L10N/Companion_Share_and_Recruit/3.23/Books/aaaJournal の変更点

// Format_ver:0.0.2 (2008-12-12)
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Running a party of adventurers is no mean feat, and I should try to remember how to order them in an efficient and useful manner.

SELF ORDER- Tap order
My followers will attempt to heal me, if any of them are able.

CONTEXT ORDER- Hold order, left click
My followers will perform various tasks, depending on what I'm looking at. Chests and corpses will be unlocked and looted, party members will be healed and buffed, hostile enemies will be attacked (or sneakattacked if I sneak as I give this order), and non-hostile ones will be pickpocketed (if I am sneaking at the time).

SUPPORT MODE- Hold order, right-click to toggle
In support mode, my followers will loot the fallen, and heal and repair each other as necessary. It may be wise to keep track of their inventories, as they will often loot things that are heavy or worthless in their enthusiasm.

[To change the key for giving type "Startquest aaaKeyInitialise" in the console]

// 注意:訳文の部分は中括弧({と})が原文部分と異なり4つづつ。



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