L10N/Companion_Vilja/3.0.1/Dialogue/1emmQuest1-47 の変更点

FormID: 010D4A9F	1emmQuest1	88questchatter	0	What a dump! And... quite spooky as well.	
FormID: 010D4A9E	1emmQuest1	88questchatter	0	So, you're the new Arch-Mage. That's great. Although I hope you don't expect me to bow to your honor!	
FormID: 010D4A9D	1emmQuest1	88questchatter	0	He is dead. The King of Worms is actually dead. You were downright amazing!	
__やった!The King of Wormsを倒したのよ!あなたって信じられないくらいすごいわ!
FormID: 010D4A9C	1emmQuest1	88questchatter	0	Ive never been this scared before in my entire life. Look.If we don't make it- I want you to know that our time together has been the best of my life	
FormID: 010D4A9B	1emmQuest1	88questchatter	0	I'm scared! The King of Worms is the most dangerous opponent one can imagine. Please promise me that you don't take any unnecessary risks!	
__怖いわ…!だって、The King of Wormsと言えば想像しうる限りで一番凶悪な敵でしょ?要らない危険を冒す事はないって約束して!
FormID: 010D4A9A	1emmQuest1	88questchatter	0	This place is creepy!	
FormID: 010D4A99	1emmQuest1	88questchatter	0	Poor Selenia!	
FormID: 010D4A98	1emmQuest1	88questchatter	0	This is terrible!	
FormID: 010D4A97	1emmQuest1	88questchatter	0	Hannibal Traven... wow!	
__Hannibal Travenに会えるなんて…!わぁ!
FormID: 010D4A96	1emmQuest1	88questchatter	0	Maybe we could find some useful advice on deciphering in the ABC for Barbarians?	
__ABC for Barbariansの解読に役立つアドバイスも見つかるかしらね?
FormID: 010D4A95	1emmQuest1	88questchatter	0	I hate those necromancers!	
FormID: 010D4A94	1emmQuest1	88questchatter	0	Oh dear... Eletta is dead.	
FormID: 010D4A93	1emmQuest1	88questchatter	0	Poor Zarasha!	
FormID: 01145589	1emmQuest1	88questchatter	0	Are you sure it was such a wise decision to give [QUOTE]Fingers of the Mountain[QUOTE] to Earana?	
__[QUOTE]Fingers of the Mountain[QUOTE]をEaranaに渡すのが賢明な判断だと、あなたは確信を持って言える?
FormID: 01145588	1emmQuest1	88questchatter	0	It was probably a good idea to deliver [QUOTE]Fingers of the Mountain[QUOTE] to the Mages Guild. But I wonder what Earana will say when she finds out.	
__[QUOTE]Fingers of the Mountain[QUOTE]をMages Guildに持ち帰るのは良い判断なのかも知れない。でも、Earanaにバレたら彼女は何て言うかしらね…?
FormID: 010D4A92	1emmQuest1	88questchatter	0	So, who is going to have the [QUOTE]Fingers of the Mountain[QUOTE]? Teekeus - or Earana?	
__で、[QUOTE]Fingers of the Mountain[QUOTE]を渡す相手は誰?Teekeus?それともEarana?
FormID: 01145587	1emmQuest1	88questchatter	0	This is a rather nice inn. We could have a glass of wine while waiting for things to happen.	
FormID: 010D4A91	1emmQuest1	88questchatter	0	Guess that staff is worth two hundred Gold to you.	
__その杖はあなたにとって本当に200 Goldの価値があるの?よく考えてみて。
FormID: 010D4A8A	1emmQuest1	88questchatter	0	A Charm Scroll? Ha-ha... That's so funny! Tell you what - if I ever get insanely rich, I'll buy you an amulet with constant Charm effect. 	
FormID: 010D4A89	1emmQuest1	88questchatter	0	Black Soul Gems! You'd better bring them to Deetsan immediately!	
__Black Soul Gemじゃないの!一刻も早くDeetsanに見せなきゃ!
FormID: 010D4A87	1emmQuest1	88questchatter	0	I'm glad that Modryn Oreyn will run the day-to-day business of the Fighters Guild. That leaves more time for you and I to go adventuring!	
__Modryn OreynがFighters Guildの日々の仕事をこなしてくれて嬉しいわ。おかげであなたと一緒に冒険に出かける時間が作れるんだもの!
FormID: 010D4A86	1emmQuest1	88questchatter	0	Master of the Fighters Guild...Hmm... Impressive. Although I do hope that you won't expect me to bow to your honor!	
__あなたがFighters GuildのMasterになるとはね…。感慨深いわ。でも、私があなたに敬礼するだろうなんて期待しちゃ駄目よ!
FormID: 010D4A85	1emmQuest1	88questchatter	0	This place indeed looks deserted.	
FormID: 010D4A83	1emmQuest1	88questchatter	0	I do not like Maglir!	
FormID: 010D4A84	1emmQuest1	88questchatter	0	I do not like Maglir!	
FormID: 010D4A82	1emmQuest1	88questchatter	0	Right... where do we find Ectoplasm?	
FormID: 010D4A81	1emmQuest1	88questchatter	0	I'm not sure it was such a good decision to lie to Modryn Oreyn. Maglir is a filthy scum, why are you protecting him?	
__Modryn Oreynに嘘をつくのが賢明な判断だったかどうかは自信がないわ。Maglirは薄汚い奴よ。どうしてあんな奴をかばいだてするの?
FormID: 010D4A80	1emmQuest1	88questchatter	0	Seriously... I wouldn't trust Maglir if I were you.	
FormID: 0113A977	1emmQuest1	88questchatter	0	I so wonder what happened to the people at Harlun's Watch. I think we should go and talk to Drarana Thelis as soon as possible.	
__Harlun's Watchの人達に何が起きたのか、不思議で仕方ないわ。一刻も早くDrarana Thelisと話をするべきだと思う。
FormID: 0113A978	1emmQuest1	88questchatter	0	Strange lights in a swamp, and people vanishing... It sounds spooky, doesn't it?	
FormID: 0113A979	1emmQuest1	88questchatter	0	Well, at least we know where the strange lights came from. But, where are the townspeople? I have a bad feeling about this.	
FormID: 0113A97A	1emmQuest1	88questchatter	0	Oh no... They are dead, all of them. It must have been the trolls. Poor Drarana Thelis, she will be devastated.	
__ああ…。みんな死んでるわ。きっとTrollのせいね。Drarana Thelisが可哀想。この事を知ったら茫然自失になっちゃうわ。
FormID: 0113A97B	1emmQuest1	88questchatter	0	Poor Drarana... I wish there were something we could do for her. 	
FormID: 010D4A7E	1emmQuest1	88questchatter	0	Lord Rugdumph's sword looks quite good. Are you intending to use it? Or may I have it for a while?	
__Lord Rugdumphの剣はなかなかの銘品みたいね。あなたが使う?それともしばらくの間は私が使った方がいい?
FormID: 010D4A7A	1emmQuest1	88questchatter	0	Well done! That bastard didn't deserve to live.	
FormID: 010D4A7D	1emmQuest1	88questchatter	0	Well done! That bastard didn't deserve to live.	
FormID: 010D4A7C	1emmQuest1	88questchatter	0	Well done! That bastard didn't deserve to live.	
FormID: 010D4A7B	1emmQuest1	88questchatter	0	Well done! That bastard didn't deserve to live.	
FormID: 010D4A79	1emmQuest1	88questchatter	0	I hope Biene will be able to pay off her debt now.	
FormID: 010D4A78	1emmQuest1	88questchatter	0	It was sweet of you to give Biene your money. You know, behind that shell of stubbornness I think you actually have a heart of gold.	
FormID: 010D4A77	1emmQuest1	88questchatter	0	We did well, don't you think so? No more goblins!	
FormID: 010D4A76	1emmQuest1	88questchatter	0	Let's go and get those goblins right away!	
FormID: 010D4A75	1emmQuest1	88questchatter	0	How many potions did you get? Can I have some?	
FormID: 010D4A74	1emmQuest1	88questchatter	0	Don't worry, Elante! We will protect you!	
FormID: 010D43A0	1emmQuest1	88questchatter	0	Oh no! Poor Elante! This didn't work out well... not well at all...	
FormID: 010D439F	1emmQuest1	88questchatter	0	As you got three bottles of Newheim's special brew... may I assume that one of them is for me?	
FormID: 010D439E	1emmQuest1	88questchatter	0	So, what are you going to say to Arvena Thelas?	
__で…Arvena Thelasに何を言えばいいんだっけ…?
FormID: 010D439D	1emmQuest1	88questchatter	0	A mountain lion! In a basement!	
FormID: 010D4393	1emmQuest1	88questchatter	0	I agree with Captain Burd. You did an excellent job there! 	
FormID: 010D4392	1emmQuest1	88questchatter	0	An Oblivion gate at Bruma! This is getting worse!	

__BrumaにOblivion Gateが開くなんて!事態はますます悪くなっているのね!

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