L10N/Companion_Vilja/3.0.1/Dialogue/1emVCGeneral-05 の変更点

FormID: 0116FD38	1emVCGeneral	4emmC2Thoughts	0	Elvish armour is the best, I think, especially for a girl.	
FormID: 0116FD39	1emVCGeneral	4emmC2Thoughts	0	Ebony armour is smart, but I think it looks so, well, official.	
FormID: 0116FD3A	1emVCGeneral	4emmC2Thoughts	0	Leather armour, in my opinion, flatters everybody, what do you think?	
FormID: 0116FD3B	1emVCGeneral	4emmC2Thoughts	0	A girl can look good in fur armour, right until she meets a bandit with a halfway decent weapon! I know fur doesn't chafe, but an axe certainly does!	
FormID: 01174191	1emVCGeneral	4emmC2Thoughts	0	I can't understand why any girl would want to wear a daedric helmet. They are downright ugly, don't you think so, too?	
__どうして世間の女の子はDaedric Helmetを喜んで被ろうとするのかしら?理解出来ないわ。どう考えたって不恰好でしょあれ?あなたもそう思わない?
FormID: 01174192	1emVCGeneral	4emmC2Thoughts	0	I hate wearing a helmet. It ruins my hair completely.	
FormID: 0117040F	1emVCGeneral	4emmC2Thoughts	0	Infested mine is good for a day out,don't you think?Lovely picnic area outside, you can swim,and the bandits will cheerfully give you weapon practice	
__Infested mineで一日過ごすのも悪くないと思わない?外でピクニックするのも素敵だし、泳ぐ場所もあるし、喜び勇んでBanditの人達が武器の稽古をつけてくれるし。
FormID: 01170414	1emVCGeneral	4emmC2Thoughts	0	Wellspring cave is a really nice place isn't it, I mean once you have had time to enjoy the scenery, that is.	
__Wellspring caveは本当に素敵な所よ。景色を楽しむ余裕があれば、ね。
FormID: 01170410	1emVCGeneral	4emmC2Thoughts	0	I have looked in all the Alchemy books, and it would appear that there are no recipes at all for simple things like make-up, which is rather a shame.	
FormID: 01170411	1emVCGeneral	4emmC2Thoughts	0	I have always enjoyed mining, but it is more of a pleasure to do it when I don't have to worry about goblins jumping on my back!	
FormID: 01170413	1emVCGeneral	4emmC2Thoughts	0	I wonder what my mother would have said if she'd seen me with you! I wouldn't know whether to bring you home or not!	
FormID: 01170417	1emVCGeneral	4emmC2Thoughts	0	It's good to see new stores springing up in Cyrodiil which also cater for the female figure. However, I've yet to see a good daedric corset.	
FormID: 01170418	1emVCGeneral	4emmC2Thoughts	0	My mom always says wizards are a nuisance. Can't live with them, can't live without them, can't tie them to a stake without people complaining!	
FormID: 0111F9BB	1emVCGeneral	4emmC2Thoughts	0	It is true that I think Azzan at the Fighter's Guild in Anvil is cute. But I didn't mean that he is more cute than you.	
__たしかにAnvil Figher's GuildのAzzanはキュートだと思うけれど、あなたほどではないわ。
FormID: 0111F9C0	1emVCGeneral	4emmC2Thoughts	0	I like  Mazoga. A very nice personality when you get to know her, but oh dear - that breath - she does need a toothbrush or at least some peppermints	
FormID: 0111F9BE	1emVCGeneral	4emmC2Thoughts	0	I know my braids seem old-fashioned, but I think the effect is quite charming. And once I was able to use one braid to strangle a spriggan to death.	
FormID: 0111F9C6	1emVCGeneral	4emmC2Thoughts	0	They say that diamonds are a girl's best friend, but in my opinion, the girl's best friend is a fiery sword with soul-trap.	
FormID: 0111F9C9	1emVCGeneral	4emmC2Thoughts	0	Honestly what is the point of killing a unicorn for some God or other? In my opinion, unicorns are a lot more attractive than gods.	
FormID: 0111F9CA	1emVCGeneral	4emmC2Thoughts	0	I think the best place for swimming is that little Creek behind Pells Gate.But you sometimes have to teach a few wizards a lesson first.Peeping toms!	
__泳ぐなら、Pells Gateの裏手の小川が一番だと思うわ。まぁ、のぞきが趣味の不届きな魔術師さんをこらしめてあげないといけない事がたまにあるけど!
FormID: 0111F9CC	1emVCGeneral	4emmC2Thoughts	0	I think people are wrong to talk about Rasheda the blacksmith and Sabine. After all, can't ladies be friends? Some people can be very cruel.[QUOTE]	
FormID: 0111F9CD	1emVCGeneral	4emmC2Thoughts	0	I feel so sad when I see the body of an adventurer, all dead and curled up. I wonder, is anyone waiting for them at home? 	
FormID: 011200A5	1emVCGeneral	4emmC2Thoughts	0	If you snigger one more time over my accent, I shall make you order a meal from a Morrowind menu and see if you are such a linguistic genius.	
FormID: 011200A7	1emVCGeneral	4emmC2Thoughts	0	Honestly,some bandits are so silly! They always hang around in the same old places! You might as well have your bow ready when you walk up to them!	
FormID: 011200A8	1emVCGeneral	4emmC2Thoughts	0	Honestly,some bandits are so silly! They always hang around in the same old places! You might as well have your bow ready when you walk up to them!	
FormID: 0112CD66	1emVCGeneral	4emmC2Thoughts	0	Have you noticed how many mud crabs carry money? What are they saving up for, that's what I'd like to know.	
__Mud Crabの中にはお金を持っている奴がたくさんいるけど、あなたも気付いてたかしら?あいつら一体何のために貯金しているんでしょうね?知りたいわ。
FormID: 0112CD68	1emVCGeneral	4emmC2Thoughts	0	Those Monks of the Ancestor Moths... You know, I understand the end justifies the beans, but I hope you won't make a habit of robbing blind people!	
__Ancestor Mothの修道僧の事を思うと心が痛むわ…。「結果良ければ全て良し」とは言うけれど、目の見えない人達に盗みを働くような真似は、あなたにして欲しくないの。
FormID: 010284D3	1emVCGeneral	4emmC2Thoughts	0	You know, I never thought I would call a Bosmer guy my best friend!	
FormID: 010284D2	1emVCGeneral	4emmC2Thoughts	0	You know, I never thought I would call a Bosmer girl my best friend!	
FormID: 010284D1	1emVCGeneral	4emmC2Thoughts	0	You know, I never thought I would call a Redguard girl my best friend!	
FormID: 010284D0	1emVCGeneral	4emmC2Thoughts	0	You know, I never thought I would call a Redguard guy my best friend!	
FormID: 010284CF	1emVCGeneral	4emmC2Thoughts	0	You know, I never thought I would call an Orc guy my best friend!	
FormID: 010284CE	1emVCGeneral	4emmC2Thoughts	0	You know, I never thought I would call an Orc girl my best friend!	
FormID: 010284CD	1emVCGeneral	4emmC2Thoughts	0	You know, I never thought I would call a Khajiit girl my best friend!	
FormID: 010284CC	1emVCGeneral	4emmC2Thoughts	0	You know, I never thought I would call a Khajiit guy my best friend!	
FormID: 010284CB	1emVCGeneral	4emmC2Thoughts	0	You know, I never thought I would call an Imperial guy my best friend!	
FormID: 010284CA	1emVCGeneral	4emmC2Thoughts	0	You know, I never thought I would call an Imperial girl my best friend!	
FormID: 010284C9	1emVCGeneral	4emmC2Thoughts	0	You know, I never thought I would call an Altmer girl my best friend!	
FormID: 010284C8	1emVCGeneral	4emmC2Thoughts	0	You know, I never thought I would call an Altmer guy my best friend!	
FormID: 010284C7	1emVCGeneral	4emmC2Thoughts	0	You know, I never thought I would call a Dunmer guy my best friend!	
FormID: 010284C6	1emVCGeneral	4emmC2Thoughts	0	You know, I never thought I would call a Dunmer girl my best friend!	
FormID: 010284C5	1emVCGeneral	4emmC2Thoughts	0	You know, I never thought I would call a Breton girl my best friend!	
FormID: 010284C4	1emVCGeneral	4emmC2Thoughts	0	You know, I never thought I would call a Breton guy my best friend!	
FormID: 010284C3	1emVCGeneral	4emmC2Thoughts	0	You know, I never thought I would call an Argonian guy my best friend!	
FormID: 010284C2	1emVCGeneral	4emmC2Thoughts	0	You know, I never thought I would call an Argonian girl my best friend!	
FormID: 011875BB	1emVCGeneral	4emmC2Thoughts	0	In Vivec, they always used to make jokes about snotty altmers. But I must say I don't find you that snotty.... well, a little, maybe...	
FormID: 011875BC	1emVCGeneral	4emmC2Thoughts	0	In Vivec, they always used to make jokes about snotty bretons. But I must say I don't find you that snotty.... well, a little, maybe...	
FormID: 0102177D	1emVCGeneral	4emmC2Thoughts	0	You look tired... don't you think we should take a break soon?	
FormID: 0106657C	1emVCGeneral	4emmC2Thoughts	0	Poor Countess Valga of Castle Chorrol! She is still mourning her dead husband.	
FormID: 01021086	1emVCGeneral	4emmC2Thoughts	0	The ships look so lovely! I would love to be a sailor... or a pirate, even!	

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