦那が行方不明になったので捜索してほしいそうだ。とりあえず Cheydinhal にいって彼女に会ってみよう。でもその前にViljaと相談してみよう。
FormID: 0114A16B	1emmQuest5	15	0	Heneri has asked us to return a skull to her sister in Bruma. Obviously, the sister put the skull in Heneri's bedroom as a replacement when she eloped with the skull of Heneri's husband. As I am not completely insane, I of course refused to go to Bruma. I hope Vilja thinks that was a good decision.
__Heneriは私達にBrumaに住んでいる彼女の妹から旦那の頭蓋骨を取り返して欲しいと頼んできた。 彼女がHeneriのいない隙を狙って旦那の頭蓋骨をすり替え逃亡したのは明らかだ。こんなの正気の沙汰じゃない!もちろん私はBrumaに行くのを拒否した。Viljaも納得してくれるといいのだが。
FormID: 0114A16B	1emmQuest5	20	0	I have promised Heneri to bring peace to a skull. The skull was placed in Heneri's bedroom by her sister as a replacement when she eloped with the skull of Heneri's husband. Heneri wants me to visit her sister in Bruma and ask where the skull came from so that I can put it back where it belong.
__Heneriは私達にBrumaに住んでいる彼女の妹から旦那の頭蓋骨を取り返すと約束した。 妹は旦那の頭蓋骨をすり替え逃亡したようだ。Brumaに行って取り返してこよう。
FormID: 0114A16B	1emmQuest5	30	0	Sereni told us that she found the skull together with the rest of the corpse of a dead adventurer in the lower level of the Plundered Mine east of Bruma. She had to leave the mine in a hurry when the goblins discovered her. Most likely, she has thrown the other remains of the adventurer in a chest, and we should put the skull together with the bones. Sereni also mentioned an Potion of Goblin Essence she had lost. We should bring it back to her and she will reward us.
__SneriはBrumaの東のPlundered Mineの下層で死んだ冒険者から頭蓋骨を見つけたと教えてくれた。でもゴブリンが襲ってきたのでびっくりして放り投げて逃げたらしい。Potion of Goblin Essenceも一緒に無くしてしまったらしい。頭蓋骨を取り返してくれれば、Potion of Goblin Essenceはあげてもいいそうだ。たくさんの骨をかきわけて探そう。その冒険者は宝箱を抱えていたらしい。
FormID: 0114A16B	1emmQuest5	40	0	I have found the chest with the bones of the dead adventurer and placed the skull in it. There is also a potion with some disgusting greenish essence - it must surely be the Potion of Goblin Essence that Sereni said she had lost.
__宝箱を抱えて死んでいる冒険者を発見した。そこで緑色の奇妙なポーションも発見できた。おそらくこれが Potion of Goblin Essence だろう。
FormID: 0114A16B	1emmQuest5	50	0	Sereni was very pleased that we had managed to find her lost Potion of Goblin Essence. However, she didn't give us any reward. Instead she told us to return to her later. I guess in the meanwhile, we should pay a visit to Heneri in Cheydinhal.
__Sereniは亡くしたPotion of Goblin Essenceを見つけてくれてとても感謝してくれている。しかし、彼女は私達にくれるはずだったのに持って行ってしまった。戻ってから渡すと行ってくれた。Cheydinhalに戻ろう。
FormID: 0114A16B	1emmQuest5	60	0	Heneri was very pleased that we had brought back the skull to the place where it belong. She will now teach Vilja some simple spells. Meanwhile, she wants me to run an errand for her. She wants me to go to Skingrad and bring her daughter Falanu at All Things Alchemical a batch of Spotted Lavender Sprig. In return, the daughter is supposed to have a special potion for Heneri.
__Heneriは頭蓋骨を持って帰ってきてくれてとても感謝してくれている。 彼女はViljaに新しい魔法をいくつか教えてくれるらしい。その間時間があるので私が用事をすることになった。Skingradで All Things Alchemicalというお店を運営している彼女の娘のFalanuにSpotted Lavender Sprigを一束届けて欲しいそうだ。お礼に彼女の娘がHeneriに特別なポーションを作ってくれることになっている。
FormID: 0114A16B	1emmQuest5	70	0	Falanu was pleased to receive the ingredients from her mother. In return, she gave me a bottle of Beauty Cream for Hereni... Hmm... that's something about the name of the cream that makes me a bit cautious.
__Falanuは素材を届けてくれてとても感謝してくれている。 お礼にHereniに美容クリームを作ってくれた。うーん… 毛むくじゃらにならければいいのだが。
FormID: 0114A16B	1emmQuest5	80	0	Heneri has got her Beauty Cream, Vilja has learnt her spells, and I... I have received a potion of Melting Deadra Heart Essence as a reward. Sufficient to say this isn't my lucky day!
__Heneriは美容クリームを手に入れ、Viljaは魔法を習得し、私は… お礼にMelting Deadra Heart Essence …をもらった。 なんだかついてないなぁ。
FormID: 0114A16B	1emmQuest5	90	0	While I have been away, Heneri has taught Vilja not only to cast a shield  spell but also how to paralyze her enemies. We should discuss her fighting instructions later. But first we should head for Bruma and see if Sereni has a reward ready for us.
__私が出かけている間に HeneriはViljaにshield の魔法だけではなくparalyzeの魔法まで教えてくれていた! あとで戦闘方法について話しあおう。 そのまえにBrumaのSereniに会いにいって報酬の話をしよう。
FormID: 0114A16B	1emmQuest5	100	0	It seems I'm the proud owner of a Goblin Peace Amulet, which will allow me to visit Goblin [QUOTE]homes[QUOTE] and be treated as a kin. The amulet is a gift from Sereni, who has created a few of them to help her in her research of the Northern Cyrodiil goblin culture.
__ゴブリンにGoblin Peace Amuletを自慢してあげよう。Cyrodiilの北の洞窟でゴブリン文化を研究していた彼女によれば、そのアミュレットを身につけていると、ゴブリンと家族同然の付き合いができるようだ。

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